CHASE PAUSED in front of Elena’s new housing unit, his hand poised to knock. He could still back out of this detail and give the assignment to Lego. As much as the kid liked to project an air of boyish enthusiasm for everything he did, Chase knew he took his job seriously. He hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said he would take care of Elena.
But while his brain told him that letting Lego handle the assignment was the smart thing to do, every other cell in Chase’s body rebelled at the thought. He knew enough about himself to understand that while Elena was away from the base, he’d be unable to concentrate on his own work until she’d returned safely. He and his team were ready to move out, had gone over the covert operation countless times. There wasn’t anything more they could do until the operation began.
Blowing out a hard breath, he rapped sharply on Elena’s door. The sun had just begun to rise over the horizon, and he wanted to reach the drilling site early. He’d arranged for a convoy of three armored vehicles, each with its own gunner, to travel to the construction site. He had no reason to expect an attack, but with Elena, he wasn’t taking any chances.
He waited a moment and when nobody answered his knock, he rapped again, a little louder. Still nothing. With a muttered curse, he tried the handle, stunned when it turned easily beneath his hand.
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered. The woman had absolutely no sense of self-preservation. A dozen different scenarios shot through his mind, each one more unpleasant than the last. Didn’t she realize she was on a base with a couple hundred horny, sex-deprived men? While he liked to think none of them would cross that particular line, he’d heard too many horror stories about sexual harassment and rape to think it couldn’t happen here.
Opening the door, he stepped quickly inside. A swift glance told him that both the living and sleeping areas were empty. Her bed was neatly made, her combat boots were on the floor and her helmet and flak jacket on a nearby chair. The room smelled of freshly brewed coffee, and he spied a small electric coffeepot on a nearby shelf, with a scant inch of the dark liquid remaining, next to a container of powdered creamer. On the lower shelf were a couple of paperbacks and a framed photo. Curious, he picked it up and studied the faces of Elena and two other women, obviously her sisters. They were almost identical in their dark, sultry beauty. But while one sister was laughing and the other copped a sexy pose for the camera, Elena stared unsmilingly at the lens, almost as if she were afraid to be caught enjoying herself. He placed the frame back on the shelf.
The door beyond the bedroom was closed, but he heard no telltale sound of running water or a flushing toilet. He was getting ready to call her name when the door suddenly opened and there she stood.
In nothing but a pair of black cargo pants and a lacy white bra, and the silver angel charm necklace nestled between her breasts. At the sight of her smooth, bare skin, Chase had to curl his hands at his side to keep from reaching for her.
She came to an abrupt stop when she saw him standing there, and in the instant before she composed her expression, he saw a myriad of emotions flit across her face—surprise, pleasure, apprehension and then embarrassment as she realized she wasn’t wearing a shirt. Her face was still damp from where she’d washed it, and now she used the hand towel she’d been holding to cover herself. As if that could keep Chase’s imagination from running rampant, recalling in perfect, Technicolor detail just how gorgeous she looked without her bra, her head back, eyes heavy-lidded and lips parted as he suckled her.
“Don’t you knock?” she asked sharply, pushing past him to snatch a folded jersey from the shelf beside her bed.
Chase kept his back turned as she thrust her arms through the sleeves and dragged it over head.
“You should lock your door,” he said over his shoulder. “Just because you’re on an American base doesn’t mean you’re safe.”
She snorted. “Obviously.”
He did turn around then, both relieved and disappointed to see she was decently covered. She sat on the edge of the bed and bent over to pull her boots on. Every inch of her bristled with resentment. He knew exactly why she was pissed off. Chase didn’t blame her for being angry with him, but he couldn’t feel bad about ending their encounter in the shower.
If anyone had come in…
He told himself again that he’d done them both a favor by pushing her away. She’d never know how difficult that had been for him.
“So you’re going out to the drilling site today.”
She glanced up at him, her hair spilling over her shoulder in sleek, dark waves. “That’s right, and don’t even think about trying to talk me out of it. I have a job to do, and visiting the project sites is part of it. I have a military escort, so I’ll be just fine.”
She stood up and he watched, mesmerized, as she swept her hair back and secured it with a ponytail holder she’d had around her wrist. The DPA uniform should have given her an androgynous appearance, but the tan, cotton T-shirt only emphasized the feminine swell of her breasts, and she filled out the seat of her cargo pants in a way that could never be mistaken for a man. Even without makeup and with her stony expression, she was prettier than she had a right to be.
