Have you ever had a hunger awakened within you? A hunger so strong and full of fire that no matter how you try to rid yourself of the thoughts, it just doesn’t go away? It sits there, somewhere in the dark recesses of your mind, playing its silent little tricks on you. On your body. It comes alive when you’re asleep. It comes alive when you’re awake. It swims around every inch of your mind until it consumes every part of your soul. You squirm and writhe in an attempt to rid yourself of its infuriating itch, but to no avail. It only burns brighter, a blue flame flickering with searing heat in front of your eyes until it’s ready to explode throughout your entire being.
People look at me and think they know me; this sweet young thing, all smooth tanned skin, wide blue eyes, and long golden hair. The veritable all-American girl next door. Little do they know there is an animal within. I am a hunting tigress on the prowl for my next feed.
That’s what brings me here tonight, to Damville Stadium. I am searching for my next meal. My next fix.
I can’t sing. I can’t dance. But I can get lost in the music. I do get lost in the music. It’s my drug. Loud bass, screaming riffs, drum beats that vibrate their way through my body. Groupies. Drunks. Sex addicts. What can I say? I’m a junkie, getting high on the rock as well as the roll. It’s my ecstasy. And right now I am in the midst of yet another high.
Looking up at the stage from my place in the front of the crowd, I fixate on the dude at the back; the guy who hides behind the drum kit, so lost in his set that the rest of the world disappears and there is only him and those beats. Josh. Last time he was in town he irked me, cornering me in the corridor of a bar where the band were hanging out. His grip on my arm was tight and painful as he dragged me passed the toilets and out into the derelict patio. He didn’t need to speak to me, I knew what he wanted and I knew exactly how to give it to him.
Sinking to my knees on the grubby, cold stone floor, I unzipped his black ripped jeans, took out his cock and got to work, teasing him slowly, kissing the tip of his head before running my tongue along the length of his prick. I do so enjoy the tease, swirling my tongue around him before engulfing him completely, my throat now well trained to accommodate even the thickest of men.
It’s so easy, getting these guys. They’re all the same. So. Damn. Predictable. Ruled by their dicks. Even on the stage they’re driven by the brain between their legs. Of course they don’t do this for the love of the music, they do it for the love of the women. Or the men.
Josh, he likes men. Women and men. Usually together. Don’t raise your eyebrows, it’s pretty hot to watch. And be a part of. There is nothing more erotic than watching a beautiful woman sinking onto the lead singer of a rock band whilst he sucks furiously on his bandmate’s cock.
The first time I saw this I was only nineteen. So young. So innocent. So pure. I was laying across a sofa in the dressing room of Solène, the female guitarist of Hard Knocks, a rock band from Brooklyn. We shared a bottle of vodka and giggled girlishly, chatting about anything and everything. Mainly sex. She pointed across the room and I turned to see a mass of limbs on the floor near the door, clothes shed and strewn haphazardly all over the place.
As I looked on, mesmerised by the threesome that was happening in front of me, I failed to notice the hands that cupped my breasts, caressing them gently through the black cotton of my vest. Or the lips that were kissing their way along the column of my neck.
“It looks hot, right?” Solène whispered against my ear in her thick Parisian accent, bringing me back to the present.
Realising for the first time what she was doing, I nodded mutely and looked down at the petite hands that gently kneaded my tits. Nineteen, virginal, watching group sex and being touched by a woman. An older woman. So I rose from the sofa and made a swift exit, right?
That was such a delicious introduction into the world of rock superstardom. A very delicious introduction indeed. And now, as I immerse myself in the music and the band on the stage, surrounded by thousands of men and women, sweaty and screaming song lyrics at the top of their lungs, I make a vow to get a repeat performance with that drummer. Only this time, it won’t be me who’s on bended knee on the cold stone floor sucking his cock. No, it will be he who has his face buried between my thighs, his tongue deep in my greedy little cunt.
“Get back here!” The security guard shouts as I run through the crowd, battling my way through the throng of gig goers.
I chuckle as the middle aged, overweight man attempts to catch up with me. Fool. I push my way towards the back of the stadium and out of the exit, wanting to make my move before the revellers start to leave. It’s warm out tonight, the dark sky illuminated by tall festival lighting, and the air full of the smoky aroma of burger vans and hotdog vendors.
