I’m stronger than this.

The words have become my lifeline, warming me with their promise as I whisper them in my frozen cell.

Ruined Northerlies tear at my hair, my skin, the flimsy fabric of my dress. The rough stone floor cuts into my bare legs. Still, I don’t move—don’t blink—as I count my shallow breaths. Waiting for Raiden to return.

Whatever he has planned, whatever horrors lie ahead . . .

I’m stronger.

I have to be.

For Gus.

For the Gales.

For Vane.

Thinking his name should claw at my heart with longing and regret.

Instead, I feel nothing.

No pull.

No pain.

Just an empty void where something precious used to be.

But it’s gone now.

All that remains is a ghost of a memory that would almost feel more like a dream—if it weren’t for the calm breeze wrapped around me.

I can no longer understand its words, but I know the gentle Westerly is loyal.

And that gives me the courage I need.

Raiden has power and pain on his side.

But I have the wind.

Change is in the air—I can feel it as clearly as I can hear the brave melodies of the untainted drafts slipping through the cracks of Raiden’s supposedly impenetrable fortress.

A hum building to a crescendo.

The wind starting to rise.