I would like to thank the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro for granting me a research leave in the spring semester of 2013, during which I was able to research and write large portions of this book.
I would also like to express copious thanks to Yoram Allon, Commissioning Editor of Wallflower Press, whose patient and cheerful support made the publication of this book an unusually pleasant process. Thanks go also to the editorial staff at Wallflower Press, whose comments and suggestions for revisions were invaluable and contributed greatly to the final shape of this book.
Many, many thanks are owed to Dr. Will Dodson for his generous assistance and insightful commentary during the final preparation of the manuscript, and for his always upbeat collegiality and friendly encouragement. I would also like to thank all the students who over the years have taken my courses on the Coen brothers and on film noir, most notably, Budd Wilkins, Clayton Dillard, Steve Carter, Riannon Clarke, Wil Davis, Melissa Willenborg, Katie Campbell, Will Sharpe, Robert β€˜Ren’ Brugger, Kevin Harrison, and Tom Barker, for stimulating, challenging, and deepening my knowledge and understanding of the texts that inform this book.
I would like especially to thank my wife, Anita Campitelli, for her loving support of my work, for her patience during my frequent scholarly hermitages, and for sharing with me not only the life of the mind, but a life of family and friendship all these years – still my fantasy girl.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my sons – Jason, Dennis, Matthew, and Joseph. Our little achievers, and proud we are of all of them.