<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?--><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:epub="http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <link href="../Styles/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> <title>Yours Troolie, Alice Toolie</title> <meta content="urn:uuid:d32ef0c2-80d9-497b-992a-3c8e7f0f46a2" name="Adept.expected.resource"/> </head> <body> <p class="cta"><a id="page_26"/><a href="../Text/content-toc.xhtml#t27" id="c27">Dear Jimmy,</a></p> <p class="tx2a">I heard about that kid too! That’s why I never use the preschool toilets and no-one else should either!</p> <p class="tx2a">So back to the ghost, my friend Ava Tonkatsu said the exact same thing about the singing! She said the ghost was actually singing that song from Annie. You know the one that goes ‘bet your bottom dollar da da da’ and all that? It’s great, but a bit spooky when a ghost sings it!</p> <p class="ser"><a id="page_27"/><img alt="image" src="../Images/p31.jpg"/></p> <p class="tx2a">Anyway, right after Ava heard the singing ghost, Ava’s tooth fell out! You know that tooth she’s always wiggling with her tongue but it never comes out? Well, it just fell out! So that’s totally proof. She was totally freaked out about the ghost but also pretty happy about her tooth falling out (because she’s saving up for this Talking Jumping Putty, which sounds amazing!). Apparently the tooth fairy gave her a ten-dollar note last time she lost a tooth :)</p> <p class="tx2a">Also, I did not tell her your ridiculous story about the tooth fairy being some grumpy little man.</p> <p class="tx2a">Anyway, all the girls (except me) are totally scared now and won’t even go in the Level 2 toilets anymore <sup>:</sup>O</p> <p class="tx2a">Yours troolie,</p> <p class="tx1a">Alice Toolie</p> <p class="ser"><img alt="image" src="../Images/p31-1.jpg"/></p> <p class="ser"><img alt="image" src="../Images/p31.jpg"/></p> </body> </html>