There is another crucial element in the sales hypnosis formula, but instead of using hypnotic states with the client or customer, it is focused on ourselves. This element is self-hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis occurs frequently in everyday life and can be found in such diverse activities as day-dreaming, jogging, prayer, reading, listening to music, meditation, or even driving the freeways. Once in the self-induced hypnotic state, suggestibility is greatly heightened. Psychological barriers and defenses are lowered, and the person’s unconscious becomes more receptive to new programming. This offers a unique opportunity for the sales professional to give himself or herself positive messages that will impact on later thinking, attitudes and behaviors.
Self-hypnosis can be used to overcome problems and concerns such as fear of cold calling, anxieties about a competitor’s product or pricing, reluctance to ask for the order, high levels of stress, nervousness, or concerns about self-image. Self-hypnosis can even be used to transform many of these fears or concerns into strengths.
In self-hypnosis, resistance is minimal to nonexistent because the person is voluntarily engaging in the self-programming.
There are a number of easy, practical ways to practice self-hypnosis without having to sit in a darkened room, perhaps with a candle flickering on the desk, and stare at a shiny gold watch that swings rhythmically from a chain. Those props are not necessary because any set of words, thoughts, suggestions, visual images, or auditory messages, when repeated over and over again, develop the ability to mesmerize.
How to Use Repetition to Trigger Self-Hypnosis
In sales and marketing, Madison Avenue has long used advertising techniques based on self-hypnosis, or, as it is sometimes known, “autohypnosis.” A famous saying in advertising is, “Nothing sells like repetition.” Advertisers know that a message repeated again and again can sink into the deepest subconscious levels of a person’s mind. Consequently, the movement in advertising now is for relatively simple messages presented continuously over a period of time. In radio advertising, for example, spots are not sold individually, but in groups of 25 or 50 or 100 or more to each client company.
Why is the repetition of a message so effective in triggering autohypnosis? The first time we hear something, we might doubt it. It might even shock or surprise us. By the fifth time we have heard it, it has become “old news.” After we have heard it fifty times, it is a part of our subconscious minds. We might even find it difficult to remember a time when we didn’t like Tide detergent or Palmolive soap or Ritz crackers. We like and trust what is familiar and familiarity is bred through continuous presentations.
In some cases, autohypnotic messages may even seem to acquire a life of their own. Have you ever found yourself humming an ad for MacDonald’s hamburgers or for Juicy Fruit chewing gum? You heard the ad so many times, it became a part of your subconscious programming.
In the same way that Madison Avenue advertises to us through repetition, we can create our own ads and advertise to ourselves. However, instead of selling ourselves a product, we can sell ourselves on powerful thoughts and powerful actions. If we program ourselves with these powerful thoughts on a regular basis, we internalize them and believe them.
Many top athletes use forms of autohypnosis. Some repeat phrases such as, “I am relaxed and strong,” or “I am full of energy,” hundreds of times. They also visualize perfect performance. They see themselves effortlessly gliding over the hurdles, swimming through the water like a dolphin, or giving it that last kick in the final mile of the marathon. Gradually, these messages are internalized as part of the athletes’ unconscious—part of their personality—and, as a result, show up in their behaviors during competition.
These athletes realize that the human mind is never a vacuum and that we are always thinking of something. Knowing this, they have decided to actively take control of their thinking by programming their minds with positive thoughts and images of perfect performances. It is a powerful hypnotic process that gives a competitive edge.
Using Self-Hypnosis to Transform Negative Thoughts Into Positive Action
Competition is also the hallmark of most sales jobs, and it is essential for salespeople to be relaxed, strong, full of energy, and motivated.
Take the case of Jay, a stockbroker for one of the major brokerage houses. After the crash of October 19, 1987, Jay found that he was having difficulty making cold calls. For the first time in his brokerage career, he felt paralyzed when he attempted to cold call new prospects. As his stomach tied up in knots, he looked for anything else he could do to avoid making cold calls. He re-read the Wall Street Journal, he straightened out his files, he re-organized his desk, he even typed letters. He did anything and everything except make cold calls.
Jay found that he had been negatively hypnotizing himself with the following self-talk:
“Cold calls are worthless.”
“No one wants to talk with me.”
“This is a waste of time.”
“No one wants to buy stocks anymore.”
“Why did I ever go into this business?”
Jay had unwittingly re-programmed himself with thoughts that destroyed his ability to make cold calls.
