All page number refer to the print edition of this title.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

80 percent syndrome, 191–92

acoustic massager, 79
acoustics, 38
acupuncture, 108–9
Adey, Ross, xiii
adrenaline, 146
adrenal rhythm, 146–47, 184–85
adrenals, 121, 143, 145–51
aether, 18, 97–98, 117, 128
Akashic Record, 117, 128
alcohol, 148
alcoholics, 139–40
Alexander, Eben, 21
Alfred, Jay, 104
Alfvén, Hannes, 89
alternative medicine, 70–81
Alzheimer’s disease, 73
Anatomy of the Spirit, 58
Anderson, Scott Virdin, 5
anger, 120–21, 143, 148–51, 193
animal magnetism, 106
anxiety, 64–65, 151
astronauts, 95
Auditory Integrative Training, 75
aura, 91–92, 92, 103
autism, 75

back tension, 6–7
Barrett, Stephen, 124
Beaulieu, John, 77
Becker, Robert, xi, 107
beliefs, 198–200
Berger, Hans, xi
binaural beats, 77–78
BioAcoustic Biology, 78
bioelectric medicine, 109
biofield, 105, 106–10
biofield anatomy, 4, 58–60, 59, 120–
        21, 127–29
    chakra tables, 229–32
    feet, 129–30
    heart chakra, 152–56, 153, 155
    knees, 130–31
    maps of, 233–34
    root chakra, 132–36, 133–34
    sacral chakra, 136–45, 137, 141
    solar plexus chakra, 143–52, 144, 151
    throat chakra, 156–59, 157, 160–63, 161–62
Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis, 1–4
Biology of Belief, The, 39
biophotons, 8–9, 111–14
bioplasma, 90–94
Birkeland, Kristian, 85
Birkeland currents, 85, 89, 93, 95
black holes, 88
blame, 139–40
blood plasma, 86
Body Electric, The, 107
Boehm, Charlene, xvii
bones, 38
Bose-Einstein condensation, xv, 119
Boswinkel, Johan, 9, 135
brain, 149, 160
brain waves, xi
Brennan, Barbara, 90, 104
Buchanan, Gary Robert, 79
bulimia, 43–44
Burr, Harold Saxton, 106–7
busy mind, 135

caduceus, 93–94, 93
cancer, 2–3
Cannon, Walter, xi
Capps, Charles, 202
carbs, 148
case studies, 215–21
cells, ix–x
chakras, 55, 119–20, 178–79
    tables of, 229–34
    See also biofield anatomy; specific chakras
cheese, 148
chi, 5, 18, 89, 118–19
chocolate, 148
clairaudience, 57
clairvoyance, 57
clearing, 186
click, drag, and drop, 52
closed tone, 175–76
coherent frequencies, 35–37
columning, 178
combing, 52, 176
communication, 158
compassion, 152, 189
concussions, 7, 162–63
connection, 96
Conscious Healing, 143
consciousness, 20–24, 122–25
contraindications, 2–3
conventional medicine, 70–75
cortisol, 146
cosmology, 25–27, 96
creation stories, 31
creativity, 126, 138, 142–43
crown chakra, 163–65, 164
crystals, 65–67, 181–82
Cymatherapy, 78–79
cymatics, 34–35

death, 22
depression, 154, 201
detoxification, 2–3, 185–86
diethyl ether, 97
digestive issues, 6–7
diplomacy, 159
disappointment, 126, 138
discernment, 149
distance healing, 123
DNA, 113
DNA double helix, 93–94, 93
double layer (DL) sheath, 85–86, 89
Dunbar, Robin, 9–10

earthing mats, 207
Edwards, Sharry, 78
Einstein, Albert, 98, 116
electrical fields, ix–x
electricity, 87
Electric Sky, The, 88
Electric Universe (EU) theory, 86–90
electromagnetic (EM) fields, 108
electromagnetic radiation, 15
electromagnetism, 15–17, 17, 110–11, 128
electrons, xii
elves, 95
emotions, 192–98
Emoto, Masuru, 35
energy, 14–19, 17, 118, 125
energy field, 56–60, 59
Energy Healing Experiments, The, 105
energy knots, 181–84
energy medicine, 4–5
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis, 105
Englert, Francois, ix
entanglement, viii–ix
entrainment, 74
entropy, 115–20
equanimity, 200–202
ethyl ether, 97
EZ layers, xiv

father, 143, 148–52, 151
fear, 150–51, 193–94
feathering, 175
feet, 64, 129–30
Feinstein, David, 122
Feng Shui, 89
Feynman, Richard, 15
fibromyalgia, 156
fifth chakra, 156–59, 157
first plexus, 132–36, 133–34
Fishbein, Morris, 80
fixed beliefs, 180–81
flip the spin, 188–89
fMRIs, 70
focus, 164
four-inch zones, 176–78
fourth chakra, 152–56, 153, 155
fragmentary body, 140, 142
frequency, 29–30
Fröhlich, Herbert, xiv–xv, 112–13
frustration, 126, 138
Fuller, Buckminster, 116–17

