AS WILY SAILS off into the distance, it’s time to say goodbye to the Snared trilogy and all those who have accompanied me on this amazing journey. Before thanking the non-fiction folk, I would like express my gratitude to the characters of Panthasos who have become real over the course of the last four years. I will deeply miss the company of Odette, Roveeka, Moshul, Pryvyd, and Righteous and the dark evenings we all spent together in my office. Without the lies and cruelty of Stalag and the Infernal King, these three books would have been truly dull. And a huge shout-out to Wily, who pushed me through those long writing sessions when sleep often felt like an easier path.

Now I must thank the flesh-and-blood folk without whom I would still be lost in the very first dungeon. My editors, John Morgan and Nicole Otto, have traveled with me side by side as I explored Panthasos, guiding me through the wilds of publishing. Iacopo Bruno’s stunning covers are works of art that deserve to be hung in museums. Natalie C. Sousa’s elegant design has not gone unnoticed by myself, librarians, and booksellers alike. Madison Furr and Mary Van Akin have helped to spread the word about the trilogy. To the copy editors who pulled out their magnifying glasses and fine-tuned every detail. Thanks to the Macmillan Squarefish team for printing and marketing the paperbacks. And a huge thank-you to Erin Stein, editor-in-chief of Imprint. Erin, your imprint is filled with caring and supportive people because of your leadership.

Wily’s adventures may have come to an end on the page, but it’s looking like the trapsmith of Carrion Tomb will have a new place to shine. A giant thanks to Sheila Stepanek and Allison Milgard of Happy Street Entertainment for leading the charge to bring Snared to the small screen. I am so thankful for your vision and passion. Together, we will be making something truly special.

I want to thank Markus Hoffmann, my agent of twelve (!) years, without whom I would not have a single book to my name, let alone the shelf of hardcovers and paperbacks that I have now. You have changed my life profoundly, and for that I am forever indebted.

To Olive, who was just a kindergartener when this adventure began and doesn’t remember a time before Snared. As crafty as Wily is, you are far more so!

To Penny, I will always treasure the evenings I read these three books to you. As my first listener, you gave me both advice and encouragement from the beginning.

And to Jane, I love you more than a trapsmith loves his tool belt. While the very best may not have come yet, now is pretty darn amazing.