Curled Dock (Rumex crispus)

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Curled dock is broadleaf plant that grows 2 to 5 feet high. It has a basal rosette of leaves and swollen stem joints. The leaves are alternate, lance shaped and hairless. It produces very small flowers clustered in a whorl. The one-seeded fruit has a triangular cross-section. It is glossy-smooth and reddish brown.

Where To Find

Curled dock can be found nearly worldwide. It thrives in areas with high or low rainfall. You can find it in fields, waste places, along roadsides, pond and stream banks.

What And How To Eat

The young leaves and seeds are edible. Leaves can be eaten fresh or cooked. Change the cooking water twice to reduce the strong taste. Roasted seeds can be ground into flour.

Warning: Eat in moderation as it may contain oxalic acid in small quantities.

Medicinal Use

Curled dock is a gentle laxative that is good for mild constipation, piles and diarrhea. Poultice or salve made from the root can be used externally for wounds, sores and other skin problems.