Note: Names have been changed in this section.
Jim, age forty-seven, came to see me because he was having massive anxiety attacks every time he had to drive somewhere, especially if it involved any kind of distance. He was also experiencing discomfort in his right shoulder and both heels. Jim was one of my more intriguing cases because when I began investigating his field, I had the distinct impression of him being “off his rocker”: his entire field had an oscillation in it, like a washing machine when it goes out of balance.
I found the edge of the oscillating field in each chakra and brought it to the midline of his body, where I had the curious and somewhat unusual perception of it “clicking” into place (most energy seems to either pool at the chakra or feel like it is drawn inward to the body, but rarely ever clicks). I was particularly curious as to what his experience was after the session, and when he came to see me the following week he said, “I am completely cured. I had to go for a long drive the next day and it didn’t bother me at all. The day after that I had to go for a longer drive and that didn’t bother me at all either—in fact, I enjoyed it. And my shoulder and heel pain is also gone.” When I checked in on his field, I found that he had retained the balancing and was in very solid shape. He also maintained this and has not gone off his rocker again in the several years I have been seeing him once or twice a year for a general tune-up.
When Bill, age sixty, first came to see me, he was in terrible shape. He had suffered a string of terrible accidents, coming close to death in several of them. He had severe pain in his right hip, lower back, and left shoulder, was suffering from chronic and debilitating anxiety, had insomnia, and regularly experienced a major energy crash around three in the afternoon. He had tried acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, and osteopathic treatment, but nothing had helped more than just a little bit. And he refused to take painkillers.
Over the course of about eight or so sessions, I was able to locate and neutralize the effects of each accident, even uncovering some that he had forgotten about. We got the anxiety to settle down, started getting him to sleep through the night, and eased his energy crashes in the afternoon. By the time we were through this first round of sessions, he was almost completely pain free. Bill comes a few times a year now for a general tune-up.
The first time I saw Noreen, age twenty-two, was in a minisession I did at a health fair. These are seated sessions that last twenty to twenty-five minutes, and my approach is to ask the person if she has any problem areas with pain or tension, and then work solely on that, instead of going through the whole body. Though Noreen was young, she was already suffering from both rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. Her symptoms were so severe that she was unable to type her college papers and had to dictate them through dictation software.
Intuitively, I sensed that the origin of the issue was in her heart chakra, and sure enough, after just a moment or two of investigation, I found a large pocket of trapped energy in the left side of her heart from around the age of fourteen. She told me that was when the symptoms began. More investigation revealed that the issue was related to her relationship with her mother, which she confirmed. I was able to break up the stuck energy with relative ease and reintegrate it back into the heart chakra. Several days later I received an e-mail from Noreen, telling me that she had gone home that evening and typed for three hours straight with no discomfort or pain in her hands or shoulders at all. We did a few more follow-up sessions, and she was able to cut way back on her medications and was able to maintain this much higher level of functioning with just occasional sessions after that.
Kristin, age thirty-two, signed up to do a series of ten sessions, more for emotional work than physical. One of Kristin’s challenges in life had been her relationship with her father, who was a very difficult character. As a single mom one of the things that Kristin had struggled with was finances, and while for the most part she had done a good job managing, there were times when she had needed help. She was unwilling to ask her father for help because he always became quite upset, even though he had plenty of money and was in a position to help her out. The issue seemed to ignite the unresolved energies between the two of them.
A lot of the work we did involved clearing these energies, and during one particular session, we uncovered and integrated a particularly charged area that had to do with money stuff between them from when she was a teenager. While we had been engaged in these sessions, Kristin had found a house that she really wanted to buy and wasn’t sure how she was going to swing it but was determined to figure it out. Out of the blue, the day after the session above, Kristin’s father told her he would help her with the house, and he did, paying for it with cash—a completely out-of-character move on his part, especially since she had not asked him for help. But after the work we had done, it seemed the charge that had been between them on this subject was simply no longer there. Her relationship with him improved all around without her ever even having to discuss the subject with him.
Charlie, age sixty-five, came to me with no particular complaints but was curious about the work after he had seen his ex-wife have a powerful experience with it. One of the things that I was struck by was how stiff and unyielding the energy of his heart chakra was. It felt not only that he had hardened his heart emotionally, but that his physiology was also hardening along with it. After just a few sessions, Charlie found himself much better able to spontaneously communicate his feelings to his loved ones, allowing himself to feel love and vulnerability that he had not allowed himself to feel for many years.
An artist, Charlie also returned to his first love, free-hand drawing, a practice he had abandoned many years earlier to do computer-based artwork. He found himself with copious amounts of energy to draw from and became prolific, feeling like he was creating some of the best work he had ever done. He also experienced a diminishment in his arthritis pain.