We then taught Jay how to use some new methods of self-hypnosis which are specifically designed to substitute positive thoughts and expectations for negative ones. Here are some of the autohypnosis affirmations he used:
“I am a skilled cold-caller.”
“Cold calling is easy for me.”
“I am a pro.”
“I am a skilled sales professional.”
“People like to talk with me.”
“I make good investment recommendations.”
As Jay repeated these self-talk messages about 100 times a day, day after day, he began to internalize them. They became part of this thinking, orientation, and self-image. In relatively short time, he was back making cold calls. And, he was back to making money.
How to Use Positive Images
Like the successful athletes who visualize perfect performances, top salespeople picture themselves communicating effortlessly with prospective customers, persuasively answering questions, skillfully uncovering needs, and smoothly moving towards the close.
Through positive imaging, people can picture the way they think various situations will transpire, whether picturing an evening with the in-laws, a discussion with the auto mechanic, or a sales call. And, the positive imaging can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, with the situation unfolding as it was visualized. This occurs because people behave in a way that makes the inner “mental” reality become outer “real world” reality.
As with all great powers, autohypnosis has its negative as well as positive forms. It is quite revealing to look at how negative self-hypnosis can be turned positive to increase sales.
Picture a runner who keeps seeing the third hurdle in the race as a major problem. As he or she approaches that third hurdle, it will look like the Great Wall of China. The runner is very likely to hit this third hurdle.
What about golfers and the word “shank”? A shank is a low, grass-eating dribbled shot that skids off sideways. Any golfer will tell you that you should not even think of a “shank,” and never, ever say that word on the course. Golfers believe that if they say it, their next shot will be one.
Let’s look at a case history from sales where positive hypnotic imagery was beneficial. Lou sells X-ray equipment and CT scanners for a company we do sales consulting with. He had been earning over $100,000 a year, but entered a sales slump recently. What changed? He still had the same high level of product knowledge. He was still honest, energetic, and helpful.
After several interviews with him and after traveling with him in the field, we learned he had fallen into a habit of visualizing failure. As he drove to see a prospect, a doctor at a major medical center in California, he would imagine being kept waiting for an hour to see the physician. Then, he would hear himself speaking to the doctor with anger in his voice. He imagined the doctor showing no signs of interest in the company’s medical equipment. Then he would imagine the doctor cutting the appointment short. Lou repeated these scenarios endlessly in his mind.
He hypnotized himself to expect the worst and made his expectations self-fulfilling prophecies. In a word, he expected to go into his sales call and “shank it.” When he walked into the doctor’s office, he was already three-quarters defeated.
We gave Lou new methods of autohypnosis. We showed him how to substitute positive images for negative ones. Here are some of the autohypnosis visualizations that helped Lou break out of his sales slump. Lou ran these images through his mind again and again, particularly as he drove to see clients:
“I see myself enjoying sales.”
“I see myself selling with ease.”
“I see myself working well with doctors.”
“I see doctors smiling at me.”
“I see doctors valuing my opinions.”
“I see myself relaxed and self-confident with doctors.”
Four Essential Characteristics of Effective Self-Hypnosis Messages
Notice that these autohypnosis images and the previously described autohypnosis affirmations have four characteristics in common: they are short, unambiguous, clear, and positive. Let’s look at each of these characteristics of successful autohypnosis affirmations.
Short and unambiguous: It does little good to say, “I sometimes like to sell when people are nice to me and if I have a lot of energy and if I am getting a lot of sales.” There are too many conditional statements such as “sometimes,” “when,” and “if.” Successful self-hypnosis is built on short, clear, unambiguous statements. It is far more effective to say: “I like to sell.” “People like me.” “I like people.” “I enjoy selling.” If you repeat these short unambiguous autohypnotic affirmations enough times, you will actually re-program your own unconscious, and these beliefs will become a viable part of your personality.
Clear: You want that positive image to be crystal clear in your mind. Turn up the brightness, see all the colors and details. Zoom in for a close-up shot. See it in three dimensions. The more vivid and intense the mental image is, the deeper it sinks into your subconscious mind. And, the more power that image carries.
Positive affirmations: Instead of saying, “Selling is not hard for me,” say “Selling is easy for me.” Eliminate words such as “not,” “never,” “can’t” and “impossible.” These words create mental strait-jackets which severely limit your actions. Remember: Your dominant thoughts, whether positive or negative, will become your reality! Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or can’t, you are right.” Think you can—and you will be able to do it!
