- A
- abdominal organs
- MRI applications in
- acquisition matrix
- acquisition parameter modification
- in motion artifact reduction
- actively shielded gradient coil
- ADC. See analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
- advanced imaging applications. See also specific types, e.g., perfusion
- diffusion
- diffusion-weighted imaging–related
- fMRI
- noble gas imaging
- perfusion
- ultra-high field imaging
- AET. See Applications Entity Title (AET)
- agitated patients
- MRI in
- aliasing
- amplitude
- in RV waveform characterization
- analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
- Applications Entity Title (AET)
- arterial spin labeling (ASL)
- continuous
- in perfusion studies
- pulsed
- artifact(s). See also specific types, e.g., motion artifacts
- “blooming”
- chemical shift
- coherence
- described
- external
- flow misregistration
- magnetic susceptibility difference
- motion
- phase cancellation
- radial
- sequence protocol–related
- truncation
- ASL. See arterial spin labeling (ASL)
- atom
- structure of
- B
- $b$ value
- in diffusion
- base magnetic field
- safety precautions related to
- benzoxypropionic tetraacetate (BOPTA)
- in MRI
- black-blood MRA techniques
- {“blooming”} artifact
- BOLD fMRI studies
- Boltzmann distribution
- BOPTA. See benzoxypropionic tetraacetate (BOPTA)
- bowel
- MRI applications in
- brain
- MRI applications in
- breast
- MRI applications in
- bright-blood MRA images
- Brownian motion
- bulk magnetic susceptibility
- C
- Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) technique
- CASL. See continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL)
- center frequency
- in RV waveform characterization
- cerebral ischemia
- diffusion-weighted imaging in evaluation of
- chemical shift
- in MR
- in MRS
- chemical shift artifacts
- of second kind
- chemical shift imaging (CSI)
- chronic kidney disease (CKD)
- classification of
- CKD. See chronic kidney disease (CKD)
- clinical applications
- abdominal organs
- clinical applications (continued)
- brain
- breast
- common bile duct
- for ETSE
- examination design considerations in
- general principles of
- great vessels
- heart
- kidneys
- knee
- liver
- musculoskeletal
- neck
- for out-of-phase gradient echo
- pelvis
- in sedated or agitated patients
- shoulder
- for single-echo spin echo sequence
- specific sequences and clinical situations
- spine
- for spoiled gradient echo
- for standard multiecho spin echo
- for STIR imaging
- for T1-weighted techniques
- fat saturation
- for T2-weighted techniques
- fat saturation
- thorax
- coherence artifacts
- coil(s)
- actively shielded gradient
- phased-array
- surface
- common bile duct
- MRI applications in
- composite pulses
- computer systems
- in MRI system
- continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL)
- continuous wave (CW) mode operation
- in RF selective excitation
- contrast agents
- advantages of
- adverse reactions to
- BOPTA in
- categorization of
- Feridex
- intravenous agents
- negative agents
- oral agents
- safety precautions related to
- T1 relaxation agents
- T2 relaxation agents
- contrast-to-noise ratio
- CPMG technique. See Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) technique
- crosstalk
- cryogen(s)
- described
- safety precautions related to
- CSI. See chemical shift imaging (CSI)
- CW. See continuous wave (CW)
- D
- data acquisition system
- in MRI system
- data collection methods
- demodulated signal
- DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine)
- DICOM Service Class Uses and Service Class Provider
- diffusion
- defined
- described
- measurements of
- diffusion-weighted imaging
- applications of
- digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM)
- directional dependence
- in diffusion measurement
- Dixon method
- for fat suppression
- duration
- in RV waveform characterization
- E
- echo planar imaging (EPI) sequences
- MP pulses incorporated into
- echo spacing
- echo time (TE),
- echo train inversion recovery sequence
- echo train length
- echo train spin echo (ETSE)
- clinical applications for
- encoding
- phase
- energy absorption
- macroscopic
- microscopic
- EPI sequences. See echo planar imaging (EPI) sequences
- ETSE. See echo train spin echo (ETSE)
- excitation
- RF
- in MR
- RF selective
- excitation angle
- excitation order
- crosstalk and
- described
- external artifacts
- described
- magnetic field distortions
- magnetic susceptibility difference artifact
- measurement hardware
- noise
- extrinsic parameters
- effects of
- variables in
- extrinsic variables
- F
- fat saturation techniques
- T1-weighted
- clinical applications for
- T2-weighted
- clinical applications for
- FDA. See Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- Feridex
