
  1. A
  2. abdominal organs
    1. MRI applications in
  3. acquisition matrix
  4. acquisition parameter modification
    1. in motion artifact reduction
  5. actively shielded gradient coil
  6. ADC. See analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  7. advanced imaging applications. See also specific types, e.g., perfusion
    1. diffusion
    2. diffusion-weighted imaging–related
    3. fMRI
    4. noble gas imaging
    5. perfusion
    6. ultra-high field imaging
  8. AET. See Applications Entity Title (AET)
  9. agitated patients
    1. MRI in
  10. aliasing
  11. amplitude
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  12. analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
  13. Applications Entity Title (AET)
  14. arterial spin labeling (ASL)
    1. continuous
    2. in perfusion studies
    3. pulsed
  15. artifact(s). See also specific types, e.g., motion artifacts
    1. “blooming”
    2. chemical shift
    3. coherence
    4. described
    5. external
    6. flow misregistration
    7. magnetic susceptibility difference
    8. motion
    9. phase cancellation
    10. radial
    11. sequence protocol–related
    12. truncation
  16. ASL. See arterial spin labeling (ASL)
  17. atom
    1. structure of
  18. B
  19. $b$ value
    1. in diffusion
  20. base magnetic field
    1. safety precautions related to
  21. benzoxypropionic tetraacetate (BOPTA)
    1. in MRI
  22. black-blood MRA techniques
  23. BLADE
  24. {“blooming”} artifact
  25. BOLD fMRI studies
  26. Boltzmann distribution
  27. BOPTA. See benzoxypropionic tetraacetate (BOPTA)
  28. bowel
    1. MRI applications in
  29. brain
    1. MRI applications in
  30. breast
    1. MRI applications in
  31. bright-blood MRA images
  32. Brownian motion
  33. bulk magnetic susceptibility
  34. C
  35. Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) technique
  36. CASL. See continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL)
  37. center frequency
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  38. cerebral ischemia
    1. diffusion-weighted imaging in evaluation of
  39. chemical shift
    1. in MR
    2. in MRS
  40. chemical shift artifacts
    1. of second kind
  41. chemical shift imaging (CSI)
  42. chronic kidney disease (CKD)
    1. classification of
  43. CKD. See chronic kidney disease (CKD)
  44. clinical applications
    1. abdominal organs
  45. clinical applications (continued)
    1. brain
    2. breast
    3. common bile duct
    4. for ETSE
    5. examination design considerations in
    6. general principles of
    7. great vessels
    8. heart
    9. kidneys
    10. knee
    11. liver
    12. musculoskeletal
    13. neck
    14. for out-of-phase gradient echo
    15. pelvis
    16. in sedated or agitated patients
    17. shoulder
    18. for single-echo spin echo sequence
    19. specific sequences and clinical situations
    20. spine
    21. for spoiled gradient echo
    22. for standard multiecho spin echo
    23. for STIR imaging
    24. for T1-weighted techniques
      1. fat saturation
    25. for T2-weighted techniques
      1. fat saturation
    26. thorax
  46. coherence artifacts
  47. coil(s)
    1. actively shielded gradient
    2. phased-array
    3. surface
  48. common bile duct
    1. MRI applications in
  49. composite pulses
  50. computer systems
    1. in MRI system
  51. continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL)
  52. continuous wave (CW) mode operation
    1. in RF selective excitation
  53. contrast agents
    1. advantages of
    2. adverse reactions to
    3. BOPTA in
    4. categorization of
    5. Feridex
    6. GBCAs
    7. intravenous agents
    8. negative agents
    9. oral agents
    10. safety precautions related to
    11. T1 relaxation agents
    12. T2 relaxation agents
  54. contrast-to-noise ratio
  55. CPMG technique. See Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) technique
  56. crosstalk
  57. cryogen(s)
    1. described
    2. safety precautions related to
  58. CSI. See chemical shift imaging (CSI)
  59. CW. See continuous wave (CW)
  60. D
  61. data acquisition system
    1. in MRI system
  62. data collection methods
  63. demodulated signal
  64. DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine)
  65. DICOM Service Class Uses and Service Class Provider
  66. diffusion
    1. defined
    2. described
    3. measurements of
  67. diffusion-weighted imaging
    1. applications of
  68. digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM)
  69. directional dependence
    1. in diffusion measurement
  70. Dixon method
    1. for fat suppression