When positive affirmations (“positive self-talk”) are combined with positive images, the impact is even greater. Not only did Lou repeat his positive messages over and over, he also visualized clear images in his mind of how he wanted his sales calls to go. Instead of picturing himself sitting in a doctor’s waiting room staring aimlessly at his watch or an outdated sports magazine, he pictured himself meeting successfully with the doctor. He pictured himself greeting the receptionist warmly and being ushered in to see the doctor. He pictured himself pacing the doctor’s body language and pacing the doctor’s thought processes. He pictured himself anticipating every one of the doctor’s toughest objections and saw himself answering it with ease due to his professional sales preparation. And, he could picture himself and hear himself close the sale. With that positive self-image and a positive sound track he was bound to succeed.
Using Self-Hypnosis at Night to Get a Running Start in the Morning
In addition to using self-hypnosis while making your sales calls, there is another time it is extremely effective—just as you are about to fall asleep.
When people are about to fall asleep, just at the point of dropping off, there is a “Twilight Zone” between sleep and wakefulness. During this time, there is a window into the unconscious. Some of the normal barriers, defenses and filters are dropped, and this offers a great opportunity to plant positive messages and images.
This Twilight Zone time is the optimal moment to visualize successful sales presentations and to program yourself with positive self-talk. You are maximally open to these healing and motivational messages. See yourself confidently greeting people, see them warmly responding to you, see yourself making fascinating presentations, effortlessly answering questions and filling out the paperwork to close the sale. Hear yourself complimenting your prospects and customers and hear them complimenting you and your products or services.
Just as you are falling off into sleep, your final self-hypnosis message should be, “I will sleep soundly and deeply and tomorrow morning I will wake up refreshed, energized, fully-rested and ready to go!” “I am a winner and tomorrow is going to be a great day for me!” Creating these belief systems virtually guarantees that you will sleep more soundly and that you will wake up feeling refreshed and invigorated.
We have worked with some of our clients to make cassette tapes of various positive images and positive messages. As the sales professional drifts off into sleep, these wonderful hypnotic messages are effortlessly slipping into their belief systems. We normally use just a short ten or fifteen minute taped hypnotic message. The sales pro wakes up the next morning recharged, enthusiastic and ready to go! His or her sales personality has been boosted with some strong psychological vitamins.
How to Use the Classical Steps of Self-Hypnosis
In addition to using positive imagery and positive affirmations, there are classical steps that can be used to rapidly induce states of self-hypnosis. You should find a quiet and private setting where you will be uninterrupted for 10 or 15 minutes. If you have succeeded in hypnotizing yourself and the phone rings or someone enters the office, you’ll be pulled out of the hypnotic state.
The first step is to sit in a relaxed position, lean back, and place your arms on the armrests or on your lap. Next, take a couple of deep, healthy breaths. As you breathe, tell yourself:
“I am breathing in clean, healthy air.”
“I am breathing out tension and stress.”
“With each breath, I am becoming more and more relaxed and sleepier.”
Then say:
“I am looking forward to going into hypnosis.”
“I am beginning to enter hypnosis.”
“It feels good to go down into hypnosis.”
“Nothing can disturb me.”
“Nothing can disturb my peace of mind.”
“Nothing can disturb my focus.”
You are now entering a state of increased suggestibility in order to plant positive messages and images.
Now, pick a focal point. It can be any object at all, although it should be rather neutral in terms of its meaning to you. So, your focal point should not be an award, an appointment book, or a picture of a family member. Rather, a light switch, a corner of a picture frame, or a drawer handle will do nicely. What you are trying to do is to totally clear your mind and focus only on that object.
Having selected it, concentrate on the focal point and on nothing else. Now, while you continue to breathe slowly and deeply, repeat the word. “relax.” Over and over and over again, say the word “relax” to yourself.
You can now tell yourself the following:
“I am in a state of self-hypnosis.”
“I am going to give myself some important suggestions.”
“I can feel my eyes relaxing, my shoulders relaxing, my stomach, my legs, and my feet relaxing.”
“I am totally relaxed.”
“I am going deeper and deeper and deeper into hypnosis.”
Repeat these words over and over again for a few minutes.
