How the Electric Universe Theory and Schumann Resonance Relate to Healing
We are star stuff contemplating the stars.
The first turn occurred one night at the family dinner table, when my son Quinn, who was twelve at the time, announced, “Did you know there was a fourth state of matter called plasma?” At the time I had to say that I did not in fact know there was a state of matter called plasma. I was familiar with solids, liquids, and gases, but somehow the fact that there was something called plasma had eluded me.
In that same conversation we had been discussing the vacuum nature of space. I must confess that my limited science education (I had avoided both physics and chemistry in high school and college) had left me with a rather rudimentary understanding of such things, but I had a vague recollection of having read once somewhere that space was not, in fact, a vacuum of empty nothingness like I had been taught, but that it was actually filled with something.
After dinner I did an Internet search of “space is not a vacuum” and was only mildly surprised to discover that space, in fact, appeared to be filled with none other than plasma. That began my journey down the plasma rabbit hole. I spent the next five months researching plasma every spare moment I could, and the information I uncovered caused me to completely reframe my cosmological outlook. I became so enamored of what I was learning that my husband said to me at one point, “You don’t love me—you love plasma!”
Before we begin a discussion about plasma, the fourth state of matter, it is important that we understand exactly what plasma is. Usually when I start to talk to people about plasma, I have to say, “It’s not blood plasma, it’s the other plasma,” and then I am usually met with a blank stare. The fact of the matter is that the majority of people have no idea what plasma is, which is a curious fact when one considers that plasma comprises as much as 99.99 percent of our universe.
The reason why most people do not know about plasma is because they are not educated about it in school. Like me, most people are only taught about solids, liquids, and gases. And while education has changed a bit in recent years, most NASA press releases—the way many of us seem to learn about space phenomena—refer to the stuff that is technically plasma as “hot gas” most of the time. It’s a shame, really, that more people don’t know about plasma, because plasma is actually quite a fascinating and even exciting concept.
So, what then is it?
Here are a few definitions:
So, then, plasma is a gas that conducts electrical current. It is different from regular gas in that the electrons have been separated from their nuclei, leaving a “soup” of negative electrons and positive ions. Generally, it is referred to as the fourth state of matter, although many sources point out that it should technically be called the first state of matter, as it is what the other three states arise from (or technically, condense from).
What are some examples of plasma? Well, our sun for one, as well as all the stars in the sky, and all the space between those stars as well. Here on Earth, we see plasma in the form of lightning strikes, northern lights, and daily in the form of fluorescent lightbulbs, neon signs, and plasma TVs. Who knew that plasma was so abundant and ubiquitous?
Figure 5.1. Hydrogen gas turned plasma
Another place we see plasma is in the fascinating pictures of nebulas that the Hubble telescope is sending back from space (although, again, these are usually described as “hot gas”). Plasma is also used in business, industry, and health care. Most people have heard of a plasma cutter or an arc welder. These technologies make use of hot plasma. Nonthermal or cold plasma is used as a sterilizing agent in the food industry and also in the medical profession, as it has been discovered that it can sterilize hospital and food production equipment quickly and inexpensively. It can also be used to speed wound healing. Plasma is actually quite a growth industry at the moment, full of promising developments.
Let’s take a look at some of the properties of plasma.
Properties of Plasma
Many researchers who have studied plasma have remarked on its “almost lifelike” qualities. Plasma spontaneously forms filaments, cells, and sheaths. These helical, twisting filaments in space are called Birkeland currents, named after Norwegian researcher Kristian Birkeland. He demonstrated that electric currents flow along filaments shaped by current-induced magnetic fields. As plasma filaments come together by means of long-range attraction, they rotate around one another. This creates a short-range repulsive magnetic force that holds the filaments apart so that they are insulated from one another and thus maintain their identity. They rotate faster and faster as they draw together, forming a helical structure. These twisting helical structures carry electrical currents over vast distances, connecting stars and interstellar space, somewhat like electrical wires.