  71. duration
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  72. E
  73. echo planar imaging (EPI) sequences
    1. MP pulses incorporated into
  74. echo spacing
  75. echo time (TE),
  76. echo train inversion recovery sequence
  77. echo train length
  78. echo train spin echo (ETSE)
    1. clinical applications for
  79. encoding
    1. phase
  80. energy absorption
    1. macroscopic
    2. microscopic
  81. EPI sequences. See echo planar imaging (EPI) sequences
  82. ETSE. See echo train spin echo (ETSE)
  83. excitation
    1. RF
      1. in MR
    2. RF selective
  84. excitation angle
  85. excitation order
    1. crosstalk and
    2. described
  86. external artifacts
    1. described
    2. magnetic field distortions
    3. magnetic susceptibility difference artifact
    4. measurement hardware
    5. noise
  87. extrinsic parameters
    1. effects of
    2. variables in
  88. extrinsic variables
  89. F
  90. fat saturation techniques
    1. T1-weighted
      1. clinical applications for
    2. T2-weighted
      1. clinical applications for
  91. FDA. See Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  92. Feridex
    1. in MRI
  93. ferumoxides
  94. FID. See free induction decay (FID)
  95. field of view (FOV),
  96. FLAIR. See fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
  97. flip angle
  98. flow compensation
    1. in motion artifact reduction
  99. flow misregistration artifact
  100. fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
  101. fMRI. See functional MRI (fMRI)
  102. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    1. on MRI safety
  103. 4D time-resolved MR angiography with keyhole (4D-TRAK)
  104. 4D-TRAK (4D time-resolved MR angiography with keyhole)
  105. Fourier imaging
    1. partial
  106. Fourier transformation
  107. FOV. See field of view (FOV)
  108. free induction decay (FID)
  109. frequency encoding
  110. frequency selective pulses
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  111. frequency selective saturation
  112. full-width at half-maximum height (FWHM)
  113. functional brain imaging
  114. functional MRI (fMRI)
  115. functional MRI (fMRI) studies
    1. BOLD
  116. FWHM. See full-width at half-maximum height (FWHM)
  117. G
  118. gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs)
    1. in MRI
  119. gating
    1. in motion artifact reduction
  120. Gaussian pulses
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  121. GBCAs. See gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs)
  122. Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition (GRAPPA)
  123. GMR. See gradient motion rephasing (GMR)
  124. gradient(s)
    1. safety precautions related to
  125. gradient coil
    1. actively shielded
  126. gradient echo sequences. See also specific types
    1. absence of 180* RF pulse in
    2. acronyms for
    3. described
    4. MP pulses incorporated into
    5. refocused. See also refocused gradient echo sequences
    6. spoiled
    7. steady-state
    8. types of
  127. gradient fields
  128. gradient motion rephasing (GMR)
  129. gradient pulses
  130. gradient system
    1. in MRI system
  131. GRAPPA (Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition)
  132. great vessels
    1. MRI applications in
  133. H
  134. hard pulses
  135. heart
    1. MRI applications in
  136. Hermitian symmetry
  137. hydrogen MRS. See also magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
  138. hyperbolic secant pulses
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  139. I
  140. IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
  141. image-based parallel techniques
  142. image contrast
    1. measurement parameters and
  143. image data matrices
    1. raw data in
  144. image processing computer
    1. in MRI system
  145. instrumentation. See also specific components and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system
  146. International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
    1. on MRI safety
  147. intravenous agents
    1. in MRI
  148. intravoxel incoherent motion
  149. intrinsic parameters
    1. effects of
    2. variables in
  150. intrinsic variables
  151. inversion recovery (IR) looping modes
  152. inversion recovery (IR) pulse sequences
    1. acronyms for
    2. image reconstruction process in
  153. inversion time (TI),
  154. IR. See inversion recovery (IR)
  155. J
  156. $J$ coupling
    1. in MRS
  157. K
  158. $k$-space
    1. raw data and
  159. $k$-space filling techniques
    1. reduced
    2. reordered
    3. types of
  160. $k$-space formalism
  161. $k$-space trajectory
