We offer special thanks to Mia Kim for her inspired and tireless leadership of the entire Storynomics enterprise. We would still be outlining if Mia had not kept us on task.
We are grateful to Linda Boff of GE, Raja Rajamannar of Mastercard, Caleb Barlow of IBM, Jeanniey Mullen of Mercer, Natalie Malaszenko of Overstock, David Beebe of Marriott, and Patrick Davis of Davis Brand Capital who graciously shared their time and wisdom with us.
We owe thanks too to Tricia Travaline, Genevieve Colton, Adam Vavrek, Ruben Sanchez, and Dara Cohen who have done heavy lifting to make the Storynomics enterprise a success. We are grateful to Marcia Friedman and Tom Hardej, who edited our early copy and helped ensure consistency of voice, and to Carl Rosendorf, Ann Gerace, Darryl Gehly, Dan Baptiste, Rob Murray, Caleb Gonsalves, Lauren Meyer, Michael Gowen, Kent Lawson, Bob Dekoch, Jim Rossmeissi, and others at Skyword, Boldt, and beyond, who read early drafts of the book and provided invaluable feedback along the way. And we thank Jim Manzi, for his unwavering support and belief in the power of story to drive change.