Plasma forms cells of different voltages, temperatures, density, and chemical properties, and separates these cells by means of what is called a double layer (DL) sheath. This double layer consists of a positively charged layer separated from a negative layer by a small, electrically charged space. This sheath provides the cell with protection against its environment. For example, the sun’s heliosphere is bounded by a DL. When a foreign object is inserted into plasma, the plasma will immediately form a sheath around it. It is this tendency to isolate any intruders that may have led American chemist and physicist Irving Langmuir, who coined the name plasma in 1927, to name it as such after blood plasma, which has the same tendency. This quality makes plasma difficult to measure because it will isolate any recording devices.
Plasma is recognized as having three modes of operation:
Plasma research has been conducted over the last century by a variety of researchers, and more recently important work has been done on plasma by American physicist Anthony Peratt, who created some interesting computer simulations that show how electrical Birkeland currents can give rise to galaxies. He, along with author-scientists Wallace Thornhill and Donald Scott, are key players in plasma research today. In fact, these scientists are proponents of a whole new way of looking at the cosmos, called the Electric Universe theory, which states that electricity, not gravity, is the key defining force in the universe.
From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms. There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.
The most profound concept I have ever come across in any of the research I have done in my entire life is the emerging cosmological theory called the Electric Universe (EU) theory, which is an outgrowth of plasma cosmology. Put simply, EU says that electricity, not gravity, is the dominant force in space. Up until this point, astrophysicists insisted that charge separation cannot happen in space, and they therefore dismissed the electric force as an impossibility. However, information sent to us by space probes and the Hubble and other telescopes has demonstrated the truth of this charge separation. It would now seem there can no longer be any denial of electricity as a force—as perhaps the defining force—in space.
EU is a radical departure from our current cosmological model. In EU, there is no need for black holes, dark energy, dark matter, or other strange things we cannot see. What many people do not realize about these phenomena is that they are all mathematical constructs, not observed realities. These imagined entities have been conjured up to explain how the insufficient gravity in galaxies can account for them hanging together. But according to EU, all observable phenomena in space can be easily described and predicted because plasma is scalable—meaning the plasma created in a lab behaves in much the same way as the plasma we see in space.
Gravity has been perceived as the dominant force in the universe for over 300 years; the entire scientific revolution was built on this cosmology. It should come as no surprise that the academic world is not taking too kindly to these revelations about EU, and that the theory is shunned in many academic circles. Despite academia’s skepticism, it has been said that EU is a revelation on par with the work of Copernicus and Galileo or the quantum physicists at the early part of the last century. Just as Bohm, Bohr, Einstein, and others created a revolution in thinking by redefining our perception of the micro—the quantum world—Peratt, Thornhill, and Scott are creating a revolution in thinking by redefining our perception of the macro, the universe. It is paradigm shattering in a very powerful way because it is a retelling of our cosmological story.
The cosmological story is the most important story in a culture. It forms the backdrop that every other story is written against. All human dramas play out on a stage, with the cosmos as the overarching, defining pattern. Our current cosmology goes something like this: 13.7 billion Earth years ago, there was a point that was “infinitely hot and infinitely dense,” which exploded and has been expanding ever since, which it will keep doing until, according to the second law of thermodynamics, it will all spread out, dissipate, and end. Galaxies are held together by gravity, black holes in the middle that “devour” light, and mysterious dark energy pushing them together from the outside. Everything else is mysterious dark matter.
In this dark and mysterious universe, life is random, chaotic, and pointless. Everything is machinelike and separate from everything else. You and I really can’t understand any of it because our cosmologists define most of what is going on in space—in terms of how old it is and how fast it is expanding—with complex mathematical formulas. Many reports from NASA speak of scientists being puzzled or confused about the phenomena they are witnessing in space. It’s a hostile, dangerous, and confusing territory.
But that isn’t how EU sees it at all. In EU everything hangs together; everything makes sense. The Electric Universe theory both explains and consistently predicts space phenomenon based on the predictable behavior of electromagnetic plasma. One of the things I say in my lectures is that the best self-help book I ever read isn’t even a self-help book: it’s The Electric Sky, by Donald Scott, which clearly and concisely lays out EU theory in such a way that anyone can understand it. Here was what I had been looking for all along without even realizing it—a cosmology of connectivity, of light, instead of separation and darkness. I suddenly saw, and felt, how I was connected to the rest of the universe, and this revelation of connection was nothing short of a love affair. My husband was right—I had fallen in love with plasma.
