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Absolute statements, 101–2

Action plan

assessing training needs, 223–24

developing and implementing, 221–30

learning anything, 224–25

reinforcement, 230

Action words, 62–63

Age progression, 25–28

Attention-focusing statements, 85–87


Bottom line questions, 154–56


Can-do statements, 77–80

Cause-effect leading, 69

Charcot, Jean, 10

Company success stories, 198–99

Comparative hypnotic words, 97–98

Competition metaphors, 130–32

Conjunctions, as hypnotic leading statements, 66

Conversational hypnosis

comparative hypnotic words, 97–98

hidden commands, 103–6

steps to mastery of, 40–51

verbal power of, 45

Counseling, hypnosis in, 3

Credibility building, 57–59

Cross-over selling, 35

Customer absolutes, handling of, 100–102

Customer attention and hypnotic methods, 28–30

Customizing script books, 171–81


Dissociation, hypnotic, 28–30


Embedded questions, 136–39

Erickson, Dr. Milton, 40–51, 57–61, 64–65, 68, 108, 114, 138

Extraverbal suggestions, 8


Familiar person, place, and thing metaphors, (FPPT), 127–28

Frozen words, 93–94


German Shepherd phenomenon, 230


Hidden commands, 103–6

name placement, 103–5

story telling, 105–6

High technology training

additional applications of, 196

capitalizing on benefits of, 200–201

company success stories, 198–99

and facilitating growth, 199–200

interactive audio/video training, 185–201

major advantages of, 188–96

and mastering sales hypnosis, 183–201

protecting training software, 200

and role playing, 184–201

skill-building benefits of, 188

unique advantages of, 186–87

Hot words, selecting/expressing, 82–85

Hypernesia, 18–21

negative hypernesia, 20


history of, 9–11

levels of, 4

as part of everyday life, 4

popular conceptions/misconceptions, 3

in psychotherapy and counseling, 3

self, 203–20 (see also Self hypnosis)

Hypnotic absolutes, 98–100

customer use of, 99–102

when to use, 9

Hypnotic dissociation, 28–30

Hypnotic instant replay, 46–49

Hypnotic stories, 50

Hypnotic story selling techniques (see Sales stories and metaphors)

Hypnotic trust, minimizing resistance to, 14

Hypnotic trust-building techniques, 53–80


Ideosensory trance, 15

negative emotions, 16, 22

sense-sational selling, 16

Interactive audio/video training, 185–201

Intonations, 8

Intraverbal suggestions, 8


Leading statements

can-do statements, 77

cause-effect leading, 69

conjunctions, 66

must-do statements, 75–77

repetition techniques, 72–74

sales, 65–80

sales adverbs, 68

yes set, 70

-ly hypnotic words, 92


McMahon, Ed, 231–255

attention grabbers, 238–45

humor to close sale, 252–55

hypnotic persuasion principles, 231–55

secrets of group selling, 245–52

word magic, 233–38

Mental vacation technique, 215–16

Mesmer, Frederick, 10

Mesmerizing sales presentations, 82–110

attention focusing statements, 85–87

comparative hypnotic words, 97–98

customer absolutes, 100–102

frozen words, 93–94

hidden commands, 103–6

hot words, 82–85

hypnotic absolutes, 98

-ly words, 92–93

missing words, 89–92

superwords, 102–3

surprise, 107–8

taking the sale away, 87–89

talking products, 109–10

trance words, 106–7

unfreezing, 94–95

vague verbs, 95–97


competition metaphors, 130–32

familiar person, place, and thing metaphors (FPPT), 127–28

other people metaphors, 125–26

other sales metaphors, 128–30

personal metaphors, 122–24

physical action metaphors, 121–22

you metaphors, 124

Metaphor techniques, 121–32 (see also Sales stories and metaphors)