“I know you’ll be fine,” he replied smoothly.
Pointedly ignoring him, Elena grabbed her DPA cap from a nearby hook and jammed it onto her head, dragging her ponytail through the opening at the back. Picking up her helmet and vest she finally turned to Chase.
“If you don’t mind, my ride leaves in a few minutes. I have to get going.”
Chase nodded, keeping his expression bland. “Absolutely. That’s why I’m here. Let’s go.” He indicated she should precede him out of the trailer, but she just stood there and stared at him. He knew the precise instant when she realized the truth.
“Oh, no,” she said, laughing in disbelief. “You are so not coming with me.”
Chase crossed his arms over his chest and gave her what he hoped was a bland smile. “Fine. Then you don’t go.”
“You don’t even like me,” she spluttered. “Why would you want to spend an entire morning with me?”
Didn’t like her? Was that really what she thought? Didn’t she realize that his problem had to do with liking her way too much? He wanted to peel her uniform from her body, lower her to the small cot and spend the entire day worshipping her with his hands and mouth. Since she’d shown up, he’d hardly slept, could barely focus on his own job and was swiftly becoming a joke among his own men. And she thought he didn’t like her?
“Look,” he said, striving for a reasonable tone, “I think we got off on a wrong foot somewhere.” Like when she’d wanted to go down on him and he had pushed her away. Yeah, way to convince her that you really like her.
She watched him warily, and he blew out a hard breath. “I know we jumped the gun back in Kuwait, and it might seem like there’s no place for our relationship to go from here, but…”
“But what?”
He hesitated. He desperately wanted to get to know Elena better. Hell, he wanted nothing more than to make love to her, right here and now. He wanted two uninterrupted weeks with her in this room. But he also knew Afghanistan was no place for a budding romance, and that he had no business encouraging her to have feelings for him. Soon enough, she’d return to the States while he’d still be here. And how difficult would that be? Not just for him, but for her, too.
He’d been thirteen when his father had left for the first Gulf War, and he’d seen the toll that his absence had taken on his mother. She’d tried to be strong for Chase and his sisters, but she hadn’t fooled him. She’d gone through hell, not knowing if her husband was safe. Chase didn’t want to put a woman through that uncertainty. Did he want to settle down and have kids? Sure. But not now. Not when he spent more time deployed than he did at home. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want a relationship with Elena. Maybe, when his deployment was up…if she was still interested…
“Look, I’d like to get to know you, and I want you to get to know me, too.” He laughed softly and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t blame you if you’re not interested, because I’ve been kinda hard on you, but you have to believe that I meant it in the best possible way.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, one hand on her hip. “What is it, exactly, that you want from me, Chase? You’ve been giving me mixed signals since I showed up, and I’d really like to know. Do you want to pick up where we left off? Or would you rather just pretend I don’t exist? Because either way, I really don’t care. It’s your call. Just let me know so I don’t end up making an idiot of myself, okay?”
Either way, I really don’t care. He knew she was lying, giving him a show of bravado to hide the fact that she did care. Every fiber of his being wanted to shout, Yes, let’s pick up exactly where we left off, with you getting ready to make me go blind with pleasure. Instead, he forced himself to smile at her in what he hoped was a platonic way.
“I think we could be friends,” he finally said, knowing he was lying through his teeth and hating himself for it. The way he felt about Elena went way past friendship. A true friend wouldn’t think about licking every inch of her skin, or about how she looked straddling his thighs as he thrust into her.
He watched as her mouth opened and then snapped shut. She stared at him as if he’d suddenly sprouted a third eye in the middle of his forehead.
“Friends.” She repeated the word in disbelief, but her hazel eyes began to shimmer hotly. “You want to be friends?”
“I see.”
But he knew that she didn’t.
She thought that he didn’t want her, that he wasn’t interested in her that way. The truth was, he wanted to possess her, to claim her as his own so that she would know it, and so would everyone else on the base. But he also knew that going public with their relationship would be a huge mistake. It was tough enough to be a female in a military environment without the added label of being an easy screw, and warranted or not, he knew that’s how the soldiers would view her. He was doing her a huge favor by keeping their relationship platonic. And if that pissed her off, too bad. At least the other guys wouldn’t bother her.
“Fine,” she muttered, giving him a tight little smile. “Let’s be friends.”
“Great.” He forced a smile. “Now put on your helmet and vest.”