gallbladder, 121, 143, 148–51
gatekeeper, 193
Gauguelin, Michel, 4
Gaynor, Mitchell, 77
G-d fork, 65
genomes, xiii–xiv
Gilman, Robert, 117–18
Golden Mean, 101, 101
Goldman, Jonathan, 168
gratitude, 152
gravity, 87–88
greener-pasture thinking, 131
grief, 152
grounding, 171–73
guilt, 126, 141, 142–43
happiness, 201
harp music, 73–74
Hawkins, David, 139
headaches, 6–7
Healing Codes for the Biological
, 63–64
Healing Power of Sound, The, 77
heart, 91
heart chakra, 152–56, 153, 155
HeartMath, 36, 91
heart rate variability, 36
Heaviside, Oliver, 17
Hermes, 94
herpes outbreaks, 7
Hertz, Heinrich, 32–33
Hidden Messages in Water, The, 35
Higgo, James, 28–29
Higgs, Peter, ix
Higgs boson, ix
Higgs field, 98, 128
hollow bone, 173–75
Holy Spirit, 5
homeopathy, 108–9
Horowitz, Leonard, 63–64
Hubble telescope, 85
Hunt, Valerie, 110–11

ice cream, 148
Ida, 93–94
incoherent frequencies, 35–37
infinite regeneration, 117
information, 118, 128
infrasonic frequencies, 32–33, 69
inner critic, 140
inspiration, 159
intention, 168–70, 211
intuition, 39, 54–56, 160, 163
Inyushin, Victor, 90, 115
ionosphere, 95

jealousy, 194
Jenny, Hans, 35
jets, 95

ki, 18
kidneys, 121, 143, 145–51
knee issues, 7
knees, 64, 130–31
koshas, 91–92, 92
Kozyrev, Nikolai, 116
Kuhn, Thomas, viii
kundalini energy, 93–94

Langmuir, Irving, 86
LaViolette, Paul, 100
Law of Attraction, 202–3
left-hand ditch, 154
Lemurian seed crystals, 65–66, 181–82
Levitin, Daniel, 74
ley lines, 89
L-fields, 107
life force, 18, 105
Life Force, The Scientific Reason, 113–14
lightworking, 189
Lipton, Bruce, 39
lithotripsy, 72
liver, 120–21, 143, 148–51
living matrix, xi
Lockhart, Maureen, 122
loss, 152
love, 204–6
Luckman, Sol, 140, 142
luminiferous aether, 18

macrobiotics, 199–200
magnetosphere, 89
magnets, 105–6
mail slot, 54–56
Manners, Peter Guy, 79
Maret, Karl H., vii–xvii
Marx, Karl, 23–24
matter, 125
Maxwell, James Clerk, 17
Maxwellian-Hertzian waves, 114
McCraty, Rollin, 90–91
McKusick, Eileen Day, 10–13, 25–27,
        42–52, 207–12
    discovering biofield anatomy, 56–60
    Solfeggio forks, 63–64
    teaching, 67–68
Mechanists, 106, 108
medicine, 19–20
Medisonix, 79
Medivibe, 210–12, 213
Mercury, 94
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 105–6
metal screws, 2
Michaelson-Morley experiment, 98
microwave radiation, xvi–xvii
molecules, xii
Molecules of Emotion, 120
morphic fields, 107–8
mother, 143, 145–47, 151–52, 151
music, 163–64
music thanatology, 73–74
music therapy, 70, 73–74
Myss, Carolyn, 58

negative entropy, 115–16, 117
neutrality, 200–202
neutrinos, 100
nice girl shoulder, 154
nitric oxide (NO), 67, 77
noise, 37–38
non-locality, viii–ix

od, 18
odic force, 114–15
open tone, 175–76
orgone, 18
Oschman, James (Jim), xii, 105
Our Invisible Bodies, 104
overthinking, 160

pacemakers, 2
pain, 64
pain body, 204
pancreas, 121, 143, 145–47
panic attacks, 6–7
paradigms, 24–25, 125–26
paradigm shifts, viii
particles, 126
past lives, 130
PEAR lab, 121
peptides, 120
Peratt, Anthony, 86, 88
perception, 163
Pert, Candace, 120, 192–93
Phi spiral, 101–2, 101
pineal gland, 95, 160
Pingala, 93–94
placebo effect, 169
Planck, Max, 29
plasma, 82–86, 84, 99
Plato, 101–2
polarity, 115
Popp, Albert, 111–13
Potentiate Your DNA, 140, 143
Potentiation, 142
powerlessness, 143, 146, 158
Power vs. Force, 139
prana, 5
pregnancy, 2
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s
        Journey into the Afterlife
, 22
protons, xii
pseudo-skeptics, 7
PTSD, 7, 70
PTSD head, 160, 162, 162
Puleo, Joseph, 63–64
purplewashing, 150, 192–98
Pythagoras, 102

qi, 5
Qi emissions, x
Quackwatch, 124
quantum, 27–29
quantum physics, viii–ix
quantum potential, 98
quantum resonance, viii–ix

