Coconut Cinnamon Sweet Potato Waffles with Blueberries and Maple Syrup

When you think of an indulgent breakfast treat, it’s hard not to imagine a plate of warm waffles smothered in sugary treats. If you’re trying to eat well, a plate of sugar and refined carbs is not a good way to start the morning. But what if you could substitute white flour with, let’s say, a vegetable? You’ll be amazed at how easily you can turn a sweet potato into a delicious waffle, and it only requires an egg, plus any flavors you want to add in. Not only is this waffle filled with nutrients and protein, but it will satisfy that sugary breakfast craving without the added sugar.

Makes 4 waffles

2 medium sweet potatoes

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 large egg

1 teaspoon cinnamon

12 cup shredded coconut

Nonstick cooking spray

1 cup blueberries

2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

  1. Preheat your waffle iron. Peel the sweet potatoes and spiralize using a small-noodle blade. Heat 2 tablespoons coconut oil in a large pan on medium heat. Add sweet potatoes, cover, and cook for 7–9 minutes or until soft.
  2. In a large bowl, combine sweet potatoes with the egg, cinnamon, and shredded coconut. Spray waffle iron with nonstick cooking spray, and pour the sweet potato batter into the waffle iron. You may have to use a spoon to get the potatoes into the divots. Cook for about 5 minutes on medium or according to your waffle settings.
  3. Top with blueberries and maple syrup and serve warm.

Savory Waffles

Waffles don’t have to stop at sweet potatoes. Try experimenting with other vegetables such as potatoes or parsnips for savory waffles that can be paired with eggs or made into a sandwich.