“But we’re not even off the base yet,” she protested.
“Just put them on,” he commanded, and watched as she struggled into the heavy gear.
“So what did you do to end up having to accompany me out to the drilling site?” she asked, glancing sideways at him and then away. “Forget it. I can see by your face that there was never going to be anyone but you.”
And there never will be.
Whoa! Chase had no idea where that thought had come from. He had no room in his life for a permanent relationship, and he certainly didn’t intend to tie himself down to a prickly, argumentative woman like Elena de la Vega. The woman was too hot-blooded. Too hot, period.
They made their way to the motor pool as the sun began to rise over the distant mountains. The air was still cool, but Chase knew that in a matter of hours the temperatures would climb back into the nineties and higher. He could hear the throaty, diesel rumbling of the engines before they actually reached the three heavily armored trucks, called MRAPs, that were lined up, ready to go. Chase nodded to the gunners who sat in round turrets on top of each vehicle, manning a 50-caliber machine gun. Small groups of soldiers stood talking, each dressed in full combat gear.
Elena stopped and Chase could see she looked a little stunned. “I thought we’d simply go in a single Humvee,” she said, staring at the convoy of armored trucks. “Do we really need all these men?”
“We’re in a war environment,” Chase reminded her. “Each time we leave the base we need to be prepared for an attack. These vehicles are specifically designed to withstand that.”
When she turned to look at him, he could see her face had paled and her eyes were huge in her face. She swallowed hard. Any second now, she’d change her mind and cancel the trip. He could see her weighing the options and calculating the risks. He knew exactly what she was thinking. So many men, so many resources being dedicated to her, just so that she could visit a construction site and verify that work was progressing to her satisfaction.
He knew that only a few of her predecessors had ever gone out to visit the project sites. Not even the chicken-shit Lieutenant Commander Carrington made any effort to visit the construction sites, preferring to remain within the perimeter of the base. Like most of the contract administrators who’d been here before him, he simply took the contractors’ word that the projects were being done in accordance with the terms of the contracts and paid them accordingly. Which was partially why the government was losing its financial shirt to dishonest contractors, and paying for work that was either shoddy, incomplete or unnecessary.
She drew a deep breath. “Which vehicle do I ride in?”
He shouldn’t be surprised that she was going to go through with it. Elena struck him as a woman who, once she made up her mind about something, followed through on it.
“The second one,” he answered, and indicated she should climb inside. He followed close behind her. There was no way he was letting her out of his sight.
ELENA CLIMBED into the vehicle, glad that she didn’t suffer from claustrophobia. The interior was relatively spacious, with two benches that hung along each wall, facing each other, but it felt a little like a sardine can. Behind the driver’s seat was a tall platform for the gunner, who sat in a leather sling seat with his upper body protruding through a hole in the ceiling as he manned the turret gun.
Elena took a seat against one wall and noted the extensive digital electronics built into the interior. The vehicle was like something she’d imagine seeing in a futuristic sci-fi movie. Chase climbed in behind her and then pushed a button, raising and closing the pneumatic rear doors and sealing them into the small space.
“This is, um, pretty impressive,” she finally said.
Chase sat down across from her, laying his weapon over his thighs. His knees almost touched hers. “You bet. These vehicles are designed to withstand a direct hit from an IED—an improvised explosive device. The hull is V-shaped to deflect the blast outward.”
“Have there been many, uh, attacks in this region?”
His face softened fractionally, and Elena wondered if he could see her fear. “There’ve been a couple of attacks, but none recently.”
Something in his expression said he wasn’t being completely truthful, but she also instinctively knew that he’d never allow her to visit the drilling site if he thought she might be in danger.
“How long will it take to get there?”
“Not long. The site is just outside a small village about two miles from here. The road is pretty rough, which will slow us down a bit, but we should be there in under twenty minutes.”
“I read that the villagers will also benefit from the well.”
“That’s right. Part of our mission is to win the hearts and minds of the local people, so anything we can do to improve their situation only benefits us.”
The driver and a second soldier climbed into the cab of the truck, and looked back at Elena and Chase. “Everyone comfortable?”
“You bet,” Chase answered. He looked over at Elena. “Hold on to something. The road gets a little bumpy.”
He wasn’t kidding. The loudness of the engines, combined with the swaying and tipping of the vehicle as it traversed the road, made conversation nearly impossible. Above her, the gunner rocked in his sling seat, his booted feet planted firmly on the platform as he surveyed their surroundings. Elena found her initial apprehension fading, and she felt a sense of excitement at being embedded as part of a military convoy.