Rauscher, Elizabeth, xv
reality, creating, 202–3
Reich, Wilhelm, 18
Reichenbach, Carl Ludwig, 114–15
Reiki, 109
relationships, 126
religion, 23–24
research, 69–70
resonance, 74
restless-leg syndrome, 6–7
Rife, Royal Raymond, 79–80
Rife machine, 79–80
root chakra, 132–36, 133–34
Rosa, Emily, 124
Rosch, Paul John, 8
Rubik, Beverly, 108, 122

sacral chakra, 136–43, 137, 141
sadness, 152–54
Sagan, Carl, 112
saying no, 189–90
scalar waves, 128
Schumann resonance, 94–96
Schwartz, Gary, 6, 105, 122, 124–25
science, 4–5, 6
Science Set Free, 21
Scientific Elite: Nobel Laureates in the
        United States
, 21
Scott, Donald, 86, 88
second chakra, 136–43, 137, 141
Second Law of Thermodynamics, 116
Secret Life of Plants, The, 40
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, 100
self-aware universe, 98–103
self-care, 188–89
    80 percent syndrome, 191–92
    asking for help, 190–91
    creating your reality, 202–3
    cultivating neutrality, 200–202
    influence of beliefs, 198–200
    love, 204–6
    purplewashing, 192–98
    saying no, 189–90
    worthiness, 203–4
self-field theory (SFT), xv
self-worth, 138
Selye, Hans, 8
seventh chakra, 163–65, 164
sexuality, 126, 138, 142–43
shamans and shamanism, 19–20,
shame, 126, 139
Sheldrake, Rupert, 21–22, 107–8
shock, 150–51
singing, 49–52
singing bowls, 77
sixth chakra, 160–63, 161–62
skepticism, value of, 6–8
slavery yoke, 140, 142
Solar Harmonic Spectrum, 52–53, 64, 129
solar plexus, 121, 142–52, 144, 151
solar wind, 89
Solfeggio tuning forks, 63–64, 129,
        179, 210–12
solids, 101–2
soul loss, 118–19
sound, xiv
    coherent vs. incoherent frequencies,
    cymatics, 34–35
    explanation of, 32–34, 33
    noise, 37–38
    reasons for therapeutic use of, 38–41
sound balancing
    case studies, 215–221
    development of, 52–54
    introduction to, 1–4
    student testimonials, 222–28
    See also biofield anatomy; self-care;
    tuning forks
sound healing, 75–77
sound healing time warp, 186–87
sound therapy, 72–73
source field, 98
space sickness, 95
spirit, 5
spirituality, 4–5
spleen, 121, 143, 145–47
sprites, 95
SQUID (Superconducting Quantum
        Interference Device), ix–x, 91, 113
stomach, 121, 145–47
stress, 8, 197
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The, viii
student testimonials, 222–28
subtle body, 113–16
subtle energy, 15–16, 17–19, 22–23, 99, 122–26
sugar, 148
sun, 89
Swanson, Claude, 113–14
syntropy, 115–20
Szent-Györgyi, Albert, xi–xii

Talbott, David, 86–88
TED Talks, 4–5
telluric currents, 89
ten-inch zones, 176–78
Tesla, Nikola, 100–101
Tesla waves, 128
Therapeutic Touch, 109, 124
third chakra, 121, 143–52, 144, 151
third eye chakra, 160–63, 161–62
Thornhill, Wallace, 86–87, 88, 100
throat chakra, 156–59, 157
thyroid, 159
Tibetan bowls, 77
Tiller, William, 110–11, 121, 211
time warp, 186–87
tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT), 72–73
tissues, ix–x
TMJ, 6–7
Tolle, Eckhart, 204
Tomatis Method, 74–75
Tompkins, Peter, 40
toroidal shape, 91–92, 92, 103
torsion field, 101
torsion waves, 101, 128
toxic chemicals, 149–50
truth, facets of, 8–10
tuning forks, 2, 210–12
    adrenal rhythm reset, 184–85
    choosing, 170–71
    detoxification, 185–86
    evolving methodology, 179–80
    freeing energy knots, 181–84
    grounding before use, 171–73
    intention and, 168–70
    moving through chakras, 178–79
    open tone vs. closed tone, 175–76
    recognizing zones, 176–78
    uprooting fixed beliefs, 180–81

ultrasonic frequencies, 32–33
ultrasound, 71–73

validation, 158
Vanilla Bean Café, 45–47, 61–62
vertigo, 6–7
vibration, xii–xiii, 52
Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy (VST),
Vitalists, 106, 108
vitamin D, 48
Von Reichenbach, Carl, 18

walls, 138
watery exclusion zones, xiv
waves, 126
words, 14–31, 29–30
worry, 160
worthiness, 203–4

yang, 115, 116
yes man shoulder, 154
yin, 115, 116

zero-point field, 98
Zimmerman, John, x
Zuckerman, Harriet, 21