Chapter 7

Marduk was used to being bound. Nanya and Shala loved to tie him up, flog him, and make him submit to their every desire, but somehow this felt different. Marduk’s heart beat loudly in his ears while Shamash bound his wrists in front of his body. Then, strong hands on both sides of him, grasped his bound arms, led him across the room, and pushed him up onto a bed. Where was Shamash? One god shoved his face into the mattress while another pulled him onto his knees, forcing his legs apart. Releasing a muffled cry, he struggled to break free, but the gods held him down, pinning his shoulders and knees in place.

“Shamash!” Marduk cried out. “Where’s Shamash?”

Several soft snickers filled the room.

“Marduk, don’t fight it,” came Shamash’s voice from beside him, a hand glided along Marduk’s bare back until it rested on his butt. The bed jostled as Shamash climbed up behind him. “You’ll enjoy this much more if you submit.”

Was this what he had agreed to? He was kneeling on a bed naked and blindfolded with his buttocks spread and exposed for all to see. Could he really submit to this? All of a sudden, Shamash grabbed his hips and slammed his pelvis against his bare ass. Marduk yelped, and every muscle in his body tensed. Laughter filled the space around him.

“Relax,” Shamash said, slapping Marduk’s ass, making him jump. Then a long, slick finger breached his hole. He cried out, jolting forward, inciting more laughter among the gods. He tried to escape the probing finger, but the gods restrained his body, pressing his face hard to the mattress while the finger slid deeper inside him. His heart pounded in his head.

“Don’t fight it, Marduk. Just give in to me,” Shamash’s raspy voice came from behind. Marduk’s body heated up, and his cock began to swell. The god’s hand reached around, grasping his shaft while another finger breached his opening. Marduk gasped. Excited speech filled the room, but all he could hear was the sound of his own labored breath. The reality of his situation sunk in. Shamash was going to fuck him. All the blood rushed from his face, and he began to tremble. He had no way of bracing himself for what was to come. He was bound and helpless with no possible means of escape. A third slick finger pressed in, and he whimpered, struggling against the defeat crushing down on him.

Then the fingers stretching his entrance were gone. Marduk held his breath, bracing for what would come next, but the intrusion never came. Shamash pulled him up onto his knees, lifting his hands up over his head, and connected his bound hands to a dangling chain. Once his body was stretched taut, Shamash stroked his cock one last time and pinched his nipples, before leaving his side. The rumble of conversation came to his ears, and a few moments passed before the tension began to fade and he felt he could breathe again. The slick feeling between his legs made him sick. No one had fucked him as he had feared, but the extent of his ordeal had yet to play out. Marduk heard the sound of a door opening followed by greetings as more guests arrived. His stomach clenched. How many deities would witness his disgrace, and what did Shamash mean to do to him?

Marduk tried to understand how all this had happened. How did he come to be strung up like this and completely in their power? Had he actually let these gods take him down without a fight? When Seth tried to fuck him in class that day, he had fought with all his might, but when Shamash laid claim to him, Marduk had simply folded. All Shamash did was undress him, kiss him, and ask him to submit. How could he let a god take him with words and seduction alone? Was he really so weak that he would submit freely? Was this happening because he wanted it?

Marduk was unsure how long he had been hanging there when he felt someone climb onto the bed and release his bound hands from the chain. Sighing heavily, he slumped to the bed, but the god who released him grabbed him by the arm and led him out of the room. The gods dragged him naked through the temple corridors, and Marduk could hear a procession of gods following close behind. When they emerged from the temple walls, a cool breeze caressed his bare skin. He felt more vulnerable and exposed than he’d ever been before.

After a long trek over grass and earth, Marduk’s escorts finally stopped, stripping the blindfold from his eyes. They were standing in a grassy field on the edge of the gardens. The sun had just set, and darkness was sweeping over the land. Marduk looked up, and his heart faltered. The great god Shamash stood before him, surrounded by gods dressed in black with eerie white masks that covered the tops of their faces.

