
We saw how to define classes from which we can create instances called objects, and that this can be useful when attempting to model real-world entities. We can also define value types, using the struct keyword, and the main difference is that when we assign variables or pass arguments, value types always copy the whole value, whereas ordinary classes (which are reference types) only copy a reference to the underlying object. We also saw a simpler kind of type: enum. This lets us define named sets of constant values, and is useful when we need a value representing a choice from a fixed set of options.

So, now we know how to abstract basic ideas of information storage (through fields and simple properties) and manipulation (through functions and calculated properties), using classes and objects. In the next chapter, we’re going to look at how we can extend these ideas further using a concept called polymorphism to model a hierarchy of related classes that can extend or refine some basic contract.