Where do I even begin to show my gratitude for the people who allowed my dream to become a reality? Let me start right here and work backwards: thank you, reader, for picking up this book and making it all the way to the end. I can write as many stories as I want, but having you read it means more to me than I can say.
To the entire Camcat Books team who allowed my book to be more than pages of printer paper bound by my local copy store, thank you. In particular, an enormous thank you to Cassandra Farrin who was so delicate and dead-on in her edits and suggestions. This book would not be what it is if it weren’t for you. Words do not suffice to thank you adequately. To Maryann Appel who did the most beautiful work designing this book. You were generous in your tolerance of my incessant and often unsolicited opinions of the design. Thank you. And finally, to Sue Arroyo. For calling me “honey” and “sweetie” and making me feel welcome from the very beginning. I love being a part of your Camcat family, and I cannot thank you enough for having me.
Dayna Anderson is the reason this book is in your hands. Dayna, thank you for “liking” my Twitter pitch and seeing the potential in my unpolished manuscript. You were the original champion of this book, and I will never forget the gift you have given me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
To the early readers of this novel that didn’t shy away from providing me blunt and valuable feedback, thank you. Not only did you allow me to make this story better, you gave me so much of your time when you agreed to read my novel. Giving me your free time is a precious gift, and I want you to know it did not go unappreciated.
I would be remiss not to thank the people that inspired me to write—the online book community. Through my blog and social media, I connected with all of you and found a place that I didn’t realize I needed to be until I was there. The bookish world is my second home, so thank you for inviting me in to share your favorite books, gush over the same book boyfriends and girlfriends, share your own writing experiences, and be my bookish besties. Internet friends are real friends, and I have found so many friends in you.
Lastly, an enormous thank you to my husband. For all the days that you did the housework so I could write. For reading my romantic fantasy more times that you can count, even though you don’t enjoy romance. For encouraging me to keep going after every rejection, critique, and bad review. And finally, for being the Atlas of our world–your strength is enough for all of us.