“Young Marduk,” Shamash said, his expression grave, “this party is to celebrate your induction into the Order of the Gods. In a few moments, I’m going to release you, and we will enact your capture.”

“Induction? What are you talking about?”

Shamash smiled. “Every god you see around you is a member of the Order, and tonight you have the honor of becoming our newest pledge. You will soon be inducted into our ranks, and afterward, you will belong to us fully.”

Marduk stared at Shamash, but everything seemed like some crazy dream. Then Shamash placed his hands on Marduk’s shoulders and turned him around. Across the grassy field lay a large wooded area. A cool breeze swept across the field and rustled in the treetops.

“When I let you go, you will run for the tree line as fast as you can. I will only give you a small head start before the hunt begins.”

Marduk’s heart leapt into his throat, and he turned to face Shamash.

“The hunt?” he said, almost choking on his words.

Shamash gazed down at him, a smile twisting on his lips as the night sky darkened around them.

“Yes, Marduk ... We are going to hunt you down, and the god who succeeds in capturing you will lay claim to your body. He will be the first god to fuck you, and you will belong to him.”

Marduk stared at Shamash, and the warmth faded from his face.

“Shamash, I never agreed to this ... I’m a god; I won’t... you can’t do this!” Marduk shouted, pain spiking through his chest.

“You belong to us now, Marduk.” Shamash said, cutting the binding off his wrists. “The time has come. You need to run, and you need to run now.” His words were like ice. Marduk stepped backward. The gods around him began to whoop and holler. He was sure he was going to be sick.

“Shamash ... please don’t do this,” he pleaded, taking another step back, but Shamash stared down at him with no change in expression. Then Shamash lowered his white mask over his face.  Marduk felt the blood drain from his head, as a cold wind cut through him. His eyes fleeted from one end of the crowd to the next. More than twenty gods stood around him, their white masks glowing against the darkening sky. His eyes fell momentarily on Seth, and his stomach clenched.

“Run!” Seth shouted. Marduk jumped and stumbled backward, swallowing hard. After one last fleeting look at the gods, Marduk turned and sprinted across the field as fast as he could. If he could make it off temple grounds, he would have the use of his powers to fight them. Brisk air stung his lungs as he crossed the tree line, and he was instantly plunged into darkness. He tripped and stumbled through the trees, his feet scraping on rocks and branches as he ran. The further he moved from the tree line, the less he could see. Marduk dodged a tree in his path, tripped on a root, and flew forward onto his hands and knees. Heart pounding, he scanned the terrain, but there was barely enough light to see. The sound of running water came to his ears, and he navigated cautiously through the trees until he arrived at a creek. At the water’s edge, the break in the trees provided just enough light to see his path. Right at that moment, a roar of ecstatic cries and hollers echoed through the forest, shocking him back to life.

His heart surged with panic, and he ran along the bank as fast as he could, but as the voices steadily grew closer, he realized his only hope was to hide. Marduk looked around frantically and spotted a tree growing on a small ridge along the bank. He ran to the tree, slipped into the shallow water, and pressed his back up against the elevated bank, hiding as much as he could beneath the surface. As the sound of his pursuers grew nearer, his heartbeat grew louder, but he tried to be as still as he could. Then three dark figures darted by him on the far bank, while others ran along the bank to his back. Marduk held his breath, plugged his nose, and lowered his head back, completely submerging his body. The rushing current beneath the water’s surface muted every sound save the rapid beating of his heart. A long moment passed, and when he emerged, the gods were gone. Quiet had returned to the forest, but something told him they would be back soon. Marduk slowly rose from the water and began climbing up the bank, when a hand suddenly grabbed his ankle.

Marduk shrieked and cursed as he struggled. Seth’s laughter rang in his ears, and a tremor ran through his body. Marduk kicked wildly, breaking free from Seth’s grasp. Adrenaline rushed through him as he scrambled over the bank, but Seth’s hands caught hold of his thighs, slamming his stomach down hard on the bank, knocking the breath from his lungs.