“Psst, Mattie!”
I turn to my left and see a lone female leaning casually against the metal railings that block the gig off from the public. My breasts tighten beneath the confines of my bra as I watch her place the slender cigarette in her mouth and take another long drag before blowing the smoke sensually from between her lips.
“Bibi!” I embrace her in a welcome hug. “It’s been ages!”
“I know, anyone would think you’ve been avoiding me,” she says with a wink. “I haven’t heard a peep from you since Seattle and I know damn well you’ve been working the circuit.”
I chuckle softly. Seattle — another amazing experience, my first date with another woman. An actual date. I met Bibi through Solène when I was twenty and we floated in similar circles, bumping into each other time and time again at different gigs and after parties. Three months ago, whilst Hard Knocks were playing an underground gig, Bibi had taken me by the hand and lead me into a world so new and fantastic that I had floated high on cloud nine for weeks after.
While Solène and the guys killed the stage that cool April eve, Bibi dressed me in a long black evening gown, took me to a high class cocktail bar, wined me, dined me, and then escorted me back to my hotel room, planting a sweet and unexpected goodnight kiss on my lips, which completely threw me and my bubble-fuzzy mind off kilter. The sweet goodnight kiss led to another, not-so-sweet passionate clinch, her tongue slipping between my lips and deep into my mouth, forceful and demanding.
I’d never made love with a woman before. Sure, I’d kissed and groped my fair share — Solène always delighted in petting my pussy until I climaxed around her fingers whenever we saw each other. But never had I spent the night alone with another femme. Bibi blew my mind that night, and she changed the way I viewed myself and my approach to sex. It wasn’t just fucking to Bibi. She focused on sensuality; soft kisses, gentle caresses, tender touches. She nipped and nibbled her way across my flesh, never once demanding that I gave back to her. I was lost from the moment her lips pressed against my own. It was perfect. So perfect….
I slid the key card into my hotel door, grateful that it flickered green quickly, desperate to get my new friend inside. And then there was only us. Me and her. Two women who were about to experience each other for the first time. My heart pounded in my chest as she approached me, quiet and apprehensive about what I was about to do. This seemed so different to the other times; with Solène or other groupies. This seemed bigger somehow. More…meaningful.
Running her finger down my cheek, she gently coaxed me forth, leading me into the room and closely the door behind us. The first kiss was soft. So soft and so very sweet. Her lips were hesitant, but willing and I felt her melt into the kiss. Cupping my cheeks with her small palms, she drew me closer, deepening our kiss until I was completely lost. God…she was something else!
Unzipping the back of my dress, Bibi eased from garment from my body, letting the silky chiffon float to the floor as she stood back to admire the view. There I was, standing in the middle of my hotel room in a bra and panties, looking at her watching me. She reached out, smiling as she took my hand and led me to the bed.
We crawled onto the bed and knelt in front of each other, kissing again as I ran my hands down her sides. A blur of flying fabric and tangling limbs followed. She looked so fuckin’ hot in that moment, as we lay together on the bed, naked and exploratory. I never knew this kind of sex existed; the tender kind. I thought it was all furious fucks and blowjobs. I never thought I’d meet another woman who would make me feel so alive, but as I palmed her large, heavy breasts in my hands I was high on the drug that was this woman. Beautiful Bibi.
I was slow with my movements, trying to ease myself into the night, not wanting to rush things or make some sort of rookie mistake. I mean, I had no idea what I was doing! I gently grazed my fingertips across her flesh, over her chest, down her arms, along her legs, and up to her clothed mound. Running a finger along the seam of her cunt, I was amazed at how wet she was. Wet for me.
A dark patch grew in the pale fabric of her panties as she became more and more aroused. I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to touch her. Reaching out, I toyed with her cunt through her panties, teasing her flesh until I couldn’t wait any longer. Easing the material from her body, I lay her down, wanting desperately to climb on top, to smash my body to hers and fuck her senseless. But she deserved more than a quick fizz-induced fumble by an overzealous girl who was still learning her way in the art of same sex relations.
