
June 1935

Dear April and Joe,

I take pen in hand to let you know that Caroline and I are settled here in Lahaina on the island of Maui. My friend has welcomed me into his practice, and Caroline and I are the proud parents of a son. Caroline has become acquainted with some of the native women. She loves it here and spends many hours going barefoot on the beach, collecting seashells and teaching her native friends to crochet. The sight of ships coming into the harbor never ceases to amaze her. We are happier than we ever believed possible. Write and tell us the news. I suppose you two finally figured out that you were in love.


August 1935

Dear Doc and Caroline,

Joe and I received your welcome letter. We are glad that you have found a place where you can live together as man and wife. Congratulations on becoming parents! This will probably not be much of a surprise to you, but Joe and I, Ruby and Jack were married in a double ceremony. Julie and Eudora wanted to have the wedding at the farm and we agreed.

Jack has gone back to work as Fertile’s law enforcer. He and Ruby live upstairs in Mrs. Poole’s house. I have a job now as a county nurse and we still live in your house. Joe and I have not decided if we will continue to live here or out on his farm.

Rolling Thunder has proved to be a good investment for Joe. He is gradually building up a good head of cattle.

When Fred was going through his sister’s belongings, he found Ron Poole’s record book. It listed all of his children and the names of the women he had raped. Fred gave the book to Julie and Evan. Julie explained the circumstances of her birth to Joy, and Joy showed more maturity than we expected. They left it up to her to tell Sammy. She did and both seem pleased to know they are half-brother and sister.

Marla Davidson ran off and left Sammy in the house on the river. Joe found the boy there alone, and now he’s working and living with Jethro and Eudora at the farm. Jethro says he has taken to farming and is a good worker. Eudora now has him under her wing, and he adores her. All in all, things seem to have worked out fine for all of them.

Fred and Joe have become friends. Fred is a changed man now that he’s out from under the thumb of his sister. He’s keeping company with Sarah Parker, and it appears to be serious.

Hattie Davenport got her comeuppance. Sarah and I spread word that you left town because of her pursuit. She lost most of her social standing in town after that.

Let us hear from you. You are missed here in Fertile. People keep asking if we’ve heard from you.

The postmaster tells us that this letter will probably reach you before Christmastime. We wish you a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.

From your friends in Fertile,

April and Joe