All too soon, the vehicle began to slow, and Chase rose to his feet to lean through the opening into the driver’s cab. He spoke in low tones and Elena couldn’t make out what was being said.
“We’re here,” he announced unnecessarily as they came to a stop. He lowered the rear door, and Elena blinked at the sudden brightness.
She climbed out of the MRAP and realized they had driven onto what looked like a military compound, complete with razor-wire fencing, guards and temporary buildings. But dominating the small complex was a large, steel drilling machine, and its rhythmic pounding shook the ground and reverberated through her body. Stacked on the ground beside the drill were a dozen or more lengths of wide pipe, each nearly thirty feet in length. As she watched, two men in military uniform carefully inserted a pipe into the mechanism.
“What are they doing?” she asked.
“Drilling,” Chase answered sardonically. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you to the project manager.” He glanced at his watch. “You have two hours to conduct your business, and then we’re leaving.”
The time passed swiftly for Elena. She and the project manager, a civilian contractor named Bill, took a tour of the compound and he explained the mechanics of drilling for water. Inside his trailer, they reviewed progress reports and charts, and Elena learned that pipe was being laid from the well site to both the forward operating base and to the nearby village. Even when the well was completed, they would need to maintain a security detail at the site to prevent insurgents from destroying it. But having a water source would enable the troops to be more independent and provide the villagers with a clean water source that they didn’t need to pay for.
During the entire visit, Elena was all too aware of the big soldier who dogged her footsteps. Chase never let her out of his sight, taking his role as her personal bodyguard seriously. He didn’t participate in her conversations with the workers, or indicate that he was at all interested in the papers that she pored over or that he even understood them, but she sensed that he missed nothing. All too soon, he indicated that their time at the site was up. She might have protested, but the implacable expression on his face said he wouldn’t change his mind on this. Reluctantly, Elena said goodbye to the construction team and climbed back inside the MRAP.
“That was amazing,” she said to Chase. “I have a whole new appreciation for the work being done over here. I wish my coworkers back home could see this.”
The thought reminded her of Larry, who had scoffed when she’d told him that she’d be deploying to Afghanistan. What would he think if he could see her now? In the next instant, she realized she didn’t really care. Her relationship with Larry might have occurred in another lifetime. Even the thought of him with that other woman didn’t cause her chest to tighten.
Sitting across from Chase, with his rock-hard body and unflappable attitude, she couldn’t imagine what she’d ever found attractive about Larry. Chase was the most unapologetically masculine guy she’d ever met, but she also knew he had a softer side that he allowed few people to see.
Back in Kuwait, he’d been so honest with her about not wanting to lead her on. She’d even called him sweet. He hadn’t appreciated her description, but she knew it was true. He could be both lethal and incredibly tender, and she found the combination completely irresistible. She knew he wanted her. She’d caught him watching her several times during the trip, when he didn’t think she’d notice. The heat she’d seen in his eyes had brought her right back to the shower incident, and she’d had to press her thighs tightly together and try to ignore the sharp stab of arousal she’d felt.
He’d made it clear that he didn’t want her in Afghanistan, but since she’d arrived at the forward operating base, she’d realized that she was a lot tougher than she gave herself credit for. Now she just had to convince Chase of that.
“You’re smiling,” he observed, watching her.
“Am I?”
His eyes narrowed fractionally. “What’s going through that head of yours?”
But she just shook her head. “Nothing. Really.”
She could see he didn’t believe her, but she wasn’t about to reveal her thoughts to him. Six months ago, she’d never have considered working in Afghanistan, or traveling to a construction site with an armed military escort. There were so many things she would never have considered doing six months ago, and having a one-night stand with a guy like Chase McCormick topped the list.
But she’d done all those things and more. She’d surprised herself with her own capabilities. She knew Chase didn’t want her on the base, but she had to believe that she’d impressed him today, just a little bit, with her abilities. Now she was going to take it one step further.
He’d said he wanted to be friends, but Elena knew from the way he looked at her that he wanted more than just friendship. Six months ago—six days ago—she might not have had the courage to take a risk and go after what she really wanted. But not anymore. And she really wanted Chase McCormick.
She was going to show him that she could be effective, both on the base and in the bedroom.
His bedroom, to be precise.