  162. $k$-space-based techniques
    1. GRAPPA
    2. parallel
    3. SMASH
    4. SNR in
  163. kidney(s)
    1. MRI applications in
  164. knee
    1. MRI applications in
  165. L
  166. Larmor equation
  167. Larmor precession
  168. liver
    1. MRI applications in
  169. localization techniques
    1. in MRS
  170. loop(s)
    1. sequence
  171. M
  172. magnet(s)
    1. in MRI system
  173. magnet system
    1. in MRI system
  174. magnetic field(s)
  175. magnetic field distortions
  176. magnetic field gradients
  177. magnetic resonance (MR)
    1. chemical shift in
    2. concepts of
    3. described
    4. RF excitation in
    5. RF signal detection in
  178. magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
    1. approaches to
    2. described
    3. flow selection in
    4. MIP
    5. phase contrast
    6. problems associated with
    7. techniques
    8. time-of-flight
  179. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    1. advanced imaging applications for. See also specific types and advanced imaging applications
    2. in agitated patients
    3. artifacts in images. See also artifact(s)
    4. clinical applications of. See also clinical applications
    5. composite pulses in
    6. confusing aspects of
    7. contrast agents in. See also contrast agents
    8. data collection methods
    9. functional
    10. gradient fields in
    11. initial step in
    12. $k$-space filling techniques in. See also $k$-space filling techniques
    13. nonrectilinear sampling in
    14. parallel acquisition methods in
    15. phase encoding in
    16. phased-array coils in
    17. principles of
    18. projection reconstruction in
    19. pulse sequences in. See also pulse sequence(s)
    20. radial scanning in
    21. ramped sampling in
    22. raw data in
      1. image data matrices and
      2. $k$-space and
    23. readout or frequency encoding in
    24. reduced $k$-space techniques in
    25. reordered $k$-space filling techniques in
    26. RF selective excitation in
    27. safety precautions in. See also safety precautions
    28. in sedated patients
    29. sequence looping in
    30. slice selection in
    31. SNR and tradeoffs in
    32. two-dimensional spiral sampling in
  180. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols
    1. principles in development of
  181. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. See also specific components
    1. actively shielded gradient coil
    2. components list
    3. computer systems
    4. data acquisition system
    5. diagram of
    6. gradient system
    7. magnet system
    8. RF transmitter system
  182. magnetic resonance (MR) signal
  183. magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
    1. chemical shift in
    2. concepts
    3. hydrogen
    4. localization techniques
    5. multiple voxel techniques
    6. single voxel techniques
    7. spectral analysis and postprocessing steps
    8. spectral linewidth in
    9. spin coupling in
    10. SVS in
    11. ultra-high field spectroscopy
    12. water suppression in
  184. magnetic susceptibility
  185. magnetic susceptibility difference artifact
  186. magnetization materials
    1. susceptibility and
  187. magnetization-prepared (MP) pulses
    1. incorporated into gradient echo and EPI sequences
  188. magnetization-prepared (MP) sequences
    1. example of
  189. magnetization transfer (MT) pulse
    1. in time-of-flight MRA
  190. magnetization transfer (MT) suppression
  191. MAST. See motion artifact suppression techniques (MAST)
  192. maximum intensity projection (MIP)
    1. MRA–related
  193. maximum signal content
    1. site of
  194. measurement controller
    1. in MRI system
  195. measurement hardware
    1. as artifact
  196. measurement parameters
    1. extrinsic parameters
      1. effects of
    2. intrinsic parameters
      1. effects of
    3. modification of
    4. parameter tradeoffs
  197. measurement protocol
    1. criteria in determining
  198. measurement techniques
    1. differentiating
  199. MIP. See maximum intensity projection (MIP)
  200. modulation
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  201. motion
    1. Brownian
    2. intravoxel incoherent
  202. motion artifact(s)
    1. appearance of
    2. causes of
    3. flow misregistration artifact
    4. respiratory
    5. types of
  203. motion artifact reduction techniques
    1. acquisition parameter modification
    2. flow compensation
    3. radial-based motion compensation
    4. triggering gating
  204. motion artifact suppression techniques (MAST)
    1. in motion artifact reduction
  205. MP sequences. See magnetization-prepared (MP) sequences