I kissed my way down her body, moving from her lips, nipping her neck as I ventured south, eager to feel her breasts, to swallow her flesh and suckle on her teats. I pushed them together and lightly bit at her skin, lapping at her nipples before sucking harshly. Rubbing my cunt against her leg as I work, I lost the final vestiges of shame that fluttered around my mind. Could she feel how wet I was? Were my juices wetting her skin through my panties?
Leaving her breasts, I kissed my way down her tanned torso and settled between her thighs. Wow! She took my breath away. I’ve seen my fair share of naked women, but I had never seen anything as beautiful as her. She was so perfect, as if she’s been carved from marble and come straight off the set of a porn film. But she was there and she was real and as I touched her soft lips, parting her with my thumbs, I was greeted with the finest meal I ever had.
She smelled divine, a hint of that wonderful womanly aroma hitting my senses as I leaned in and kissed her there for the first time. I licked the length of her slit and smiled against her cunt as her juices spilled forth. I lapped at her, the cat that got the cream, drinking in as much of her as I could. Flicking my tongue over her clit, I felt it swell in my mouth, growing as I circled it slowly before sucking it between my lips. She gripped my hair, tugging at the strands as she writhed ad moaned. It appeared I was doing something right.
Pulling back, I slid a finger into her depths, amazed at how tight she was. She gripped me as I twisted and twirled, pushed and pulled against her inner walls. She was so warm, so…hot. I wanted for nothing but a cock of my own in that moment, to slide into her deeply and feel her slick running down my flesh. Without such an organ to command, I did the next best thing and fumbled in the low light for my favourite toy; a pink glass dildo. It was cool to the touch and feels fantastic against the most intimate of parts. I parted her labia gently and rested the tip of the cock at her entrance. I rubbed it over her flesh, across her clit, before bringing it to my lips and slipping it into my mouth. I sucked the hard phallus then brought it back to Bibi’s cunt, pushing it into her inch by cool, glorious inch.
I fucked her slowly, flicking my finger across her clit, speeding up my movements in a desperate attempt to make her cum. I think she came, I’m not sure, but I no longer cared. I crawled along her body and kissed her again, pushing myself against her as I grew more confident. She cupped my mound through my panties and something inside me stirred. Her hand was warm and my pussy was thick with lust against her. She teased me, and I’m sure my sodden underwear surprised her, but fuck I was wet!
She’d never been intimate with me before, but she knew exactly what to do…the way she touched me…teased me…tongued me, it was wonderful. She’s perfect. I don’t know what I did to capture her attention, but I’m glad I did.
“Earth to Mattie!” Her laughter brings me back to the present and I can’t stop the blush that creeps across my cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I just, I….”
Sweeping my fringe across my forehead to get a better look into my eyes, she says, “No need for ‘sorry’ Matts, but now that you’re here, how about a ‘hello’ kiss?”
I blush again, Bibi always has the power to render me speechless. As an independent and confident woman, it feels strange to grow suddenly shy as I always do when she’s around. Glancing up at her through scruffy strands, I bite my lip and nod mutely.
Snaking one hand into my hair and the other around my waist, she pulls me into her body and I am instantly transported back to our night together all those weeks ago. I breathe deeply, inhaling her perfume and letting it wash over my body and into my panties. Her effect on me is amazing, my body hypersensitive and responsive to her touch.
“Please,” I whisper and she grants me my wish, pressing her soft lips to mine in a lingering and lazy kiss.
She pulls away first, stroking my cheek lightly as she smiles down at me. “My dear, dear Mattie, so young and so very, very sexy.”
I blush again, my cheeks flushing at her compliments. I want nothing more than to grab her hand and lead her into the dark corners of the stadium, to pull down her panties and feast upon the silken cunt that I know lies within. Alas, I have other plans for tonight. Plans that may or may not involve Bibi.
“I said I’d meet Josh and Brandon in their dressing room when they came off stage,” I say, trying not to let the lips at my neck distract me front the task at hand entirely.
“Mmmmmhmmmmm,” She murmurs into my skin before dragging her tongue across my flesh.
“Mmmmhmmm, wanna come with?” I ask breathlessly, all too quickly losing myself in the moment.
Pulling back, she grins at me with the look of someone who has mischievous plans of her own. “Thought you’d never ask. Lead the way, sexy legs!” She slaps my rear playfully and pushes me in the direction to which I was originally heading.