Angiosperm: Any of a class (Angiospermae) or division (Magnoliophyta) of vascular plants that have the ovules and seeds enclosed in an ovary, form the embryo and endosperm by double fertilization, and typically have each flower surrounded by a perianth composed of two sets of floral envelopes comprising the calyx and corolla – also called a flowering plant.

Calyx: The outermost envelope of a flower, comprising a number of sepals.

Compound: Describes a leaf that is divided into two or more parts (known as leaflets) attached to a single petiole.

Cuticle: A thin, non-cellular layer covering the outer surface of plant stems and leaves, which helps to prevent water loss.

Deciduous: Describes a tree or shrub that sheds its leaves during unfavourable seasons, or a forest composed of deciduous trees.

Endemic: A species of organism that is confined to a particular geographical region.

Family: In taxonomic classification, a category of related organisms comprising one or more genera. Scientific names of plant families usually end in –ceae.

Genus (plural genera): In taxonomic classification, a category of related organisms comprising one or more species.

Glabrous: Smooth, lacking hairs or bristles.

Herbaceous: Describes plants that are non-woody and wither after each growing season.

Hermaphrodite: A plant or animal that has both male and female reproductive organs.

Indehiscent: Describes a fruit that does not open when ripe to release the seeds.

Lanceolate: Tapering to a point like the head of a lance.

Leaflet: A division of a compound leaf.

Oblong: Having a shape that is longer than it is wide, with a roughly rectangular form.

Palmate: Describes leaves that have five or more lobes arising from a single point, spreading like fingers from a hand.

Pericarp: The part of a fruit that surrounds the seeds.

Petiole: The leaf stalk.

Petiolule: The stalk of a leaflet, joining the leaflet to the leaf stalk.

Phylogeny: The evolutionary history of a species, genus or group.

Pubescent: Having hairs or bristles.

Species: A subdivision of a genus considered to be the basic biological classification, containing individuals that resemble each other and that may interbreed.

Stamen: The male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of a stalk or filament bearing a pollen-producing anther.

Stoma (plural stomata): A tiny pore in the outer layer of a leaf or stem through which gaseous exchange takes place.

Succulent: A plant that has thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves, stems or roots.

Tegument: The outer covering of a seed.

Variety: In botanical terms, a taxonomic category of related organisms of a rank below species. Varieties may arise naturally or by selective plant breeding.

Zoochory: The dispersal of plant fruits and seeds by animals.

Baobabs provide important resources for wildlife. They give food and shelter for dozens of species of invertebrate, nesting sites for birds, and can house reptiles such as this rare Banded Day Gecko (Phelsuma standingi). (L.J.)