  206. MR. See magnetic resonance (MR)
  207. MRA. See magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
  208. MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  209. MRS. See magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
  210. MT. See magnetization transfer (MT)
  211. multiecho spin echo sequences
  212. multiple voxel techniques
    1. in MRS
  213. musculoskeletal system
    1. MRI applications in
  214. N
  215. nature of synthesizer mixing
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  216. neck
    1. safety precautions related to
  217. negative agents
    1. in MRI
  218. net magnetization
    1. described
    2. production of
  219. NMR. See nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  220. noble gas imaging
  221. noise
    1. as artifact
  222. nonrectilinear sampling
  223. nonsaturation methods
  224. nonselective pulses
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  225. nuclear magnetic moments
  226. nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
  227. nuclear spin
  228. nucleus(i)
    1. spin of
  229. null time for tissue
  230. Nyquist frequency
  231. O
  232. oral agents
    1. in MRI
  233. out-of-phase gradient echo
    1. clinical applications for
  234. oversampling
    1. effects of
  235. P
  236. PACS (picture archiving and communications system) unit
  237. parallel acquisition methods
    1. requirements for
    2. types of
  238. partial Fournier imaging
  239. pelvis
    1. MRI applications in
  240. Perflubron (perfluorocytylbromide [PFOB])
  241. perfluorocytylbromide (PFOB)
  242. perfusion
  243. perfusion blood flow
    1. in diffusion measurement
  244. perfusion studies
    1. applications of
    2. approaches to
  245. PFOB. See perfluorocytylbromide (PFOB)
  246. PGSE. See pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) method
  247. phase
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  248. phase cancellation artifact
  249. phase contrast MRA
  250. phase encoding
    1. in MRI
  251. phased-array coils
  252. picture archiving and communications system (PACS) unit
  253. point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS)
  254. postprocessing
    1. in MRS
  255. pregnancy
    1. MRI during
  256. PRESS. See point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS)
  257. projection reconstruction
  259. PSAL. See pulsed arterial spin labeling (PSAL)
  260. pseudodiffusion
  261. pulse(s)
    1. composite
    2. frequency selective
    3. frequency selective soft
    4. Gaussian
    5. gradient
    6. hard
    7. hyperbolic secant
    8. MP
      1. incorporated into gradient echo and EPI sequences
    9. MT
      1. in time-of-flight MRA
    10. nonselective
      1. in RV waveform characterization
    11. RF excitation
    12. in RV waveform characterization. See also specific types
    13. sinc
    14. soft
    15. spatial presaturation
  262. pulse sequence(s). See also specific types
    1. comparison of
    2. defined
    3. EPI sequences
    4. gradient echo sequences
    5. implementation of
    6. IR pulse sequences
    7. MP sequences
    8. spin echo sequences
    9. timing diagrams in comparison of
  263. pulse shape
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  264. pulsed arterial spin labeling (PSAL)
  265. pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) method
  266. R
  267. radial artifact
  268. radial-based motion compensation
    1. in motion artifact reduction
  269. radial scanning
  270. radiofrequency (RF) excitation
    1. in MR
    2. selective
  271. radiofrequency (RF) excitation pulses
    1. criteria for
  272. radiofrequency (RF) power deposition
    1. safety precautions related to
  273. radiofrequency (RF) signal detection
    1. in MR
  274. radiofrequency (RF) transmitter system
    1. in MRI system
  275. radiofrequency (RF) waveform
    1. parameters in characterizing
  276. ramped sampling
  277. raw data
    1. $k$-space and
  278. readout
  279. reduced $k$-space techniques
  280. refocused gradient echo sequences
    1. described
    2. signals measured from
  281. relaxation
    1. defined
    2. spin–spin
    3. T1
      1. saturation and
    4. T2,
    5. T2*,
  282. relaxation agents
    1. in MRI. See specific agents and contrast agents
  283. reordered $k$-space filling techniques
  284. repetition time (TR),
  285. respiratory motion artifact
  286. RF. See radiofrequency (RF)
  287. rise time
  288. S
  289. safety precautions
    1. base magnetic field
    2. contrast agents
    3. cryogens
    4. FDA on
    5. gradients
    6. IEC on