Our sun, instead of being an isolated thermonuclear furnace of hydrogen gas fusing into helium gas (a self-sufficient individual, burning itself out), is an electric dynamo, powered by galactic Birkeland currents and connected through this web of electricity to every other electrically powered star in the universe. This explains why stars and galaxies form in strings, along these massive intergalactic power wires, not so very different from Christmas lights on a string. It is the large-scale filamentary structure predicted in the 1960s by Hannes Alfvén, Swedish electrical engineer, plasma physicist, and recipient of the 1970 Nobel Prize in physics, which was verified by galactic observation since the ’80s. It is also an image that is often shown next to artists’ renditions of the neural web of circuitry of our brains.
The solar wind, which really isn’t a wind at all but an electrical current, delivers a flow of electrical energy to Earth, which is also an electrically charged body. Earth has a plasma DL sheath that serves as a buffer for this flow of electromagnetic energy; this is called the magnetosphere. When the electric discharge from the sun is high, we see the auroras form at the poles. The electricity discharges its buildup in lightning strikes and also travels across and under the surface of the Earth and the oceans in telluric currents. These natural earth-bound electrical currents have been mapped, and these maps are owned and used by oil and gas companies, allegedly to find deposits. Apparently they were also used to power the early telegraph system in the United States.
When I first learned about telluric currents, I couldn’t help but wonder if they were the same thing as dragon lines, the filamentary Earth currents of chi described in Chinese Feng Shui, or the ley lines of Neolithic Europe—which, as I understand are “tamed” dragon lines, straightened and utilized by our ancestors in much the same way we may straighten a river and turn it into a canal—same phenomenon, different name. I started to wonder if diffuse plasma and chi were the same thing, and if the human energy field was just a sort of a plasma bubble with a double layer sheath at the outer boundary.
Following this line of inquiry, I was able to come across other information that likened the human energy field to plasma, calling it bioplasma, or the fifth state of matter. The following paragraph appears in numerous sites on the Internet (but I was unable to find any references to the original work of Inyushin):
Since the 1950s, Dr. Victor Inyushin at Kazakh University in Russia has also done extensive research in HEF (Human Energy Field). He suggests the existence of a bioplasmic energy field composed of ions, free protons, and free electrons. He suggests that the bioplasmic energy field is a fifth state of matter. (The four states are solids, liquids, gases, and plasma.) Inyushin’s work shows that the bioplasmic particles are constantly renewed by chemical processes in the cells and are in constant motion. There is a balance of positive and negative particles within the bioplasma that is relatively stable. A severe shift in this balance causes a change in the health of the patients or organism.1
Barbara Brennan, a former NASA physicist and a world-renowned energy healer, also refers to the human energy field as a bioplasma; she sees physical trauma as “frozen” or stuck energy within this bioplasmic medium.2 Ampère’s circuital law states that wherever there is an electric current, there is a magnetic field. According to research by Rollin McCraty, et. al.:
Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electoral component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.3
The SQUID, or superconducting quantum interference device, is an extremely sensitive magnetometer capable of measuring the biomagnetic field produced by a single heartbeat, muscle twitch, or pattern of neural activity in the brain. This instrument is now being used at universities and medical research centers around the world in order to better understand the role of the biomagnetic fields in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
Here is what the HeartMath Institute has to say about the electromagnetic field of the heart:
The electrical energy produced by the heart radiates outside the body into space. The heart’s field is not static. It changes, depending on what we are feeling. For example, when we are feeling emotions like anger or frustration, the frequencies in the field become chaotic and disordered. On the other hand when we are experiencing emotions like compassion, care, appreciation or love, the frequencies in the field become more ordered and coherent. In a sense, through the electromagnetic field created by the heart, we are literally broadcasting our emotions like radio waves.4
This notion is slightly different from the one generally associated with the human energy field, which shows bodies of different densities and properties, as seen in figure 5.2 (on page 92). The rings are referred to as koshas, or sheaths, again stemming from the Vedic tradition. Both perspectives describe the field as toroidal (doughnut-shaped). The torus (or toroid) is a shape that repeats throughout nature as in the toroidal nature of the plasmaspheres of Earth, the sun, and a photon.
