Achelous | river in Boeotia and its river-god |
Acheron | river in the underworld and its river-god |
Achilles | hero of the Trojan wars, son of Peleus and Thetis |
Acoetes | Lydian sailor, devotee of Bacchus |
Actaeon | son of Aristeus and Autone, grandson of Cadmus |
Adonis | son of Cinyrus, king of Cyprus; loved by Venus |
Aeacus | king of Aegina; son of Jove by Europa, father of Peleus and Telamon |
Aegeon | hundred-handed sea-god |
Aegina | island in the Aegean Sea |
Aeolus | god of the winds |
Aetolia | mountainous region in west central Greece |
Agave | daughter of Cadmus, mother of Pentheus |
Alcmene | wife of Amphitryon, mother of Hercules |
Alpheus | Greek river in the Peloponnese and its river-god |
Amazons | race of warrior women in Thrace |
Amphion | king of Thebes, son of Jove and Antiope |
Anapis | river in Sicily and its river-god |
Antaeus | African giant, son of Poseidon and Gaia, killed by Hercules |
Antigone | daughter of Laomedon, king of Troy |
Antiope | wife of Lycus, king of Thebes, and mother of Amphion |
Apollo | the sun-god, son of Jove and Latina |
Arcadia | mountainous province in the Peloponnese |
Arcas | hero of Arcadia, son of Jove and Callisto |
Arethusa | fountain near Syracuse in Sicily |
Ascalaphus | son of Acheron and Orphne |
Asopus | river in Boeotia and its river-god |
Astraea | goddess of justice, daughter of Jove and Themis |
Atalanta | daughter of Schoeneus, king of Boeotia |
Athos | mountain in Macedonia |
Atlas | king of Mauretania |
Augustus | Augustus Caesar, Roman emperor |
Auster | south wind |
Autone | daughter of Cadmus, aunt of Pentheus |
Avernus | lake in Italy, entrance to the underworld |
Autolychus | son of Mercury and Chione, grandfather of Ulysses |
Bacchus | god of wine |
Boeotia | region of Greece, northwest of Athens |
Boreas | north wind; son of the river-god Strymon |
Busiris | king of Egypt, killed by Hercules |
Cadmus | brother of Europa and son of Agenor, king of Phoenicia |
Callisto | nymph loved by Jove |
Calydon | town in Aetolia in west central Greece |
Cayster | river in Lydia in Asia Minor |
Cenaeum | northwest tip of the island of Euboea |
Centaurs | race of creatures half man, half horse, in Thessaly in east central Greece |
Cephisus | river in Phocis in central Greece and its river-god |
Cerastae | race of horned people in Cyprus |
Cerberus | watchdog of the underworld |
Ceres | goddess of agriculture, sister of Jove |
Chiron | a centaur, son of Saturn |
Cinyras | king in Assyria and Cyprus, father of Adonis |
Cithaeron | mountain between Attica and Boeotia |
Clymene | wife of Merops, mother of Phaethon |
Cupid | god of love, son of Venus |
Cyane | fountain near Syracuse in Sicily and the nymph changed into it |
Cybele | goddess worshipped as Mother of the Gods |
Cyclades | islands in the Aegean Sea |
Cyclops | race of one-eyed giant shepherds in Sicily |
Cygnus | son of Neptune and Calyce |
Cyllene | mountain in Arcadia |
Cynthus | mountain on the island of Delos |
Danae | daughter of Acrisius, mother (by Jove) of Perseus |
Dejanira | daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydonia, and wife of Hercules |
Delos | island in the Aegean Sea, birthplace of Apollo and Diana |
Dia | island of Naxos |
Diana | goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity; sister of Apollo |
Dindymus | mountain in Phrygia in Asia Minor |
Diomed | son of Tydeus, king of Aetolia |
Echo | wood nymph in love with Narcissus |
Elis | district and town in Greece, named after a son of Poseidon |
Enna | city in Sicily |
Epidaurus | city in Argolis in the northeast Peloponnese |
Eridanus | river sometimes associated with the Po or the Rhône |
Erigone | daughter of Icarius of Sparta |
Erisychthion | son of Triopas, king of Thessaly |
Erymanthus | stream in Arcadia |
Eryx | mountain in Sicily |
Euboea | island in the Aegean Sea |
Europa | daughter of the Phoenician king Agenor |
Eurotas | river in Laconia in the southeastern Peloponnese |
Eurus | east wind |
Eurystheus | king of Argos who commanded the labours of Hercules |
Galanthis | servant of Alcmene |
Hector | son of Priam of Troy and Hecuba |
Haemus | mountain range in Thrace |
Hercules | son of Jove and Alcmene |
Hermaphroditus | son of Mercury and Venus |
Hippomenes | son of Megareus and husband of Atalanta |
Hyades | group of stars associated with the season of spring rain |
Hydra | water-snake with seven heads, killed by Hercules |
Hyllus | son of Hercules by Dejanira |
Hymen | god of marriage |
Hypaepa | town in Lydia in Asia Minor |
Icarus | son of Oebalus, king of Sparta |
Ida | mountain in Crete |
Ino | daughter of Cadmus |
Itys | son of Tereus and Procne |
Jove | Jupiter, highest of the gods, son of Saturn and Rhea |
Juno | wife and sister of Jove |
Lampetie | one of the Heliades, daughters of Helius (the sun) |
Laomedon | king of Troy, father of Priam |
