Achelous river in Boeotia and its river-god
Acheron river in the underworld and its river-god
Achilles hero of the Trojan wars, son of Peleus and Thetis
Acoetes Lydian sailor, devotee of Bacchus
Actaeon son of Aristeus and Autone, grandson of Cadmus
Adonis son of Cinyrus, king of Cyprus; loved by Venus
Aeacus king of Aegina; son of Jove by Europa, father of Peleus and Telamon
Aegeon hundred-handed sea-god
Aegina island in the Aegean Sea
Aeolus god of the winds
Aetolia mountainous region in west central Greece
Agave daughter of Cadmus, mother of Pentheus
Alcmene wife of Amphitryon, mother of Hercules
Alpheus Greek river in the Peloponnese and its river-god
Amazons race of warrior women in Thrace
Amphion king of Thebes, son of Jove and Antiope
Anapis river in Sicily and its river-god
Antaeus African giant, son of Poseidon and Gaia, killed by Hercules
Antigone daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy
Antiope wife of Lycus, king of Thebes, and mother of Amphion
Apollo the sun-god, son of Jove and Latina
Arcadia mountainous province in the Peloponnese
Arcas hero of Arcadia, son of Jove and Callisto
Arethusa fountain near Syracuse in Sicily
Ascalaphus son of Acheron and Orphne
Asopus river in Boeotia and its river-god

Astraea goddess of justice, daughter of Jove and Themis
Atalanta daughter of Schoeneus, king of Boeotia
Athos mountain in Macedonia
Atlas king of Mauretania
Augustus Augustus Caesar, Roman emperor
Auster south wind
Autone daughter of Cadmus, aunt of Pentheus
Avernus lake in Italy, entrance to the underworld
Autolychus son of Mercury and Chione, grandfather of Ulysses
Bacchus god of wine
Boeotia region of Greece, northwest of Athens
Boreas north wind; son of the river-god Strymon
Busiris king of Egypt, killed by Hercules
Cadmus brother of Europa and son of Agenor, king of Phoenicia
Callisto nymph loved by Jove
Calydon town in Aetolia in west central Greece
Cayster river in Lydia in Asia Minor
Cenaeum northwest tip of the island of Euboea
Centaurs race of creatures half man, half horse, in Thessaly in east central Greece
Cephisus river in Phocis in central Greece and its river-god
Cerastae race of horned people in Cyprus
Cerberus watchdog of the underworld
Ceres goddess of agriculture, sister of Jove
Chiron a centaur, son of Saturn
Cinyras king in Assyria and Cyprus, father of Adonis
Cithaeron mountain between Attica and Boeotia
Clymene wife of Merops, mother of Phaethon
Cupid god of love, son of Venus
Cyane fountain near Syracuse in Sicily and the nymph changed into it
Cybele goddess worshipped as Mother of the Gods

Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea
Cyclops race of one-eyed giant shepherds in Sicily
Cygnus son of Neptune and Calyce
Cyllene mountain in Arcadia
Cynthus mountain on the island of Delos
Danae daughter of Acrisius, mother (by Jove) of Perseus
Dejanira daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydonia, and wife of Hercules
Delos island in the Aegean Sea, birthplace of Apollo and Diana
Dia island of Naxos
Diana goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity; sister of Apollo
Dindymus mountain in Phrygia in Asia Minor
Diomed son of Tydeus, king of Aetolia
Echo wood nymph in love with Narcissus
Elis district and town in Greece, named after a son of Poseidon
Enna city in Sicily
Epidaurus city in Argolis in the northeast Peloponnese
Eridanus river sometimes associated with the Po or the Rhône
Erigone daughter of Icarius of Sparta
Erisychthion son of Triopas, king of Thessaly
Erymanthus stream in Arcadia
Eryx mountain in Sicily
Euboea island in the Aegean Sea
Europa daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor
Eurotas river in Laconia in the southeastern Peloponnese
Eurus east wind
Eurystheus king of Argos who commanded the labours of Hercules
Galanthis servant of Alcmene

Hector son of Priam of Troy and Hecuba
Haemus mountain range in Thrace
Hercules son of Jove and Alcmene
Hermaphroditus son of Mercury and Venus
Hippomenes son of Megareus and husband of Atalanta
Hyades group of stars associated with the season of spring rain
Hydra water-snake with seven heads, killed by Hercules
Hyllus son of Hercules by Dejanira
Hymen god of marriage
Hypaepa town in Lydia in Asia Minor
Icarus son of Oebalus, king of Sparta
Ida mountain in Crete
Ino daughter of Cadmus
Itys son of Tereus and Procne
Jove Jupiter, highest of the gods, son of Saturn and Rhea
Juno wife and sister of Jove
Lampetie one of the Heliades, daughters of Helius (the sun)
Laomedon king of Troy, father of Priam
Leda wife of the Spartan king Tyndarus, mother (by Jove) of Helen, Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux
Lerna forest and marsh near Argos in the northeastern Peloponnese
Leto mother of Apollo and Diana by Jove
Lichas attendant of Hercules
Lucina goddess of childbirth
Lycaon king of Arcadia
Lycaeus mountain in Arcadia
Lydia region on the coast of west Asia Minor
Lycormas river in Aetolia in west central Greece
Lyrnessus town near Troy