When one considers that the human body carries an electrical charge and also has a north and south pole, the larger toroidal representation in figure 5.3 (page 92) seems plausible. Remember that plasma is described as forming twisting filaments, cells, and sheaths.
Figure 5.2. The koshas, or sheaths, of the aura
Figure 5.3. Hypothetical toroidal field of the human body
The DL sheaths are formed at the outer boundaries of the plasma field and have a higher electrical charge than the ambient plasma within the boundary defined by the sheath. It would make sense that since the human body also has an electromagnetic charge, it would repeat this pattern, since life expresses itself in fractals*2—in short, “as above so below.”
Figure 5.4. Caduceus
Figure 5.5. DNA double helix
When plasma in arc mode (like lightning or a plasma welder) travels across distances in space, it forms the twisting Birkeland currents mentioned earlier, which spiral around one another. This vortex or spiraling action expresses itself in life-forms on many different levels; it therefore makes sense that it is also present in the subtle body.
Vedic literature describes the two serpentine channels that begin at the base of the spine and spiral up to the crown of the head, creating chakras, or vortexes of energy, at each crossing point. These images bring to mind two other common images, the caduceus (figure 5.4) and the DNA double helix (figure 5.5).
The caduceus is an esoteric symbol that various texts describe as originating in ancient Egypt. It features two snakes, representing the two etheric channels that comprise kundalini energy running up through the body, connecting the lower physical and the upper spiritual realms of the body. The Ida is the left, female channel, or yin energy, and the Pingala is the right, male channel, or yang energy. The central channel or staff is the shushumna, which runs along the spinal column. When the mind is quiet, the shushumna becomes active, uniting the inner self with the cosmos. The wings of the caduceus represent the air element associated with the upper, spiritual self, the exploration of which comes with the balance of the channels, and the staff itself is made of metal, which represents the element of earth.
Other sources describe the caduceus as arising from later Greek mythology and associated with the god Hermes (or Mercury, as rendered by the Romans). In this form the caduceus has been recognized as a symbol of the marketplace.5 Thus it would seem that the Greeks and Romans took an esoteric image that originally expressed the primal aspects of the masculine and feminine energies as related to the upper spiritual energies and applied it to commerce, as opposed to one’s inner elemental experience. The idea of the marketplace taking the place of the cosmos and our own inner riches is true particularly in our modern world. Perhaps ironically, this esoteric symbol has been adopted by our mainstream Western medical system and appears as a logo for many health care practitioners and companies, including the American Medical Association.
Figure 5.5 (page 93) is a depiction of the helical structure of DNA. From the micro to the macro, we see the movement of energy forming into these complementary, helical structures of negative and positive, feminine and masculine, yin and yang. So it would appear that the flowing electrical plasma in space is very closely related to the flow of energies within our own body.
We have been conditioned to think of ourselves as chemical and mechanical beings, but we are also extremely electrical. Most people think of the nervous system when they think of electricity in the body, but it has been determined that collagen, the connective tissue that is present everywhere in our bodies, is also a conductor, that our blood carries a charge, that our bones conduct electricity, that our heart is an electrically driven oscillator, and that our brain waves are electrical frequencies.
Curiously, human brain waves can function in the same wavelength as a frequency that is generated in the cavity between Earth and its ionosphere by all the lightning strikes going on all over the world in any given moment, which averages approximately two hundred storms producing fifty strikes per second. This frequency, a 7.83-Hz standing wave and its higher harmonics, which are present as a continual electromagnetic pulse in our environment, is called the Schumann resonance. It is sometimes referred to as the “Earth’s heartbeat.” This ambient frequency is received by our pineal gland, which is composed of about 30 percent magnetite, a type of iron oxide with natural magnetic properties, and appears to be important for governing a variety of functions, including melatonin production and the regulation of the endocrine (hormonal) system. When astronauts first started going up into space outside of Earth’s atmosphere, they reported getting “space sickness” from pineal malfunctioning, which seemed to be a consequence of not being exposed to this continual background governing frequency. When Schumann resonance generators were placed aboard spacecraft, this issue became mitigated.