- in MRI
- ferumoxides
- FID. See free induction decay (FID)
- field of view (FOV),
- FLAIR. See fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
- flip angle
- flow compensation
- in motion artifact reduction
- flow misregistration artifact
- fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
- fMRI. See functional MRI (fMRI)
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- on MRI safety
- 4D time-resolved MR angiography with keyhole (4D-TRAK)
- 4D-TRAK (4D time-resolved MR angiography with keyhole)
- Fourier imaging
- partial
- Fourier transformation
- FOV. See field of view (FOV)
- free induction decay (FID)
- frequency encoding
- frequency selective pulses
- in RV waveform characterization
- frequency selective saturation
- full-width at half-maximum height (FWHM)
- functional brain imaging
- functional MRI (fMRI)
- functional MRI (fMRI) studies
- FWHM. See full-width at half-maximum height (FWHM)
- G
- gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs)
- in MRI
- gating
- in motion artifact reduction
- Gaussian pulses
- in RV waveform characterization
- GBCAs. See gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs)
- Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition (GRAPPA)
- GMR. See gradient motion rephasing (GMR)
- gradient(s)
- safety precautions related to
- gradient coil
- actively shielded
- gradient echo sequences. See also specific types
- absence of 180* RF pulse in
- acronyms for
- described
- MP pulses incorporated into
- refocused. See also refocused gradient echo sequences
- spoiled
- steady-state
- types of
- gradient fields
- gradient motion rephasing (GMR)
- gradient pulses
- gradient system
- in MRI system
- GRAPPA (Generalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition)
- great vessels
- MRI applications in
- H
- hard pulses
- heart
- MRI applications in
- Hermitian symmetry
- hydrogen MRS. See also magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
- hyperbolic secant pulses
- in RV waveform characterization
- I
- IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- image-based parallel techniques
- image contrast
- measurement parameters and
- image data matrices
- raw data in
- image processing computer
- in MRI system
- instrumentation. See also specific components and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- on MRI safety
- intravenous agents
- in MRI
- intravoxel incoherent motion
- intrinsic parameters
- effects of
- variables in
- intrinsic variables
- inversion recovery (IR) looping modes
- inversion recovery (IR) pulse sequences
- acronyms for
- image reconstruction process in
- inversion time (TI),
- IR. See inversion recovery (IR)
- J
- $J$ coupling
- in MRS
- K
- $k$-space
- raw data and
- $k$-space filling techniques
- reduced
- reordered
- types of
- $k$-space formalism
- $k$-space trajectory
- $k$-space-based techniques
- parallel
- SNR in
- kidney(s)
- MRI applications in
- knee
- MRI applications in
- L
- Larmor equation
- Larmor precession
- liver
- MRI applications in
- localization techniques
- in MRS
- loop(s)
- sequence
- M
- magnet(s)
- in MRI system
- magnet system
- in MRI system
- magnetic field(s)
- magnetic field distortions
- magnetic field gradients
- magnetic resonance (MR)
- chemical shift in
- concepts of
- described
- RF excitation in
- RF signal detection in
- magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
- approaches to
- described
- flow selection in
- phase contrast
- problems associated with
- techniques
- time-of-flight
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- advanced imaging applications for. See also specific types and advanced imaging applications
- in agitated patients
- artifacts in images. See also artifact(s)
- clinical applications of. See also clinical applications
- composite pulses in
- confusing aspects of
- contrast agents in. See also contrast agents
- data collection methods
- functional
- gradient fields in
- initial step in
- $k$-space filling techniques in. See also $k$-space filling techniques
- nonrectilinear sampling in
- parallel acquisition methods in
- phase encoding in
- phased-array coils in
- principles of
- projection reconstruction in
- pulse sequences in. See also pulse sequence(s)
- radial scanning in
- ramped sampling in
- raw data in
- image data matrices and
- $k$-space and
- readout or frequency encoding in
- reduced $k$-space techniques in
- reordered $k$-space filling techniques in
- RF selective excitation in
- safety precautions in. See also safety precautions
- in sedated patients
- sequence looping in
- slice selection in
- SNR and tradeoffs in
- two-dimensional spiral sampling in
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols
- principles in development of