To check to see if you are actually hypnotized, you can tell yourself that your right hand will lift automatically, with no effort by you whatsoever. If you feel it start to move and slowly rise all by itself, you know that you have entered a hypnotic state. Now, you are ready to program yourself with positive affirmations and positive images. You are in a hypnotic state.
The hypnotic affirmations and positive images you program in should be repeated a number of times, and should be short, clear, unambiguous, and positive:
Say: “I am a great closer,” and see yourself effortlessly closing sales.
Say: “My products are superior,” and see customers who are very happy with your products.
Say: “I love to prospect,” and see yourself warmly meeting and interacting with new prospects.
Say: “I have extra sales energy,” and see yourself making one extra sales call each day.
In addition, you can also program yourself to be relaxed, self-confident, poised, gracious, knowledgeable, and helpful. You can use self-hypnosis to program in virtually any productive behavior or positive attitude you desire.
You can even program in post-hypnotic suggestions. These are suggestions that call for a specific action to take place after the hypnosis. For example, another stockbroker who was having problems making cold calls gave himself the post-hypnotic suggestion to associate making a cold call with looking at the ticker tape. During the hypnotic session, he programmed in himself, “Each time after I look at the ticker tape, I will pick up the phone and make a cold call.” And, that is exactly what he did. He almost effortlessly made more cold calls and picked up additional clients.
When you feel ready, whether after a few minutes or even a half-hour, you can easily “wake up” from self-hypnosis—although you are not technically asleep at all. As you begin to feel the need to come out of hypnosis, it is best to give yourself a message like:
“When I count to three, I am going to leave the hypnotic state.”
“The messages I have heard and the positive images I have seen in hypnosis will be a permanent part of my thinking and my actions.”
“When I wake up, I will feel rested, positive, and refreshed. One, two, three.”
Now, you may want to slowly stand up, stretch, take a few deep breaths, and then get on with your day with a positive attitude.
It is important to note the fact that the effects of hypnosis do not last forever. While you can give yourself powerful messages and positive images in hypnosis, there are other factors at work in society that can program in negative beliefs and fears. Sometimes, even other salespeople or a sales manager can program in negative thoughts!
To maintain and increase the positive benefits of self-hypnosis, it is best to practice it on a regular basis. For some people this may be once a week. If everything is going very well for you, and you are exceeding your sales quotas, you may only need to use self-hypnosis once a month. During stressful times, you may want to use the benefits of self-hypnosis on a daily basis.
How to Manage Stress through Self-Hypnosis
There are numerous methods to manage stress, such as time management, assertiveness training, life change analysis, exercise, and diet. You have undoubtedly noticed that each method works some of the time for some of the people. What you may not know is that the effectiveness of each method is dependent primarily upon the attitude of the person using it. And, self-hypnosis can give you the positive attitude and positive expectancy that is necessary to make any stress management technique maximally effective. Also, self-hypnosis itself is one of the most powerful stress management tools we have.
MOST SALES JOBS, BY DEFINITION, EXPOSE A SALESPERSON TO SOME OF THE MAJOR SOURCES OF JOB-RELATED STRESS. Read any detailed description of a sales job and you will see these stress-causing factors. Called “stressors,” they include: dealing with obstacles placed in front of goals; dealing with unreasonable demands; dealing with conflict; dealing with differences of opinion; time deadlines; frequent travel; lack of privacy; dealing with strangers; and long work hours. In fact, many sales jobs contain almost all of these stressors.
Maryanne, a successful salesperson, had been kept waiting for over an hour for what should have been an easy sale. This made her upset to begin with. And then the presentation went poorly—there were several telephone interruptions, she didn’t have all of the necessary figures, and the customer indicated that he wanted to do some more checking with her competitors.
Maryanne left the meeting dejected, frustrated, and physically tired. She drove a long way to get to the meeting, and could have made several other sales calls instead. Riding in bumper-to-bumper traffic, her white-knuckled fists clenching the steering wheel, she had a choice. On the one hand, she could fume. She could sit in the car, and focus on how unfair it was that she had to deal with all these frustrations, how terrible it was to have to deal with this kind of prospect, how she could have made other sales calls, how slowly the freeway was moving . . . .
If she pursued this option, what would Maryanne really be doing? She would be making herself the target of all of this stress, and the stress would be internalized. Prediction: Maryanne would arrive at her next meeting with a headache, a bad attitude, or upset stomach, or a backache, or increased blood pressure—or some of all of the above.