Interestingly 7.83 Hz is also a brainwave frequency associated with meditative and creative states and is often recorded in shamans and healers. Brainwave states are generally divided up into four categories: delta (0–4 Hz), associated with deep sleep, renewal, and healing; theta (4–7 Hz), associated with insight, intuition, and awareness; alpha (7–13 Hz) associated with calm, relaxed alertness; and beta (13–40 Hz), associated with nervousness, irritability, anger, and the like. The brainwave activity of most modern humans is in the beta range. It would appear that when our brainwaves are in sync with the Schumann resonance (in the alpha state) we are in an optimum frame of mind.
We tend to think of lightning as a cloud-to-ground phenomenon, however, it has been discovered that it is actually an ionosphere-toground phenomenon. Various electrical phenomenon, called elves, jets, and sprites, have been observed and photographed between the tops of clouds and the upper atmosphere while lightning strikes are happening below cloud level. Since the ionosphere is in constant electrical contact with the sun through the solar wind, and the sun is in constant electrical contact with the rest of space through the connective Birkeland currents, we are, through the electrical activity in our own brains and bodies, literally resonating with the rest of the electrical universe, especially when we are tuned into the 7- to 8-Hz wavelength. This is also the frequency that has been measured coming out of the hands of chi gong healers when doing healing sessions—meaning they are truly channeling universal electromagnetic energy.
We are electromagnetic beings, bathed in an electromagnetically connected reality—all really is One in this very simple way—but we have been disconnected from this awareness and trapped in a paradigm that only teaches us about solids, liquids, and gases. In this old model we live in Newton’s gravity-driven, billiard-ball universe, spinning meaninglessly through a cold and disconnected vacuum of space. Despite the comment by 1918 Nobel Prize–winner Max Planck, that “we have now discovered that there is no such thing as matter, it is all just different rates of vibration designed by an unseen intelligence,” we still live as though we are in the world of the discrete, disconnected particle, the self-sufficient individual, in which mind and body, man and nature are separate.
I propose that the reason why the current reigning paradigm hasn’t really shifted out of this illusion of separation is because we have only part of the story—the micro part. Quantum theory tells us that everything is connected at the scale of the very small. But Electric Universe theory describes a vibrating, connected macro, and in doing so it changes the cosmological story of the last 300 years. When our cosmology changes, everything else changes, because everything refers back to cosmology.
People yearn for a sense of connection. This sense of connection, of an underlying current of interrelationship is essentially what we know as spirituality, Oneness. The cosmology of the scientific revolution has been one of separation, of spiritlessness. EU shows us how we are all connected via plasma.
But there is yet another, deeper connecting layer: aether.
According to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an aether. According to the general theory of relativity, space without aether is unthinkable.
Let’s look at the dictionary definition of the word aether:
So, we are not talking about definitions 1 and 2, but rather what is alluded to in definitions 3 through 5. Note that in definition 5, this all-pervading, infinitely elastic, massless medium was formerly postulated as being the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves. So, from this we may deduce that aether is an all-pervasive medium that is everywhere in the universe all at once.
Aether was once understood as being the medium through which starlight propagated, but this meaning was removed from science in the early 1900s and replaced with the vacuum theory, allegedly in support of Einstein’s theory of relativity. The textbook explanation for why the concept of aether was removed from science refers to an experiment conducted in the late 1800s called the Michaelson-Morley experiment, whose null outcome allegedly demonstrated that aether, as it had previously been conceived, did not really exist. The story about the people and the experiments concerning this subject is a fascinating one, but I won’t go into it in detail here. Suffice to say that the general supposition, when it comes to Einstein and aether, was that he at first believed it did not exist, but by 1922 had come to the opposite conclusion that there had to be an aetheric medium in space.6
Despite the fact that Einstein recanted his earlier assertion that aether did not exist, by then the concept had fallen out of fashion, and it has remained in disfavor up through our present time. But the need of late to have some kind of explanation for this subtle, all-pervasive energetic field has reasserted itself, and so over the last century this medium has been reintroduced with a variety of new names: the zero-point field, the source field, the quantum potential, the field, even the Higgs field, whose definition, “an invisible energy field that exists throughout the universe,” sounds an awful lot like the definition of aether.