    7. pregnancy-related
    8. RF power deposition
  290. saturation
    1. T1 relaxation and
  291. scanner controller
    1. in MRI system
  292. {}“schimming,”
  293. sedated patients
    1. MRI in
  294. {“seed”} region
  295. Send/Receive
  296. sequence looping
  297. sequence protocol–related artifacts
    1. aliasing
    2. chemical shift artifacts
    3. coherence artifacts
    4. magnetic susceptibility difference artifact
    5. phase cancellation artifact
    6. radial artifact
    7. truncation artifacts
  298. shoulder
    1. MRI applications in
  299. signal suppression techniques
    1. Dixon method
    2. frequency selective saturation
    3. MT suppression
    4. nonsaturation methods
    5. spatial presaturation
    6. water excitation
  300. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
    1. increase in
    2. in $k$-space–based techniques
    3. in parallel acquisition methods
    4. tradeoffs
  301. Simultaneous Acquisition of Spatial Harmonics (SMASH)
  302. sinc pulses
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  303. single-echo spin echo sequence
    1. clinical applications for
  304. single voxel spectroscopy (SVS)
    1. in MRS
  305. single voxel techniques
    1. in MRS
  306. slice gap
  307. slice selection
    1. in MRI
  308. slice thickness (TH),
  309. SMASH (Simultaneous Acquisition of Spatial Harmonics)
  310. SNR. See signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
  311. soft pulses
    1. in RV waveform characterization
  312. spatial presaturation
  313. spatial presaturation pulse
  314. spectral analysis
    1. in MRS
  315. spectral linewidth
    1. in MRS
  316. spike(s)
    1. defined
  317. spin coupling
    1. in MRS
  318. spin echo(es)
  319. spin echo sequences. See also specific types
    1. acronyms for
    2. ETSE
    3. multiecho
    4. single-echo
    5. types of
  320. spin echo–based sequences
  321. spine
    1. MRI applications in
  322. spin–spin relaxation
  323. SPIO. See superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)
  324. spoiled gradient echo
    1. clinical applications for
  325. spoiled gradient echo sequences
  326. standard multiecho spin echo
    1. clinical applications for
  327. steady-state gradient echo sequences. See also refocused gradient echo sequences
  328. STEAM. See stimulated echo acquisition method (STEAM)
  329. Stejskal–Tanner method
  330. stimulated echo acquisition method (STEAM)
  331. STIR imaging
    1. clinical applications for
  332. stroke
    1. diffusion-weighted imaging in evaluation of
  333. subloop(s)
    1. in sequence looping
  334. superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particulate molecules
  335. surface coils
  336. susceptibility
    1. bulk magnetic
    2. magnetic
    3. magnetization materials and
  337. SVS. See single voxel spectroscopy (SVS)
  338. T
  339. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
    1. in MRI system
  340. TE. See echo time (TE)
  341. TH. See slice thickness (TH)
  342. thorax
    1. MRI applications in
  343. TI. See inversion time (TI)
  344. time-of-flight MRA
  345. time-resolved angiography with interleaved stochastic trajectories (TWIST)
  346. time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics (TRICKS)
  347. timing diagram
    1. in pulse sequence comparison
  348. T1 relaxation
    1. defined
    2. saturation and
  349. T1 relaxation agents
    1. in MRI
  350. T1-weighted imaging studies
    1. in perfusion studies
  351. T1-weighted techniques
    1. clinical applications for. See also specific techniques
    2. fat saturation
      1. clinical applications for
  352. TR. See repetition time (TR)
  353. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
    1. in MRI system
  354. TRICKS (time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics)
  355. triggering gating
    1. in motion artifact reduction
  356. truncation artifacts
  357. T2 effects
    1. in diffusion measurement
  358. T2 relaxation
  359. T2* relaxation
    1. defined
  360. T2 relaxation agents
    1. in MRI
  361. T2-weighted imaging studies
    1. in perfusion studies
  362. T2-weighted techniques
    1. clinical applications for
    2. fat saturation
      1. clinical applications for
  363. turbo factor
  364. TWIST (time-resolved angiography with interleaved stochastic trajectories)
  365. two-dimensional spiral sampling
  366. U
  367. ultra-high field imaging
  368. ultra-high field spectroscopy
    1. in MRS
  369. W
  370. water excitation
    1. for signal suppression
  371. water suppression
    1. in MRS
  372. Z
  373. Zeeman interaction
  374. zero filling