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system. See also specific components
- actively shielded gradient coil
- components list
- computer systems
- data acquisition system
- diagram of
- gradient system
- magnet system
- RF transmitter system
- magnetic resonance (MR) signal
- magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
- chemical shift in
- concepts
- hydrogen
- localization techniques
- multiple voxel techniques
- single voxel techniques
- spectral analysis and postprocessing steps
- spectral linewidth in
- spin coupling in
- SVS in
- ultra-high field spectroscopy
- water suppression in
- magnetic susceptibility
- magnetic susceptibility difference artifact
- magnetization materials
- susceptibility and
- magnetization-prepared (MP) pulses
- incorporated into gradient echo and EPI sequences
- magnetization-prepared (MP) sequences
- example of
- magnetization transfer (MT) pulse
- in time-of-flight MRA
- magnetization transfer (MT) suppression
- MAST. See motion artifact suppression techniques (MAST)
- maximum intensity projection (MIP)
- MRA–related
- maximum signal content
- site of
- measurement controller
- in MRI system
- measurement hardware
- as artifact
- measurement parameters
- extrinsic parameters
- effects of
- intrinsic parameters
- effects of
- modification of
- parameter tradeoffs
- measurement protocol
- criteria in determining
- measurement techniques
- differentiating
- MIP. See maximum intensity projection (MIP)
- modulation
- in RV waveform characterization
- motion
- Brownian
- intravoxel incoherent
- motion artifact(s)
- appearance of
- causes of
- flow misregistration artifact
- respiratory
- types of
- motion artifact reduction techniques
- acquisition parameter modification
- flow compensation
- radial-based motion compensation
- triggering gating
- motion artifact suppression techniques (MAST)
- in motion artifact reduction
- MP sequences. See magnetization-prepared (MP) sequences
- MR. See magnetic resonance (MR)
- MRA. See magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
- MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- MRS. See magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS)
- MT. See magnetization transfer (MT)
- multiecho spin echo sequences
- multiple voxel techniques
- in MRS
- musculoskeletal system
- MRI applications in
- N
- nature of synthesizer mixing
- in RV waveform characterization
- neck
- safety precautions related to
- negative agents
- in MRI
- net magnetization
- described
- production of
- NMR. See nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
- noble gas imaging
- noise
- as artifact
- nonrectilinear sampling
- nonsaturation methods
- nonselective pulses
- in RV waveform characterization
- nuclear magnetic moments
- nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
- nuclear spin
- nucleus(i)
- spin of
- null time for tissue
- Nyquist frequency
- O
- oral agents
- in MRI
- out-of-phase gradient echo
- clinical applications for
- oversampling
- effects of
- P
- PACS (picture archiving and communications system) unit
- parallel acquisition methods
- requirements for
- types of
- partial Fournier imaging
- pelvis
- MRI applications in
- Perflubron (perfluorocytylbromide [PFOB])
- perfluorocytylbromide (PFOB)
- perfusion
- perfusion blood flow
- in diffusion measurement
- perfusion studies
- applications of
- approaches to
- PFOB. See perfluorocytylbromide (PFOB)
- PGSE. See pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) method
- phase
- in RV waveform characterization
- phase cancellation artifact
- phase contrast MRA
- phase encoding
- in MRI
- phased-array coils
- picture archiving and communications system (PACS) unit
- point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS)
- postprocessing
- in MRS
- pregnancy
- MRI during
- PRESS. See point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS)
- projection reconstruction
- PSAL. See pulsed arterial spin labeling (PSAL)
- pseudodiffusion
- pulse(s)
- composite
- frequency selective
- frequency selective soft
- Gaussian
- gradient
- hard
- hyperbolic secant
- MP
- incorporated into gradient echo and EPI sequences
- MT
- in time-of-flight MRA
- nonselective
- in RV waveform characterization
- RF excitation
- in RV waveform characterization. See also specific types
- sinc
- soft
- spatial presaturation
- pulse sequence(s). See also specific types
- comparison of
- defined
- EPI sequences
- gradient echo sequences
- implementation of
- IR pulse sequences
- MP sequences
- spin echo sequences
- timing diagrams in comparison of
- pulse shape
- in RV waveform characterization
- pulsed arterial spin labeling (PSAL)
- pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) method
- R
- radial artifact
- radial-based motion compensation
- in motion artifact reduction
