
Thank you so much for reading the first installment of the Genesis Trilogy. If you enjoyed the book, I hope you’ll leave a review. Even short ones help readers discover the book.

Big thank you to my daughter, Panda and my husband Ken for encouraging me to put this book out. This idea has been with me for years, but it wasn’t my usual genre, so I was hesitant to send it out into the world. But diving back into this world was so much fun for me and I’m excited to finish the trilogy.

Thanks to my amazing editor Danielle Poiesz-Luby from Double Vision Editorial for all your amazing insights to make Perfect even better. I love working with you!

Thank you to my amazing patrons on Patreon! I couldn’t put out these indie books without your support! And to my incredible Night Angel reader group on Facebook thanks again for reading and posting your reviews. You all make publishing so much fun!

All my gratitude to the Wordmakers and the Write Owls for all the writing sprints. I love writing with all of you!

And finally extra thanks go to my husband, Ken! I had so much fun making the Perfect Podcast with you! Your steadfast, unwavering support for me and my books makes me the luckiest writer around. I love you!