As shown in the following diagram, the Generative Adversarial Networks, popularly known as GANs, have two models working in sync to learn and train on complex data such as images, videos or audio files:
Intuitively, the generator model generates data starting from random noise but slowly learns how to generate more realistic data. The generator output and the real data is fed into the discriminator that learns how to differentiate fake data from real data.
Mathematically, the generative model learns the probability distribution such that the discriminator is unable to identify between the probability distributions, and . The objective function of the GAN can be described by the following equation describing the value function V, (from
This description represents a simple GAN (also known as a vanilla GAN in literature), first introduced by Goodfellow in the seminal paper available at this link: Since then, there has been tremendous research in deriving different architectures based on GANs and applying them to different application areas.
For example, in conditional GANs the generator and the discriminator networks are provided with the labels such that the objective function of the conditional GAN can be described by the following equation describing the value function V:
The original paper describing the conditional GANs is located at the following link:
Several other derivatives and their originating papers used in applications, such as Text to Image, Image Synthesis, Image Tagging, Style Transfer, and Image Transfer and so on are listed in the following table:
GAN Derivative | Originating Paper | Demonstrated Application |
StackGAN | | Text to Image |
StackGAN++ | | Photo-realistic Image Synthesis |
DCGAN | | Image Synthesis |
HR-DCGAN | | High-Resolution Image Synthesis |
Conditonal GAN | | Image Tagging |
InfoGAN | | Style Identification |
Wasserstein GAN | Image Generation | |
Coupled GAN | | Image Transformation, Domain Adaptation |
BE GAN | | Image Generation |
DiscoGAN | | Style Transfer |
CycleGAN | | Style Transfer |
Let us practice creating a simple GAN using the MNIST dataset. For this exercise, we shall normalize the MNIST dataset to lie between [-1,+1], using the following function:
def norm(x):
return (x-0.5)/0.5
We also define the random noise with 256 dimensions that would be used to test the generator models:
n_z = 256
z_test = np.random.uniform(-1.0,1.0,size=[8,n_z])
The function to display the generated images that would be used in all the examples in this chapter:
def display_images(images):
for i in range(images.shape[0]):
plt.subplot(1, 8, i + 1)