Dear Alice,

This is serious. If you don’t stop telling on me we’re both going to lose the ghost! So I suggest that we share the ghost. You can have it on Mondays and I’ll have it for the rest of the week.

Now that’s sorted, I am going to tell you two facts about me that you will not know, and one that is totally a lie. You need to guess which ones are true and which one is a lie. It’s pretty obvious.

1. Just this morning, I discovered Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in the playground.

2. I have found real pirate treasure at least six times.

3. My real name is Norman Cronkwhistle and I’m 605 years old.

Yours irritably,

Captain Jimmy Cook

P.S. Now you owe me $106 for all those moustache man emojis. I’m keeping a VERY close eye.