It’s done.

I can feel it in the air.

A newfound peace I don’t know how to describe.

The winds aren’t calm—but I’ve never felt such joyous ease.

The air feels lighter, softer. Like Raiden’s existence had been a physical burden, dragging down the sky and burying it in gloom.

And Vane . . .

Our bond feels stronger than ever. Almost electric with the rush of his urgent journey.

He’s coming home.

He’s safe.

And he’s mine.

The Gales are frenzied with preparations—already a unanimous vote has passed, approving Vane’s plan for a ruling power of four.

Coronations and celebrations are being planned, even as the surviving guardians head to Brezengarde to wipe out any remaining Stormers.

There are stories that need to be told, life-changing decisions that must be made.

But I’ve asked them all to wait.

I want one day.

One day with Vane, when we’re not Easterlies or Westerlies or guardians or groundlings or kings and queens.

One day when I can give him a small sliver of the normal I know he craves.

His parents returned not long ago, thanks to a lucky fluke of timing. I’d been resting in his room when I was woken by the twittering sound of his phone ringing. It took me several tries to figure out how to answer—and I’m sure the conversation on my end was lacking—but I managed to convince them it was safe to come home.

They rushed here straightaway.

I’d expected our reunion to feel stilted.


Two worlds struggling to find a common place.

I’d had speeches prepared—most of them apologies.

But they weren’t needed.

The second they walked through the door, they wrapped me in their arms and thanked me. There were questions of course. But mostly laughter and tears.

They keep telling me I’m part of the family—which I guess I am.

Sort of.

Bonding is a complicated thing.

There’s still one more step to seal our commitment—but we’ll get to that when we’re ready.

In the meantime his mom flutters around me, trying to stay busy.

They’d stocked up on bandages and other supplies preparing for this moment, and she insists on helping me dress my wounds.

I can see the fury in her eyes when she finds the marks Raiden left. And she cries all over again when I tell her about Gus.

“Vane should be fine,” I add, because I know she must be worrying. “When I left him, he only had minor injuries. And if he’d suffered anything more serious, I think I’d be able to tell.”

Still, I know she’ll feel better when she can see him herself.

As will I.


I can feel he’s closer, but still not quite close enough.

I ask if I can borrow one of Vane’s shirts, since my other clothes were ruined, and his mom blushes and tells me she bought me a dress.

“I don’t know if this is a weird gift—and it’s not as fancy as the other one I saw you wearing—but as soon as I saw it, I thought of you.”

The pale blue fabric is the softest, smoothest thing I’ve ever felt. And it’s printed with tiny soaring birds.

“It’s perfect.”

She leaves me to change, and I stare at myself for far longer than I probably should, trying to recognize the girl staring back at me.

She carries more scars than my other self.

And yet, she carries fewer shadows.

She looks . . . happy.

His mother’s eyes get misty when I emerge from the bathroom, and even his father looks moved.

“You’re welcome to wait for him in his room,” he tells me, earning himself an elbow from Vane’s mother and starting a hushed debate about sleeping arrangements.

Yet another complicated thing we’ll have to figure out.

But right now, I have other plans.

“Actually, I was wondering if you could do me one more favor,” I tell his mom.

Of course she immediately agrees.

She smiles even wider when I tell her what I’m thinking.

“Leave it to me.”