Leda | wife of the Spartan king Tyndarus, mother (by Jove) of Helen, Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux |
Lerna | forest and marsh near Argos in the northeastern Peloponnese |
Leto | mother of Apollo and Diana by Jove |
Lichas | attendant of Hercules |
Lucina | goddess of childbirth |
Lycaon | king of Arcadia |
Lycaeus | mountain in Arcadia |
Lydia | region on the coast of west Asia Minor |
Lycormas | river in Aetolia in west central Greece |
Lyrnessus | town near Troy |
Macareus | companion of Ulysses |
Maenalus | mountain in Arcadia |
Manto | prophetess, daughter of Tiresias |
Mars | god of war, son of Jupiter and Juno |
Meander | river in Lydia |
Medusa | snake-haired daughter of Phorcus who turned beholders to stone |
Megareus | son of Neptune, husband of Atalanta |
Melantho | sea nymph, daughter of Neptune |
Melas | river in Thrace |
Meleager | son of Oeneus, king of Calydonia |
Merops | king of Ethiopia, husband of Clymene |
Midas | king of Phrygia who could change all he touched to gold |
Mimas | mountain range in Ionia |
Minerva | goddess of arts and sciences, daughter of Jove |
Mnemosyne | mother of the muses |
Molossos | king whose sons were changed into birds |
Mygdonia | region of Lydia |
Myrrha | daughter of Cinyras, changed into a myrrh tree |
Mysia | country in Asia Minor |
Narcissus | son of the river-god Cephisus |
Naxos | island in the Aegean Sea associated with the cult of Bacchus |
Nemea | city in Argolis in the northeastern Peloponnese |
Neptune | god of the sea, brother of Jove |
Nereids | sea-deities, granddaughters of Oceanus |
Nessus | centaur killed by Hercules |
Niobe | daughter of Tantalus, wife of Amphion, king of Thebes |
Ninus | founder of Nineveh, inventor of the art of war |
Oechalia | city on the Aegean island of Euboea |
Oeta | mountain in Thessaly |
Olympus | dwelling-place of the gods, a mountain between Macedonia and Thessaly |
Orchomenos | city in Arcadia |
Orontes | river in Syria |
Orphne | ‘darkness’, a nymph of the underworld |
Ortygia | island of Delos |
Ossa | mountain in Thessaly |
Othrys | mountain in Thessaly |
Pachynnus | southeastern promontory of Sicily |
Pactolus | river in Lydia whose sands were gold |
Palici | sons of Jove and the nymph Aetna |
Pallas | Minerva |
Pan | goat-like Arcadian god of woods, music |
Panchaia | fabulous island east of Arabia |
Pandion | king of Athens, father of Procne and Philomela |
Parnassus | mountain in Phocis in central Greece sacred to Apollo |
Peleus | son of Aeacus, father of Achilles |
Pelorus | northeastern promontory of Sicily |
Peneus | river in Thessaly and its river-god |
Pentheus | king of Thebes, grandson of Cadmus |
Phaethon | son of Apollo and Clymene |
Phaethusa | one of the Heliades, daughters of Helius, the sun |
Phasis | river in Colchis on the Black Sea and its river-god |
Philoctetes | son of Poeas, keeper of the the bow and arrow of Hercules, punished with lameness for revealing the place of Hercules’ death |
Philomela | daughter of Pandion, sister of Procne |
Phlegethon | fiery river of the underworld |
Pindus | mountain in Thessaly |
Pleiades | seven daughters of Atlas placed as stars in the sky |
Pluto | king of the underworld, brother of Jove |
Procne | daughter of Pandion, sister of Philomela |
Prometheus | son of Iapetus, a Titan, one of the sons of earth and sky |
Propoetides | Cyprian girls who denied the divinity of Venus and were turned to stone |
Proserpina | goddess of the underworld, daughter of Jove and Ceres |
Proteus | sea-god able to change his form |
Psophis | city in Arcadia |
Pygmalion | grandson of the Phoenician king Agenor, in love with a statue |
Pygmies | race of dwarfs in Africa or India |
Pyramus | Babylonian youth in love with Thisbe |
Rhodope | mountain range in Thrace |
Sabaea | town in Arabia |
Salmacis | nymph in love with Hermaphroditus, and the spring she was changed into |
Sardis | capital city of Lydia |
Saturn | son of heaven and earth, father of Jove |
Semele | daughter of Cadmus, mother of Bacchus |
Scythia | region of southeastern Europe and Asia, north of the Black Sea |
Sperchius | river in Thessaly |
Stymphalus | district of Arcadia |
Styx | river in the underworld |
Tagus | river in Spain |
Tanais | the river Don |
Tantalus | son of Jove, father of Pelops and Niobe |
Taurus | mountain in Cicilia in Asia Minor |
Tereus | king of Thrace, husband of Procne |
Tethys | daughter of heaven and earth, wife of Ocean |
Thessaly | region of east central Greece, on the Aegean Sea |
Thebes | chief city of Boeotia |
Thetis | sea nymph, mother of Achilles |
Thisbe | Babylonian girl loved by Pyramus |
Thrace | country in the east Balkan peninsula |
Tiresias | blind Theban prophet |
Tmolus | mountain in Lydia |
Troy | city in northwest Asia Minor |
Typhoeus | giant struck by lightning |
Venus | god of love, daughter of Jove and Dione |
Vulcan | god of fire, son of Jove and Juno, husband of Venus |
Xanthus | river near Troy |
Zephyr | west wind |