Mickey, age twenty, had been put on Ritalin at age eight and had been on it throughout his teenage years. He had also turned to other drugs in his teens and was struggling with depression and had tried unsuccessfully to get off all of the drugs. Mickey was the first person I ever worked on who had been on Ritalin for that long, and I was stunned to see the effect it had had on his energy field. There were areas where there was simply a complete lack of any kind of energy at all, like his field was Swiss cheese. I was able to get these areas to fill in and balance, and after just a few sessions, Mickey reported feeling less anxious, more clear, and more himself. He was able to get off the Ritalin and in a short time got off all the other drugs as well.
Fred, age thirty-two, came to me complaining of pain on the right side of his neck and the left side of his lower back. It had seemingly come out of nowhere, and he could not relate it to any injuries. He had been going to see a chiropractor, and the adjustments would help for a day or two, but then the pain would soon return. I discovered that his field was shifted strongly to the right side of his neck and the left side of his second chakra (frustration over not being heard), and learned that he had been fighting a lot with his girlfriend recently. I adjusted the energy and gave him some homework around dealing with the situation more effectively, and when he returned the following week, he reported that he had not had any pain at all since he saw me.
This was a classic case of psychosomatic pain: where it is the distortions in the energy body that give rise to the discomfort, not any particular pathology. This is the sort of issue that responds most profoundly to sound work, and is often untreatable by other means because it really all is in the person’s mind, yet creates very real pain.
Phyllis, age forty-eight, came to see me because she was, in her words, “completely discombobulated.” Phyllis’s house had flooded completely the year before, forcing her to move to a temporary location while she and her husband cleaned up and restored the house, which they had to do while also running a business. As the year had worn on, Phyllis found herself more and more scattered and out of sorts and had been unable to get things back together by herself. After just three sessions, her energy level went way up, she was able to tackle projects she had not had the gumption to deal with, and was able to set better boundaries for herself at work and take the time off she needed. Phyllis actually ended up looking like a different person in the process of becoming more relaxed, centered, grounded, and coherent.
Matthew, age forty-four, came to me with no physical complaints but was in need of some deep emotional healing. He had been adopted into a family that had treated him very cruelly and had struggled with severe dyslexia that prevented him from learning to read until he was thirteen. His adoptive family had been very intolerant of his disability and had routinely punished him for it, driving him into a deep depression. To make matters worse, he had connected with his birth mother when he was twenty-one and was welcomed into her new family for a time, only to be suddenly and inexplicably cast out again. Matthew had struggled through one relationship after another but continually felt as if his soul was being sucked out of him by the women in his life.
I was able to locate some significant tears in the edge of his field on the left side, in areas relating to sadness, mother, and frustration—places where he had been both leaking energy and attracting people who were more than willing to take it from him. Early trauma around mother, such as what Matthew had experienced in being adopted, and then his subsequent lack of chemistry with his adoptive mother, had created wounds that remained raw throughout his lifetime. With sound we were able to both locate and heal these vibrational disruptions.
We had to do a fair number of sessions to counter all of the non-beneficial influences in his life, but he found himself feeling more and more centered and emotionally free and better able to express himself creatively. He began to feel as if he really was worthy and had something to offer the world and was able to formulate a vocation for himself that was supportive of this new perspective. He recently informed me that he had a new partner and it was a relationship that was completely different from any relationship he had previously, and far more nourishing.
Andrew, age thirty-two, came to me in terrible shape—exhausted, burned out, and stressed. Andrew owned his own business and was a victim of his own success. He worked long hours, often had tight deadlines, and had a difficult employee who was a continual source of stress. He had grown up with an abusive alcoholic father who had also been the child of an abusive alcoholic father, and so his childhood had been fraught with nonstop acute stress.
Because I most often start on the left side of the body, in our first session together I came across the signal from Andrew’s left adrenal before I came across the signal from his right one. It was, far and away, the most dissonant adrenal I had ever heard, and I said to him, “If your left adrenal sounds this bad (because most people’s right adrenals are more activated and “out” than their left), I can’t even imagine what your right one is going to sound like.” Sure enough, when I got over to his right side, I was listening for the rhythm of that adrenal, and found nothing. Energetically, it felt like pudding, and had clearly been pushed so far that it had actually gone completely offline. It was no wonder he was finding it harder and harder to handle the stress in his life. Over the course of about six sessions, I resurrected and balanced Andrew’s adrenals and helped restore wholeness and balance to his fairly shattered and tattered field. His life subsequently underwent a radical transformation. He sold his business and his house and moved to a different climate, where he got a job that he loved working for someone else and created a life that was no longer full of chronic stress.