Wood Sorrel (Oxalis species)

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Wood sorrel is a medium-sized weed that grows to 4-14 inches high. It has leaves that resembles a shamrock. They are smooth green compound leaves that open during the day and fold at night. The leaves also fold when under stress. The yellow, white or pink flowers are shaped like a bell. The seed pods have an upward slant.

Where To Find

Wood sorrel grows in Temperate Zones throughout the world. It thrives in moist soil with partial shade.

What And How To Eat

The entire plant is edible cooked –  flowers, leaves, seedpods and tubers. Use it in salads, soups, stews, to make tea and as seasoning.

Warning: Limit the consumption to just a handful daily because of the high oxalic acid concentration.

Medicinal Use

Internally, a decoction of the leaves is used in low doses to treat of fevers. Crushed leaves can be applied to abscesses and boils or used as treatment for wounds.