Million Dollar Roundtable, 258–59

Mind-reading questions, 150–54

Minimizing resistance, 14

Missing words, 89–92

subconscious mind, 90

Multi-sensory selling, 16


Name placement, as hidden command, 103–5

Negative emotional states, 22

Negative hypernesia, 20

Negative revivication, 22–25

Neuro-linguistic programming, 82

Non-verbal suggestions, 7


Objections, turning to advantage, 60–62

Other people metaphors, 125–26

Other sales metaphors, 128–30


Pacing techniques, 54–80

action words, 62–63

credibility-building, 57–59

differences in opinions, 59

trust-building, 53–80

turning objections to advantages, 60–62

using the future, 63

Personal metaphors, 122–23

Physical action metaphors, 121–22

Positive emotional states, 21

Posthypnotic responses, 32–36

cross-over selling, 35

posthypnotic suggestions, 213

waking hypnosis, 34

Powerful sales stories, 117–18

Psychotherapy, hypnosis in, 3


Questions for closing sales, 135–57

embedded questions, 136–39

how to ask, 139–41, 154–56

how many to ask, 156–57

phrasing direct questions, 141–42

phrasing indirect questions, 147–49

intuitive link through mind reading, 150–54

positive results from negative questions, 149–50

superstar strategies, 142–47

when to ask, 139–41, 154–56

when not to ask, 136


Rapport-building, 53–80, 136

Re-accessing, 46

hypnotic instant replay, 46–49

Repetition techniques, 72–74

Resistance, of customers, 50

minimizing, 14

Revivication, 21–22

and romance, 24

Role playing, 184–201

conventional, disadvantages of, 188–89

with interactive high technology training, 185–201


Sales adverbs, 68

Sales hypnosis

as key to lifelong sales success, 257–63

learning by state-of-the-art technology, 183–202

Million Dollar Roundtable, 258–59

success secrets from a sales hypnosis superstar, 260–62

suggestion, 262–63

unfair advantage, 36–38

Wall Street Journal reports, 259–60

Sales Question Book, 146–47

Sales stories and metaphors, 111–33

equivalence, 126

hidden advantages of, 113–17, 119–21

hypnotic metaphor techniques, 121–32

most powerful types of 117–19

when to use, 117–19

Sales superstars

Ackerele, John, 109

Campbell, Neil, 56–57

Castillo, Leo, 79

Clyde, Kenny, 27–28, 37, 129, 154, 198

Del Dotto, Dave, 224

Frank, Seymour, 258–63

Halpern, Larry, 92–93

Kirk, Bill, 69

Knowles, Pat, 23–24, 84

McMahon, Ed, 231–55

Moss, John, 129–30

Olds, Mary, xvi-xvii

Olds, Tom, xiii-xvi, 163–164

Patterson, Joseph, 222–23, 225, 227–28

Salkind, Sonny, 8

Sweeney, Jim, 74, 98, 112–13, 225

Tortorice, Jack, 162

Sales superstars, strategies of, 142–47

Sales superstars, secret of, 1–11

Script books

customizing, 171–81

definition of, 161

developing and using, 159–69

finding writers for, 180

how to build, 166–69

how to use, 164–65

introduction to, 161–62

length of, 167

profiting by use of, 163–65

safety/security of, 179

sample pages, 173–77

sample sections, 167–69

and triggering creativity, 165–66

updating for fast action, 178–79


becoming better learner, 218–19

effective self-hypnosis messages, 208–9

managing stress, 214–16

night use for morning start, 209–10

picking a focal point, 211

post-hypnotic suggestion, 213

profiting from today, 219

repetition, 204–5

transforming negative thoughts to positive action, 205–7

treating stress-related ailments, 216–18

unleashing power of, 203–20

using classical steps of, 210–13

using positive images, 207–8

Sense-sational selling, 16

Stock psychological profiles, 152

Story telling, as hidden command, 105–6

Stress management, 214–18

Subconscious mind, 90

Suggestion, power of, 262–63

Suggestions, irresistible, 5–9

extraverbal, 8

intraverbal, 8

non-verbal, 7

verbal, 5

Superwords, 102–3

Surprise, and breaking mind sets, 107–8


Taking the sale away, 87–89

Talking products, 109–10

Telemarketing effectiveness and high technology training, 196–98

Time distortion, 30–32

Tools of sales hypnosis, 13–38

Trance words, 106–7

Training needs, assessment of, 223–24

Training software, protection of, 200

Trust-building, 53–80, 136

Turning objections to advantages, 60–62

Twilight zone, 210


Unfreezing decisions, 94–95


Vague verbs, 95–97

Vocal flexibility

elements of, 49–50

intonations, 8

use of, 148, 153

voice matching techniques, 164


Waking hypnosis, 34


Yes set, 70

You metaphors, 124