Fortunately, she knew she had another choice. She could use self-hypnosis even as she drove on the freeway. She did this by taking a few slow deep breaths and then repeating some positive affirmations to herself. These affirmations dealt with the sales situation she had just encountered, and were designed to lower her stress. They included:
“I can feel my shoulders and neck relaxing.”
“I can feel my back, arms, and legs, relaxing.”
“I am a careful, alert, relaxed driver.”
“I am still a winner.”
“I have positive expectations.”
“I feel my energy increasing.”
Many people naturally fall into hypnotic states while driving. This is called “highway hypnosis.” People skilled in the use of self-hypnosis know how to guide and use these hypnotic states to their benefit. They enter into positive highway hypnosis. People who don’t understand how subconscious programming works fall into negative highway hypnosis. It is important to remember that whenever you are driving you should program yourself with the message, “I am an alert and careful driver.”
While sitting in her car, Maryanne also accessed some positive visualizations. She saw pictures of her many happy customers. She saw the faces of people who were grateful she had helped them in the past. She also saw positive images of great sales she had made. These positive images and the affirmations helped her to quickly drain off the frustrations of the earlier sales call. She soon returned to her normal cheerful, high-energy persona. She was able to close two sales that afternoon.
There are many other images that Maryanne could have used to drain off the stress. She could have used the “mental vacation technique” to go to a wonderful tranquil place. We strongly suggest you use this technique in your home or office, but never in your car. Using the mental vacation technique, you can go into self-hypnosis and rest deeply in a beautiful vacation spot such as a trip to New England while the leaves are changing colors in the fall, or a ski trip to Aspen, or a trip to Hawaii. She could have visualized a long walk along the shores of a favorite lake, with the waves slowly lapping at the shores and receding back to the deep blue depths, over and over. She could vividly imagine the colors, the sounds, and the smells of that place, and how deeply relaxed and rested and peaceful her whole body would feel. In drawing on these images, she could again repeat the affirmations: “Relax; relax; relax; I am a winner; I have always been a winner; I will always be a winner.”
You have unlimited freedom in what you can program into your mind during self-hypnosis. You can program in messages and images to improve your marriage, to improve your relationship with your kids, to get more exercise, to be more relaxed or to sell more. Each person can select the positive images and messages he or she most needs at that moment. You are the director and the star of the most important movie in the world—the movie that is going on all the time inside your mind!
If you practice self-hypnosis as Maryanne and thousands of other top salespeople do, you will easily be able to handle the inevitable frustrations of selling with grace and dignity. You will be able to draw on your hidden inner strengths. Upon arriving at your next sales call, instead of having to pry your hands from the steering wheel and force yourself to make the call, you will be eager and enthusiastic to make a sale. You will be relaxed, comfortable, and confident. You will be a winner.
How to Treat Stress-Related Ailments through Self-Hypnosis
Not only has self-hypnosis been found to be effective in reducing stress, there is evidence that it can be helpful in dealing with ailments that emanate from stress as well. Self-hypnosis is frequently used today to deal with complaints of headaches, backaches, neck aches, nervous stomachs, and many other disorders.
To see just how effective self-hypnosis can be in this area, let’s take a look at the case of Adam. He was a very successful telemarketer in the insurance and financial services business. However, he was finding that he was getting serious neckaches by mid-afternoon. At first he thought it was the way that he was holding the phone or positioning himself in his chair or at his desk. He made a few equipment changes and body posture changes, but it was to no avail.
A medical check-up indicated what he already knew: His neck muscles were tight and were holding in a great deal of tension. This was placing excess stress on his spinal cord and brain stem. He tried chiropractors, massages, and even special vitamins. But his problem literally and figuratively continued to be a pain in the neck.
When virtually every other treatment had failed, Adam decided to try self-hypnosis. He used the classical steps and, in time, was able to induce a fairly deep hypnotic sate. He then repeatedly gave himself one key suggestion: his left hand has the power to relax his neck muscles. Over and over again he told himself of the healing powers of his left hand. He told himself that if he rubbed his aching neck with his left hand, the pain would subside. He told himself that his left hand, when rubbed over his neck, would warm up his neck, increase the blood flow, and relax all the muscles in his neck. He planted this message deep in his unconscious.
