As I put the final edits on this manuscript, the fork issue has been resolved. Following Dr. Tiller’s advice, I intended very clearly that my forks not break, and the one I used when I went back to work lasted a full two months before buzzing. I still don’t really get what was making them break like crazy for a while there, but I do know that the effect of that experience was that I had no choice but to stop seeing clients and focus entirely on writing, something which obviously needed to happen. But there was clearly more in play here than just my intention—the way that the forks are used in sound balancing keeps them in dissonance most of the time. This distortion of tone stresses the metal and may be creating micro cracks in the structure, meaning the tool is simply not up for the job.

To that end the owner at Medivibe did an experiment for me: he manufactured a dozen forks of varying gauges and alloys for me to experiment with to see what would hold up the best to the sound balancing process. One of these has worked like a charm—made in a heavier gauge and from a different alloy, it has held up beautifully to my work. These forks, made specifically for this way of working, are available for sale on my website, www.eileenmckusick.com.

Instead of the forks breaking, I have now been faced with my own body breaking—after all these years of the striking motion, it’s really no surprise this has happened. I have always said that I would never let myself get a repetitive stress injury and now to have one has been a bit humbling! But just as the breaking forks seemed to have a purpose and an upside, I have had the same experience with this injury.

For one thing, it has driven me to simplify even further a process that was relatively simple to begin with. The one fork, one motion technique explained in chapter 8 (page 180) is so simple and easy that it can be utilized by many people in many different therapeutic environments with minimal financial investment. I also see this as a segue to the process of making use of the auto-resonating fork that is the basis of the Biofield Sonography device I am working to create. A map of the biofield can be created by a circular sweep of the body with just that one frequency. So my body has forced me into a logical progression. Clearly it knows more than “I” do.

The injury has also had a positive effect in that it has led me to receive a lot of bodywork and complete yet another stage of deep healing. By stopping the repetitive motion and receiving a variety of treatments—massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, and soundwork—I became pain free fairly quickly and am grateful for the access to successful rehabilitation. I have been especially helped by the sound balancing work done to me by several of my students over the last few months and actually feel stronger, healthier, and clearer than I ever have.

I definitely have been testing the limits of the forks, the process, and my own body! It hasn’t been easy but it has definitely been worth it. And the journey has not ended for me as I am now enrolled in a Ph.D. program where I am continuing my research.

It feels great knowing that other people can learn how to do this work and that plenty of healing can happen out there without me facilitating it. I hope you can take what I have shared here and use it to help make yourself and the people around you healthier, happier, more free, and more empowered. To your health!