Every time I publish a book, I thank my family, and for good reason. They not only support my writing habit, they encourage it (and me, of course). Lately, as we’ve all grown older, I’ve found myself also consulting my children for advice, a reversal of roles from when they were younger and an “advice chair” sat at the ready in my room. Now they are wise beyond their years, and they, along with my husband, have been excellent sounding boards and counselors through this crazy publishing business and other life events. I can’t thank them enough.
I also need to thank my outstanding daughter-in-law, Evelyn, who is a wonderful mother to our grandchildren, and whose own marketing efforts on behalf of her freelance work set a high bar for my feeble similar attempts.
Another thank-you goes out to Deborah Nemeth, who saw this manuscript in its early stages and provided first-class editing services to help me get it where it is today.
I also want to once again thank my writing friend Jerri, hundreds of miles away, but always close in spirit. An excellent published author, she, too, has offered me frank counsel and the much-needed cheering when my spirits were low.
Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude to my publisher, Bruce L. Bortz of Bancroft Press. He has been an unflagging supporter and always interested in my latest projects, no matter what they are. Every author should have such an encouraging editor.