Other Distinguished Stories of 2019

Abu-Baker, Reem

Tiny Kind Universes. Denver Quarterly, vol. 53, no. 1.

Adelmann, Maria

Middleman. Alaska Quarterly Review, vol. 35, nos. 3 & 4.

Allen, Brittany K.

Castaways. McSweeney’s, no. 57.

Anders, Charlie Jane

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nasty Things. ZYZZYVA, no. 117.

Awake, Mikael

The Good Plan. McSweeney’s, no. 58.

Barton, Tyler

Kanorado. The Cincinnati Review, vol. 16, no. 2.

Once Nothing, Twice Shatter. The Iowa Review, vol. 49, no. 2.

Bertino, Marie-Helene

Can Only Houses Be Haunted? Tin House, no. 80.

Braunstein, Sarah

The Modern Era. Playboy, Winter 2019.


Caritj, Anna

White Angora. The Sewanee Review, vol. 127, no. 3.

Chen, Te-Ping

Lulu. The New Yorker, April 8.

Choi, Yoon

The End of Life. Narrative.

Clare, Olivia

Women and Men Made of Them. The Paris Review, no. 230.

Cline, Emma

Son of Friedman. The New Yorker, July 1.

What Can You Do with a General? The New Yorker, February 4.

Cohen, Miriam

The Teenagers. Third Coast, no. 47.

Cole, Lee

Bail. Cimarron Review, nos. 206, 207, and 208.

Conklin, Lydia

Island of Beginnings. ZYZZYVA, no. 117.

Cuti, Vanessa

We Manage. Cimarron Review, nos. 206, 207, and 208.


Deagler, Micheal

All Addicts. McSweeney’s, no. 56.

Delgado, Yohanca

The Niece. Story, no. 4.

Doerr, Anthony

The Master’s Castle. Tin House, no. 80.


Erdrich, Louise

The Stone. The New Yorker, September 9.

Evenson, Brian

Curator. Conjunctions, no. 73.


Fanning, Amy

Readying the Colors. Alaska Quarterly Review, vol. 35, nos. 3 and 4.

Fountain, Ben

Social Blunders That Lead to Violence in the Modern World. Zoetrope: All-Story, vol. 23, no. 3.


Garcia, Gabriela

Mrs. Sorry. ZYZZYVA, no. 116.

Garza, Kimberly

The Queens of Santo Nino. Copper Nickel, no. 29.

Goldstein, Zoe

Undrowning. Thoughtprints, vol. 48.

Greenfeld, Karl Taro

Tragic Flaw. American Short Fiction, vol. 22, no. 69.

Greenwell, Garth

Harbor. The New Yorker, September 16.

Grimm, Mary

Sisters. Colorado Review, vol. 46, no. 3.


Hagenston, Becky

The Age of Discovery. The Southampton Review, vol. 13, no. 25.

Fillies. Washington Square Review, no. 43.

Hamilton, Elisabeth

People’s Party. Cimarron Review, nos. 206, 207, and 208.

Haven, Chris

The Marks. Kenyon Review Online, January/February.

Hemenway, Arna Bontemps

Wolves of Karelia. The Atlantic, August.

Heng, Rachel

The Rememberers. McSweeney’s, no. 58.

Horrocks, Caitlin

Teacher. The Arkansas International, no. 6.

Horton, Savannah

The Shower. The Cincinnati Review, vol. 16, no. 1.


Lacey, Catherine

Being Shot. Playboy, Fall.

Cut. The New Yorker, April 22.

Lee, Min Jin

The Best Girls. Amazon Original Stories: Disorder.

Lewis, Jessi

Daria’s Knives. The Hopkins Review, vol. 12, no. 2.

L’Heureux, John

The Escape. The New Yorker, May 6.

Li, Yiyun

All Will Be Well. The New Yorker, March 11.

The Department of No Solution. Zoetrope: All-Story, vol. 23, no. 3.


Machado, Carmen Maria

Haunt. Conjunctions, no. 72.

Makkai, Rebecca

Webster’s Last Stand. American Short Fiction, vol. 22, no. 68.

