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1. Fisher Library, University of Toronto (61 cases)
2. Notebook, Academy of Medicine Toronto
3. National Research Council, Ottawa (4 cases)
C.H. Best and M.M. Best Papers
1. Privately held; to be transferred to Fisher Library
2. Best Institute, University of Toronto; transferred to Fisher Library
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J.B. Collip Papers
1. University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Medicine Library
2. University of Western Ontario, Library, Special Collections Division
3. Privately held
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Wellcome Institute, London, England, Documents Relating to the Discovery of Insulin
Dr. Ian Anderson |
Dr. Rolf Luft |
Edward Banting |
Dr. Ian MacDonald |
William Banting |
Dean C.J. Mackenzie |
Dr. Murray Barr |
Dr. Neil MacKinnon |
Dr. Edward Bensley |
Linda Mahon |
Margaret Mahon Best |
Dr. George Manning |
Dr. Henry Best |
Clara Mills |
Dr. Walter Campbell (by Robert L. Noble) |
Dr. Peter Moloney |
Dr. A.H. Neufeld |
Dr. Kenneth Carroll |
Dr. E. Clark Noble (by Robert L. Noble) |
Spencer Clark |
Dr. Robert Cleghorn |
Dr. Robert L. Noble |
Stella Clutton |
Jean Orr |
Dr. T.A. Crowthers |
Professor J.M. Peterson |
Dr. Harry Ebbs |
Dr. Burns Plewes |
Dr. Harold Ettinger |
Professor & Mrs. F.E.L. Priestley |
Dr. Harold Ettinger (by Robert L. Noble) |
Dr. I.M. Rabinowitch |
Dr. Jessie Ridout |
Dr. Albert Fisher |
Dr. John W. Scott (Toronto) |
Dr. W.R. Franks |
Dr. John W. Scott (Edmonton) |
Sadie Gairns |
Wallace Seccombe |
Dr. Robert Garry |
Dr. Edward Sellers |
Dr. Martin Goldner |
Dr. O.M. Solandt |
Elizabeth Hughes Gossett |
Dr. Randall Sprague |
Maynard Grange |
Dr. C.B. Stewart |
Mr. & Mrs. T.S.H. Graham |
Professor Keith Taylor |
Dr. Reginald E. Haist |
Lady Todd |
Sir Harold Himsworth |
Dr. Alan Walters |
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Janes |
Dr. Harold Warwick |
Dr. Robert Kerr |
Geoffrey Wasteneys |
Dr. Hans Kosterlitz |
Drs. Barbara and Jackson Wyatt |
Dr. Hugh Lawford |
Professor Sir Frank Young |
Fannie Lawrence |
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