It’s our last night manning the controls at the Last Stand Saloon. We’ve got a mechanical bull tournament running, and I’m working the intermediate bracket while Dallas, my replacement, works the beginner bracket. AnnaRose escorts an intermediate rider to the bull and gives them a quick safety check before she saunters my way.
“Last one, thank god. I have to pee again.” She rolls her eyes and rubs her still mostly flat belly. She’s just starting to show, and we agreed to leave the rowdy night shifts to the guys and gals who want them before her six-month mark. Plus, I don’t want my pregnant wife anywhere near stumbling, bumbling, drunk idiots who could knock her off her feet with their carelessness. Of course, I didn’t present it to her that way. She’d have knocked me on my ass for insinuating she can’t take care of herself, which isn’t my thought process at all. All I care about is protecting her and our young one growing in her belly.
Besides, there is plenty to do during the day around these parts. Six months ago Max took on a non-silent partner who bought out the previous owners, taking a forty percent interest in the growth of our onetime roadside saloon. I think it was a good investment, AnnaRose agreed, and we’ve enjoyed working with our de facto family to turn the Last Stand Saloon into a family friendly establishment. During the daylight hours it’s a great place to stop for lunch, peruse the gift shop, and check out the petting zoo down the road, but once the sun goes down, it’s just as much fun as it ever was with a fusion of down-home honky tonk and nightclub vibe.
I slip my fingers into her belt loop and pull her into me, my lips at her ear as I push my always present erection against her ass. My wife does that to me, especially in this room, and I think it’s because of the slow-strip tease she did for me one time while riding the bull when no one else was here. Ever since that night, when we walk in here together, I’m rocking a hard-on. “Let me throw this guy off and then we can go into the back room and take a break.”
She grins at me over her shoulder. “Taking a break is what got me pregnant.”
“Well, you can’t get more pregnant, so I’m not seeing the problem.”
I let her go as the guy raises his hand and hit the controls. He’s a good rider and clears eight-seconds and then some before hopping off the bull to land on his feet. I raise my brow and cast AnnaRose a look of curiosity that she matches as she looks back at me. The guy strolls up to me. “I know who you are.”
I step away from the controls, allowing Dallas to make announcements, and put my hand on AnnaRose’s back. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah.” He said, glancing at the possessive hand I have on my wife. “You were on track to be a World champion. Why’d you quit?”
I glance at my wife and then around the room before I put a wide smile on my face. “Because some things more important.”

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