Mandelbaum, Becky

Goodbye, Sugar Land. The Sun, no. 526.

Maren, Mesha

Milk River. The Southern Review, vol. 55, no. 3.

McQuade, Helen

Helen in Texarkana. Memorious, no. 30.

Means, David

The Red Dot. Harper’s Magazine, December.

Vows. Granta, no. 148.

Merino, Faith

Signs and Wonders. Notre Dame Review, no. 47.

Moniz, Dantiel

Thicker Than Water. McSweeney’s, no. 56.

Moore, Linda McCullough

World Without End. Alaska Quarterly Review, vol. 36, nos. 1 and 2.


Oates, Joyce Carol

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. The New Yorker, October 14.

Ong, Han

Javi. The New Yorker, June 10 and 17.

Orange, Tommy

New Jesus. McSweeney’s, no. 58.

Otis, Abbey Mei

Save Yourself. McSweeney’s, no. 58.


Pearson, Joanna

Dear Shadows. Crazyhorse, no. 96.

Penkov, Miroslav

Black Water, Plum Rain. The Southern Review, vol. 55, no. 3.

Pierce, Thomas

Visitors Welcome. Granta, no. 148.

Pillow, Megan

Lily in the Light. X-R-A-Y.

Plunkett, Genevieve

Prepare Her. The Southern Review, vol. 55, no. 4.

Sting. Chicago Quarterly Review, vol. 29.

Poliner, Elizabeth

Anomie. Story, no. 5.

Potter, Steven

The House at the End of the Night. Conjunctions, no. 72.

Price, Adam O’Fallon

Marrow. Kenyon Review Online, March/April.


Rabe, David

Uncle Jim Called. The New Yorker, July 8 and 15.

Rao, Shoba

The O Ring. Freeman’s, no. 6.

Ratcliffe, Signe

The Other Side of the Dog’s Head. Chicago Quarterly Review, vol. 29.

Rea, Amanda

The Crab Theory. American Short Fiction, vol. 22, no. 68.

Richards, Willa C.

Failure to Thrive. The Paris Review, no. 231.

Ritzenhaler, Melanie

A Good Place Gone. Cimarron Review, nos. 206, 207, and 208.

The Ribboncutters. West Branch, no. 91.

Rosenthal, Abby

Birdman. Southern Humanities Review, vol. 52, no. 3.


Samarasan, Preeta

Sarala and Jeya. Copper Nickel, no. 28.

Sanchez, Santiago Jose

You Will Not Cry. Subtropics, no. 27.

Serpell, Namwali

Take it. Freeman’s, no. 6.

Severn, Eric

McGuffin. Chicago Quarterly Review, no. 28.

Silber, Joan

Freedom from Want. Tin House, no. 80.

Soileau, Benjamin

God’s Breath. Grist, no. 12.

Stevens, J. Jezewska

The Furnace Room. Tin House, no. 80.

Strout, Elizabeth

Motherless Child. The New Yorker, August 5 and 12.


Talty, Morgan

The Name Means Thunder. The Georgia Review, vol. 73, no. 3.

Taylor, Brandon

Anne of Cleves. Guernica, September 19.

Thielke, D. J.

The Bullet Game. Fiction, no. 64.

Torday, Daniel

Neighbor. Conjunctions, no. 72.

Travieso, Robert

Anvil. Tin House, vol. 20, no. 3.

Troy, Judy

Finding Bill Henry. Subtropics, no. 27.

Tulathimutte, Tony

The Feminist. n+1, no. 35.


Upton, Lee

A Girl from Urbino. Ascent.


Van den Berg, Laura

The Cult of Mary. BOMB, no. 146.

Vaz, Katherine

Revenge in the Name of All Owls. The Common, no. 18.


Walbert, Kate

To Do. The New Yorker, September 2.

Wang, Weike

The Trip. The New Yorker, November 18.

Wilson, Martha

Binoculars. Event, vol. 47, no. 3.

Wortman, Jennifer

Afterlife. TriQuarterly, no. 156.