How mighty are the Sabbaths,
How mighty and how deep,
That the high courts of heaven
To everlasting keep.
What peace unto the weary,
What pride unto the strong,
When God in whom are all things
Shall be all things to men.
Jerusalem is the city
Of everlasting peace,
A peace that is surpassing
And utter blessedness;
Where finds the dreamer waking
Truth beyond dreaming far,
Nor is the heart’s possessing
Less than the heart’s desire.
But of the courts of heaven
And him who is the King,
The rest and the refreshing,
The joy that is therein,
Let those that know it answer
Who in that bliss have part,
If any word can utter
The fullness of the heart.
mentem erigere
et totis patriam
votis appetere,
et ad Jerusalem
a Babylonia
post longa regredi
tandem exsilia.
Illic, molestiis
finitis omnibus,
securi cantica
Sion cantabimus,
et iuges gratias
de donis gratiae
beata referet
plebs tibi, Domine.
Illic ex Sabbato
succedit Sabbatum,
perpes laetitia
nec ineffabiles
cessabunt iubili,
quos decantabimus
et nos et angeli.
Perenni Domino
perpes sit gloria,
ex quo sunt, per quem sunt,
in quo sunt omnia.
ex quo sunt, Pater est,
per quem sunt, Filius,
in quo sunt, Patris et
Filii Spiritus.
Unto the heights of God,
With our whole heart’s desiring,
To take the homeward road,
And the long exile over,
Captive in Babylon,
Again unto Jerusalem,
To win at last return.
There, all vexation ended,
And from all grieving free,
We sing the song of Zion
In deep security.
And everlasting praises
For all thy gifts of grace
Rise from thy happy people,
Lord of our blessedness.
There Sabbath unto Sabbath
Succeeds eternally,
The joy that has no ending
Of souls in holiday.
And never shall the rapture
Beyond all mortal ken
Cease from the eternal chorus
That angels sing with men.
Now to the King Eternal
Be praise eternally,
From whom are all things, by whom
And in whom all things be.
From whom, as from the Father,
By whom, as by the Son,
In whom, as in the Spirit,
Father and Son in one.