Dear Alice,

Bingo! No more play dates!

Boy, that cat did look a lot like a French Bulldog. I’m pretty sure I even heard it woof!

By the way, I DO know what an assistance cat is … they’re basically the smartest cats in the world. They have to do really important jobs for their owners, like tell them if there’s a fire, turn on the TV and make pancakes. I’m actually a bit of an expert of assistance animals and even had my own assistant cockroach once. I was training it to go and sneak chips from the pantry, but then it ran away.

I’m sorry to hear you got in trouble, but it really was worth it. Now I can get back to all my important plans to rescue my ghost that I haven’t been able to do while all this play date business has been going on. These are the top three ghost rescue ideas I’m going to start on right away:

1. Training a team of spiders to steal the jar back for me using their webs.

2. A pulley system that can replace the class craft cupboard with an identical cupboard without anyone noticing.

3. A key made of gas that can open any lock in the whole world, especially the one on the craft cupboard.

Anyway, nice knowing you.

Yours distractedly,

Captain Jimmy Cook