Now, if you think back to my earlier description of subtle energy in the first chapter, you will see that it appears that when we talk about aether, we are talking about the same thing. But wasn’t I just wondering a few pages back whether plasma and chi are the same thing? Now am I suggesting that aether and chi are the same thing? Good question—I’ll do my best to explain it as I have come to understand it.
Because of the structure of our language, we tend to think of stuff in our environment as “things,” but if you think back to what Max Planck said about everything being vibrations of different frequencies, “things” are really more like processes. Notably, the Hopi and other languages contain no nouns, but rather refer to everything as if it were a process that is happening instead of a thing that is.
Matter and energy in our environment are constantly transforming. Frequency states shift along a continuum, a spectrum in which there are no real divisions. Sunlight gets absorbed by trees and they become bigger trees; water evaporates and becomes water vapor; stars explode and become star dust. There are different key thresholds where one state of matter becomes another—for example, the liquid of water becoming the solid of ice—but ultimately there is simply a single spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies that vary, from the very high and fast to the very low and slow.
In the continuum of all of matter, we have aether, the highest and finest and most basic state of matter, which spins itself through torsion spirals into concentrations called plasma. This in turn condenses into gases, liquids, and solids, ultimately forming the stuff we see around us. It would appear that subtle energy exists in a great number of degrees of density or texture, ranging from very subtle to more coarse or tangible. From what I can tell, everything from the finest aether to a diffuse plasma can be called subtle energy. And all of it is potentially consciousness. Here is why: To hang together as a cohesive unit, which it is, the universe must have some degree of self-awareness—it must be conscious of itself, and it must be instantaneously conscious, with no lag time in the signaling, meaning the information transfer in this medium must be faster than the speed of light. And this medium, the aetheric medium that exists everywhere throughout the universe, serves as the medium through which the universe is self-aware.
This concept of the self-aware universe can also be seen in the concept we call gravity—all of the universe must have instantaneous awareness of itself everywhere at once, or else how could it remain in relationship with the degree of order that it has?
I was thinking one morning about how universal self-awareness is a property of aether, which is present everywhere all at once, and had read that gravity was also described as having these same traits, and I suddenly wondered how gravity and aether were related. I did an Internet search of “gravity is a property of aether” and found that there are people who espouse the theory that rather than being a force that pulls us down, gravity is in fact a force that pushes us down: it is the force of the all-pervasive yet subtle aetheric field that is pushing from all around into the center of the Earth.
This made me think about neutrinos and how they are described as massless high-frequency particles that very weakly interact with matter, and how they are pushing in on the surface of Earth from all directions. Could what science calls neutrinos be the same thing as aether, I wondered? So I searched that, too. And I found that Wal Thornhill, one of the leading thinkers in the Electric Universe theory, says exactly that.
Now remember, I am not saying that any of this is definitely so. I’m not an expert; I’m a student, a person asking questions. I’m simply sharing with you some of the answers I have come up with and showing you how they could fit together. I absolutely encourage you to do your own investigation and form your own opinions about the material I am presenting here.
Okay, let’s keep looking at the properties ascribed to aether, because this is important. Remember that there are many different names for this particular phenomenon, but since aether was the original name, it is the one I choose to use.
Aether is described as operating holographically, meaning the whole is present in every part. It is aether’s holographic nature that allows for instantaneous communication without regard for time or distance—meaning that aether is the medium of consciousness, the carrier wave of it, so to speak. As the nonlocal interconnective medium that unifies us all in real time, aether is the missing link in so-called paranormal phenomena such as remote viewing, distance healing, synchronicities (i.e., meaningful coincidences), and telepathy.
