Also by Peter Glassgold
The Angel Max (1998)
James Laughlin, Byways: A Memoir (2005)
Living Space: Poems of the Dutch Fiftiers (1979; rev. ed., with Douglas Messerli, 2005)
New Directions in Prose & Poetry, joint editor with James Laughlin,
nos. 25–55 (1972–91)
Boethius: The Poems from On the Consolation of Philosophy, Translated out of the original Latin into diverse historical Englishings diligently collaged (1994)
Hwaet! A Little Old English Anthology of American Modernist Poetry
(1985; rev. ed., 2012)
Hans Deichmann, Objects: A Chronicle of Subversion in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, translated with Peter Constantine, from the German (1997)
Stijn Streuvels, The Flaxfield, translated, with André Lefevere, from the Dutch (1989)