“Fuck!” Marduk struggled, but the weight of Seth’s body came down on him, pinning him to the bank. His pulse raced frantically. This can’t happen. Not by Seth. Seth’s breath was on his neck; his cock digging into his thigh.

“Come on, sweetheart, fight me!” Seth taunted, forcing a finger into his opening. Marduk gasped and sobbed, waves of nausea passing over him as Seth’s finger jabbed deeper inside him.

“You’re so tight,” Seth growled against his neck. “I’m going to love fucking you.”

Seth’s laughter spiked through his gut as his finger jerked out. Groaning, Marduk grabbed his crotch, sure he was going to piss, but his sex was rock hard in his hand. Then a burning pain tore through him, and Seth’s pelvis slammed him into the bank. Marduk cried out, and his cock exploded in his hand. He gasped and trembled, heat flushing to his face, and the realization hit him: He was completely impaled on Seth’s cock. “No,” Marduk sobbed, desperation flooding through him, hot tears leaked from his eyes.

Then Seth’s body was suddenly thrown back, hitting the water with a splash. Marduk struggled for breath as if he’d been drowning, stunned by the shock of Seth’s withdrawal. For an instant he was frozen, before it dawned on him that he was free. Marduk snapped out of his daze and immediately scrambled over the bank, but the moment he was back on his feet, he ran into another god’s arms.

A desperate whine escaped him, but when he looked up and realized it was Shamash, relief washed through his body. Marduk threw his arms around Shamash, burying his face in his chest, but Shamash threw his arms up, yanked Marduk away and threw him to the ground.  The breath knocked out of his chest. In the next moment, Shamash was on top of him, flattening him to the ground. Marduk suddenly realized what was happening. Shamash was not there to save him; he was there to lay claim to him.

Marduk held his breath, his heart pounding. Then pain burned through his passage as the god’s hard shaft tore through him. Marduk choked out a cry, grasping at the dirt, but the sensation of being opened by Shamash made blood rush to his sex. Shamash grabbed Marduk’s cock, and began to pound into him, boring down on him with all his strength. Marduk’s entire body screamed with pain, but he clung to the knowledge that he’d escaped the worst. He was in the hands of a god he had wanted with all his soul. The rough handling made no difference. Marduk endured the assault to completion; his heart brimming with bruised emotions. When Shamash came inside him, Marduk collapsed in the dirt, tears spilling freely down his face as all his fight drained away. He knew he’d been defeated, but he thanked the heavens that it had been Shamash and not Seth.

When Shamash finally dragged him to his feet, ecstatic cheers filled the air. A handful of gods had witnessed his capture, and more were gathering around. Marduk closed his eyes as the shame of his downfall crashed down on him, wanting nothing but to be wiped from the earth. Then Shamash hugged him close and kissed his lips, causing more tears to spill. Marduk wished he could forget all that happened, but the memory of Seth’s cock lodged inside him tore through his psyche. It didn’t happen. Marduk gasped for breath, breaking his embrace with Shamash. He had to forget it had happened.

“My darling Marduk,” Shamash said, peeling Marduk away from his body. “I’m afraid it’s not over yet.” He turned Marduk around to face the gods of the Order, and Marduk’s stomach dropped. The gods’ black garb melted into the darkness, making their glowing white masks look like ghosts. His blood ran cold as the ghostly masks floated closer, their hands reaching out for him. He spun around, clinging to Shamash while the gods of the Order touched him all over. A hand took hold of his cock, while other hands stroked him and fingers probed deep inside him. Marduk felt a scream building in his chest, but all that escaped him were tortured groans.

“Shamash, please.”

“This is only the beginning, Marduk,” Shamash said softly. “The things we’re going to do to you will tear you apart, but when you awake from it all, you will know without a doubt that you belong to us.”

Shamash kissed him again and then shoved him into the swarm of glowing masks. Marduk tried in vain to get back to Shamash, but the swarm of gods laid claim to him.

“Shamash!” Marduk cried. Terror swept through him as the gods dragged him down to the ground.