- radial scanning
- radiofrequency (RF) excitation
- in MR
- selective
- radiofrequency (RF) excitation pulses
- criteria for
- radiofrequency (RF) power deposition
- safety precautions related to
- radiofrequency (RF) signal detection
- in MR
- radiofrequency (RF) transmitter system
- in MRI system
- radiofrequency (RF) waveform
- parameters in characterizing
- ramped sampling
- raw data
- $k$-space and
- readout
- reduced $k$-space techniques
- refocused gradient echo sequences
- described
- signals measured from
- relaxation
- defined
- spin–spin
- T1
- saturation and
- T2,
- T2*,
- relaxation agents
- in MRI. See specific agents and contrast agents
- reordered $k$-space filling techniques
- repetition time (TR),
- respiratory motion artifact
- RF. See radiofrequency (RF)
- rise time
- S
- safety precautions
- base magnetic field
- contrast agents
- cryogens
- FDA on
- gradients
- IEC on
- pregnancy-related
- RF power deposition
- saturation
- T1 relaxation and
- scanner controller
- in MRI system
- {}“schimming,”
- sedated patients
- MRI in
- {“seed”} region
- Send/Receive
- sequence looping
- sequence protocol–related artifacts
- aliasing
- chemical shift artifacts
- coherence artifacts
- magnetic susceptibility difference artifact
- phase cancellation artifact
- radial artifact
- truncation artifacts
- shoulder
- MRI applications in
- signal suppression techniques
- Dixon method
- frequency selective saturation
- MT suppression
- nonsaturation methods
- spatial presaturation
- water excitation
- signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
- increase in
- in $k$-space–based techniques
- in parallel acquisition methods
- tradeoffs
- Simultaneous Acquisition of Spatial Harmonics (SMASH)
- sinc pulses
- in RV waveform characterization
- single-echo spin echo sequence
- clinical applications for
- single voxel spectroscopy (SVS)
- in MRS
- single voxel techniques
- in MRS
- slice gap
- slice selection
- in MRI
- slice thickness (TH),
- SMASH (Simultaneous Acquisition of Spatial Harmonics)
- SNR. See signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
- soft pulses
- in RV waveform characterization
- spatial presaturation
- spatial presaturation pulse
- spectral analysis
- in MRS
- spectral linewidth
- in MRS
- spike(s)
- defined
- spin coupling
- in MRS
- spin echo(es)
- spin echo sequences. See also specific types
- acronyms for
- multiecho
- single-echo
- types of
- spin echo–based sequences
- spine
- MRI applications in
- spin–spin relaxation
- SPIO. See superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)
- spoiled gradient echo
- clinical applications for
- spoiled gradient echo sequences
- standard multiecho spin echo
- clinical applications for
- steady-state gradient echo sequences. See also refocused gradient echo sequences
- STEAM. See stimulated echo acquisition method (STEAM)
- Stejskal–Tanner method
- stimulated echo acquisition method (STEAM)
- STIR imaging
- clinical applications for
- stroke
- diffusion-weighted imaging in evaluation of
- subloop(s)
- in sequence looping
- superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) particulate molecules
- surface coils
- susceptibility
- bulk magnetic
- magnetic
- magnetization materials and
- SVS. See single voxel spectroscopy (SVS)
- T
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- in MRI system
- TE. See echo time (TE)
- TH. See slice thickness (TH)
- thorax
- MRI applications in
- TI. See inversion time (TI)
- time-of-flight MRA
- time-resolved angiography with interleaved stochastic trajectories (TWIST)
- time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics (TRICKS)
- timing diagram
- in pulse sequence comparison
- T1 relaxation
- defined
- saturation and
- T1 relaxation agents
- in MRI
- T1-weighted imaging studies
- in perfusion studies
- T1-weighted techniques
- clinical applications for. See also specific techniques
- fat saturation
- clinical applications for
- TR. See repetition time (TR)
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- in MRI system
- TRICKS (time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics)
- triggering gating
- in motion artifact reduction
- truncation artifacts
- T2 effects
- in diffusion measurement
- T2 relaxation
- T2* relaxation
- defined
- T2 relaxation agents
- in MRI
- T2-weighted imaging studies
- in perfusion studies
- T2-weighted techniques
- clinical applications for
- fat saturation
- clinical applications for
- turbo factor
- TWIST (time-resolved angiography with interleaved stochastic trajectories)
- two-dimensional spiral sampling
- U
- ultra-high field imaging
- ultra-high field spectroscopy
- in MRS
- W
- water excitation
- for signal suppression
- water suppression
- in MRS
- Z
- Zeeman interaction
- zero filling