
Our answers to many of the questions in this book are based on knowledge gained while writing a college-level ichthyology textbook, The Diversity of Fishes. We are therefore grateful to our coauthors in that project, Doug Facey of Saint Michael’s College and Brian Bowen of the University of Hawaii for their efforts in that venture. Our work here would have been much more laborious without their help. In many ways, they are also coauthors of this guide.

We remain indebted to our professional colleagues and mentors to whom we have turned innumerable times for answers both ichthyological and more general: George Barlow, J. B. Heiser, Dave Johnson, William McFarland, Lynne Parenti, Jack Randall, Vic Springer, Rich Vari, and Stan Weitzman.

For permission to use illustrations and for providing information on various subjects we thank Cecil Berry, Lauren and Colin Chapman, Joe DeVivo, Bud Freeman, David Hall, Jean-Francois Healias, Malia and Devon Helfmeyer, Zeb Hogan, Mike Horn, Dave Johnson, Michael Kanzler, Stephanie Madsden, Matthew McDavitt, Alexandra Morton, Ted Pietsch, Phil Pister, Rich Pyle, Sandra Reardon, Tyson Roberts, Dave Sumang, Paul Vecsei, Ali Watters, and John Wourms.

Our thanks to Vincent Burke and Jennifer Malat of the Johns Hopkins University Press for trusting us to complete this and tolerating our moments of unreasonableness, usually in good humor. They deserve more cooperative if not compliant authors.

We happily dedicate this work to our wives, Judy Meyer and Sara Collette, in gratitude for their encouragement and unstinting patience in light of other responsibilities that were neglected. We promise to make up for it, soon.