From that point, when his neck ached at work, he would rub it with his left hand, while holding his lightweight telephone in his right hand. The result: his neck felt better. Was it perfect? Not yet. He next imagined warm blood flowing up and then down every artery and vein in his neck. He imagined the warm blood brought nutrition and oxygen to every muscle and every cell in his neck. He was able to see rivers of healthy blood washing through his neck. He told himself that this blood was washing away all of the remaining tension.
His neck began to feel soft and supple and relaxed. Adam began to experience whole days, and then weeks, with no pain. The pain does, however, occasionally, return. Whenever it returns, Adam uses self-hypnosis to melt the pain and tension away. Adam also uses self-hypnosis not just as a treatment for his stress-induced ailment, but also as a preventative measure. He has found that by regularly using self-hypnosis, he can actually prevent the painful neck condition from arising.
Using Self-Hypnosis to Become a Better Learner
We live in a fast-paced and rapidly changing society. What we learn in high school and college is not enough to last us for a lifetime. To be successful in our modern society calls for continual learning. The most successful salespeople and business executives are “lifetime learners.” How can salespeople develop an attitude that makes them eager and enthusiastic lifetime students?
The classical steps of self-hypnosis are very effective in mastering the learning process. One of the reasons many salespeople don’t get much out of conventional sales training is that they have never “learned how to learn.”
Learning, or knowledge acquisition, is strongly dependent upon your self-image and attitude. If you tell yourself, “This is going to be difficult for me,” or “I am going to have a hard time learning this”—you will! On the other hand, you can program yourself with positive images and positive self-talk which will virtually guarantee an increase in your ability to learn and master new material.
Here are some powerful self-hypnosis messages you can use to program yourself to be a good learner:
“I love to learn.”
“I find it easy to master new material.”
“I can easily remember new ideas.”
“I am an intelligent and creative person.”
“I find it easy to put new ideas into practice.”
“To earn more, I will learn more.”
Next, visualize yourself using the new ideas and techniques you have learned. See yourself using the classical steps of self-hypnosis. See yourself hypnotically slowing your voice down with slow speakers. See yourself speeding your voice up with fast talkers. See yourself using powerful unforgettable sales stories. See yourself writing down your most powerful sales scripts. See yourself using all of the other tools of sales hypnosis you learned in this book.
Using these affirmations and positive images will insure that you will learn and internalize this material. We have found that using self-hypnosis to learn and internalize the powerful techniques of hypnotic selling will increase your sales power and your income.
If you have children, you might want to use these techniques to develop in them a positive attitude towards learning. By having them repeat affirmations such as, “I enjoy learning,” and “Learning is fun and easy for me,” they will become much more open to the learning process. With a healthy attitude towards learning, they will be far more likely to get “A’s” in calculus, chemistry and other subjects that many students have “negative” attitudes about. Positive hypnotic affirmations about learning will help your children throughout their entire scholastic careers. Giving your children these positive mental programs about learning is one of the greatest gifts you can bestow.
How to Profit from Self-Hypnosis Today
Our last suggestion is to give self-hypnosis a try today. There is a great deal of scientific documentation regarding the effectiveness of self-hypnosis, and it is safe, easy and free. How many products can make a claim like that?
Where should you start with self-hypnosis? What part of yourself or your behavior should you work on first with self-hypnosis? Look carefully at yourself as a salesperson. Where is your Achilles’ heel? None of us is perfect and we all have some weakness in sales. What is your weakness? Are you anxious about cold calls? Are you afraid to close? Are you overly nervous about the competition? Are you experiencing stress-related ailments? Is your self-confidence slipping?
Why not turn these weaknesses into potential strengths? Self-hypnosis is not a miracle cure, but it is a proven method of using the power of your subconscious mind to give you an extra edge in everything you do. Self-hypnosis using affirmations and positive imagery can definitely give you a competitive edge and a self-confidence edge in your next sales presentation.
You have been introduced to the most powerful elements of modern salesmanship and persuasion. By mastering the combination of sales hypnosis and self-hypnosis and hypnotic sales scripting, you will always know the most powerful thing to say to interest any prospect, you will know how to say it, you will be able to program yourself to make a self-confident presentation, and you will have mesmerizing scripts to close the sale. By practicing with the new tools of interactive video and interactive audio, you will rapidly develop and strengthen your skills. Using hypnotic selling techniques, you will be able to help more people and make more sales. You will have unlocked the most powerful formula for sales success in existence today: programming yourself and effectively communicating with the customer on a very deep level. And, you will gain much self-knowledge and self-esteem in the process.