
It takes a village to raise a child, and it took a global village to write this book. Pedal It! exists because of the passion and generosity of cycling enthusiasts around the world who answered emails from this random Canadian children’s author. People from Afghanistan to Zambia sent me photos, tips, contacts and encouragement, and I’d like to say a big thank-you to each of them, so hold onto your handlebars. Here goes…

Thanks to the dear cycling friends who gathered in my living room to bounce around ideas for this book: Tim Judge, Bob McInnes and Mark Weston. You and your love of cycling are an inspiration. I’m grateful to Kari Jones, who mentioned the term “appropriate technology” and instantly clarified what I was trying to say. Thanks also to Drew at Tall Tales Books, who helped with market research. Long live independent bookstores!

I’m grateful to Simon Wigzell and Felicity Perrman of the Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition, as well as Michael Coo at Tour d’Afrique, for their enthusiasm and help in finding photos. For the spectacular images, contacts and information from around the world, I send heartfelt thanks to Ian Paul, Emillie Parrish, Emily Boyle, Margriet Ruurs, Andreas Lutz, J.D. Gibbard, Marilyn Kan, Lorne Shields, Helen Cooney, Joachim Löffel, Kerri Finlayson, Lon Brehmer and Enriqueta Flores-Guevara, Zach Vanderkooy, Henry Cutler, Avi Silberstein, Chris Wille, Michael Linke, David Sowerine, Sitthivet Santikarn, John Mutter, Luuk Eickmans, Sarah Kay Hansen, Carolyn Yarina, Gary Roberts, Mila Czemerys, James Schwartz, Betty and Bob McInnes, Susan Braley, Aaron Wheeler, Martin Kuenzler, Lucas Torresi, Sarah Schwendeman, The Public Bike System Company, Street Kids International, City of Münster Press Office and the nice fellow at NASA who answered my strange questions about bicycle-powered flight. Bill Haduch’s book Go Fly a Bike! The Ultimate Book About Bicycle Fun, Freedom & Science was an enormous help in my understanding of the scientific principles that keep a bike upright. I’m also grateful to Florence Feldman-Wood, Peter Teal and Kris De Decker, who offered expert opinions on an obscure idea. Thanks, too, to Kathleen Wilker at Momentum Mag for spreading the word about this book project.

When I couldn’t find the photos I needed, many people generously stepped in to help. Thank you to the kids who agreed to be photographed for the book: Maia, Luke, Paige, Oliver and Orin. Thanks also to Colby, Claudio, Gregorio and Kimberly and her family for allowing me to include their photos. An extra-special thank-you goes to Sarah Claudette and Samuel Abbott, who arranged a photo shoot in Guatemala especially for this project.

I am grateful to Orca Book Publishers for taking a chance on my first nonfiction book. Many thanks to Sarah Harvey for her guidance and insightful editing, and to Teresa Bubela for her beautiful book design.

I especially want to thank my husband, Gastón Castaño, for his encouragement and intrepid wielding of the camera at a moment’s notice. And thanks to all my friends, too, for listening to me talk and talk and talk about how excited I am about bicycles and this book!

Thank you, everyone.