According to physicist Paul LaViolette, author of Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, the hidden “aether physics” explains how UFOs are able to navigate in the rapid zig-zag and up-and-down fashion that has routinely been witnessed. LaViolette, who has done extensive research into these subjects, asserts that the awareness of aether has been intentionally suppressed for a number of reasons, national security being one of these.
The scientist Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), who invented AC power and many other things besides, figured out a way to harness and transmit the energy of the aether. We do not learn about Tesla and all his amazing contributions to science in our educational system. It is not “conspiracy theory” to take note of this, but rather an awareness of simple economics: Tesla wanted to transmit free energy for everyone, and his financier, seeing the implications of this, pulled the plug on his advanced technologies. He was then subsequently written out of our official history, while aether was written out of official science.
Aether is also described as moving in torsions or spirals, and as such it is called the torsion field, or torsion waves. We see how nature repeatedly coalesces in these spiral patterns; from galaxies to snail shells to weather patterns, the proportions of the Phi spiral repeat on every level of creation. The Phi spiral and corresponding Golden Mean rectangle (1:1.618) are proportions that repeat themselves fractally throughout nature (see figure 5.6, the golden ratio).
Figure 5.6. Phi spiral and Golden Mean rectangle
The spiral is not the only pattern characteristic of aether. The five Platonic solids (see figure 5.7) are also part of the underlying geometry of creation that arises in aether. These solids were first described by Plato as being the only forms that fit perfectly within a sphere, connected by identically shaped surfaces, edge lengths, and angles—an identical view in all directions. The Greeks taught that these five solids were the core patterns of physical creation. Four of the solids were seen as the archetypal patterns behind the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water, what we know as the four states of matter. The fifth was held to be the pattern behind the life force itself—the Greeks’ aether. This fifth solid, the dodecahedron, was in fact kept a closely guarded secret in the Greek school of Pythagoras, and even Plato spoke little of it. They feared that this pattern could cause tremendous destruction if misused. (Looking at that shape makes me think of the Pentagon!)
Figure 5.7. Platonic solids and states of matter
These patterns, like the spiral, also appear throughout nature, especially at the atomic level in chemistry. And the shape that is not shown, the sphere within which all of these forms can nest, is yet another one of the fundamental forms of aether. When one combines a sphere with a spiral, one gets the torus, another fundamental pattern within aether.
In the esoteric tradition it is said that the human body has an aetheric template, a subtle-energy matrix in vortex/torus form that channels and stabilizes the aetheric energies, making them more dense and charged, and eventually responsible for creating the physical body. The aetheric template comes first, followed by the body. It is the human mind that creates the shape or structure of the torus for the length of a lifetime. When the mind withdraws at death, the toroidal construct, the underlying pattern that is giving rise to order, ceases to exist, and the physical body falls apart.
Although the torus shape of the aura has a boundary—the double-layer sheath of plasma cosmology—it sits in the universal aetheric field, which is unlimited, or infinite. This is also the reason why we are all connected, at all times, with everything else in the universe. So if we insert aether and plasma into our cosmological framework, we suddenly have a dimension beyond the material world that we are accustomed to.
The presence of aether, with its holographic, everywhere-at-onceness, is a simple and plausible explanation for things like telepathy, distance healing, distance viewing, and all the other paranormal practices that are dismissed as impossible by the aetherless conventional paradigm (no need to call it what Einstein termed “spooky action at a distance”). Our consciousness, being ultimately nonlocal and part of this holographic soup, is free to wander at will, to connect instantaneously to other minds, even at great distances. Especially for people whose brainwaves are in the Schumann range, synchronistic events become the norm, as these persons allow themselves to be guided by Thoreau’s subtle magnetism.
With regard to healing, in aetheric or spiritually based healing practices, one can directly alter this aetheric body and create physical changes in the physical body. That is because if one can manipulate the aether and the plasma, one can manipulate the physical. The so-called biofield therapies work precisely on this premise, as we shall soon discover.