Macareus companion of Ulysses
Maenalus mountain in Arcadia
Manto prophetess, daughter of Tiresias
Mars god of war, son of Jupiter and Juno
Meander river in Lydia
Medusa snake-haired daughter of Phorcus who turned beholders to stone
Megareus son of Neptune, husband of Atalanta
Melantho sea nymph, daughter of Neptune
Melas river in Thrace
Meleager son of Oeneus, king of Calydonia
Merops king of Ethiopia, husband of Clymene
Midas king of Phrygia who could change all he touched to gold
Mimas mountain range in Ionia
Minerva goddess of arts and sciences, daughter of Jove
Mnemosyne mother of the muses
Molossos king whose sons were changed into birds
Mygdonia region of Lydia
Myrrha daughter of Cinyras, changed into a myrrh tree
Mysia country in Asia Minor
Narcissus son of the river-god Cephisus
Naxos island in the Aegean Sea associated with the cult of Bacchus
Nemea city in Argolis in the northeastern Peloponnese
Neptune god of the sea, brother of Jove
Nereids sea-deities, granddaughters of Oceanus
Nessus centaur killed by Hercules
Niobe daughter of Tantalus, wife of Amphion, king of Thebes
Ninus founder of Nineveh, inventor of the art of war
Oechalia city on the Aegean island of Euboea
Oeta mountain in Thessaly

Olympus dwelling-place of the gods, a mountain between Macedonia and Thessaly
Orchomenos city in Arcadia
Orontes river in Syria
Orphne ‘darkness’, a nymph of the underworld
Ortygia island of Delos
Ossa mountain in Thessaly
Othrys mountain in Thessaly
Pachynnus southeastern promontory of Sicily
Pactolus river in Lydia whose sands were gold
Palici sons of Jove and the nymph Aetna
Pallas Minerva
Pan goat-like Arcadian god of woods, music
Panchaia fabulous island east of Arabia
Pandion king of Athens, father of Procne and Philomela
Parnassus mountain in Phocis in central Greece sacred to Apollo
Peleus son of Aeacus, father of Achilles
Pelorus northeastern promontory of Sicily
Peneus river in Thessaly and its river-god
Pentheus king of Thebes, grandson of Cadmus
Phaethon son of Apollo and Clymene
Phaethusa one of the Heliades, daughters of Helius, the sun
Phasis river in Colchis on the Black Sea and its river-god
Philoctetes son of Poeas, keeper of the the bow and arrow of Hercules, punished with lameness for revealing the place of Hercules’ death
Philomela daughter of Pandion, sister of Procne
Phlegethon fiery river of the underworld
Pindus mountain in Thessaly
Pleiades seven daughters of Atlas placed as stars in the sky
Pluto king of the underworld, brother of Jove
Procne daughter of Pandion, sister of Philomela

Prometheus son of Iapetus, a Titan, one of the sons of earth and sky
Propoetides Cyprian girls who denied the divinity of Venus and were turned to stone
Proserpina goddess of the underworld, daughter of Jove and Ceres
Proteus sea-god able to change his form
Psophis city in Arcadia
Pygmalion grandson of the Phoenician king Agenor, in love with a statue
Pygmies race of dwarfs in Africa or India
Pyramus Babylonian youth in love with Thisbe
Rhodope mountain range in Thrace
Sabaea town in Arabia
Salmacis nymph in love with Hermaphroditus, and the spring she was changed into
Sardis capital city of Lydia
Saturn son of heaven and earth, father of Jove
Semele daughter of Cadmus, mother of Bacchus
Scythia region of southeastern Europe and Asia, north of the Black Sea
Sperchius river in Thessaly
Stymphalus district of Arcadia
Styx river in the underworld
Tagus river in Spain
Tanais the river Don
Tantalus son of Jove, father of Pelops and Niobe
Taurus mountain in Cicilia in Asia Minor
Tereus king of Thrace, husband of Procne
Tethys daughter of heaven and earth, wife of Ocean
Thessaly region of east central Greece, on the Aegean Sea
Thebes chief city of Boeotia
Thetis sea nymph, mother of Achilles
Thisbe Babylonian girl loved by Pyramus

Thrace country in the east Balkan peninsula
Tiresias blind Theban prophet
Tmolus mountain in Lydia
Troy city in northwest Asia Minor
Typhoeus giant struck by lightning
Venus god of love, daughter of Jove and Dione
Vulcan god of fire, son of Jove and Juno, husband of Venus
Xanthus river near Troy
Zephyr west wind