
Your Thousand Lovers



I think of your thousand lovers

those you loved

those who bought you

those who deluded you

who exploited you

who took advantage of your dreams

those you used

those who desired you

those who used you

I think of your thousand lovers

think of them and I want you

more, think of them and become

angry with myself

angry with them

angry with my abysmal loneliness

with my fear from women

with my fear from you

when I think of your thousand lovers

about your crazy life before me

I can’t understand what happened to us

two lunatics, how two lunatics

become after x years boring

deadly boring, when I think of your

thousand lovers I love you more, I hate you

I want you, you repel me

when I think of your thousand lovers.

When I think you are the only lover in my life

I am proud, I am angry

I want you, I want to kill you

when I think about

my gorgeous loneliness, universal

about my fear from women,

from the thousand women

who wanted me, from whom I ran away

and drove away.

When I think of your thousand lovers

and see you staring at me with your naiveté

I want to embrace you, I want to strangle you

I feel I am going crazy

where are you? Where are you?

I want you, I don't know you

don't recognize you, who are you?

When I think of your thousand lovers

of those who loved you

those enchanted by your eagerness

those who bought you with money, with presents

those who hated you

those who wanted to dominate you

who am I, when I think of those

who visited you before me, before I knew you

who are you when I think

of your thousand lovers

who am I when I want to lie with other women

to be with a thousand women who will love me

or not, I will love or not.

Who am I within your thousand lovers

within and without your thousand lovers?

Come, the tears have fallen



COME COME, THE TEARS have already fallen

you have cried enough a star would dry

the coma of our pain cannot tell

who is going to feed the rain.

Come come on you can cope with it

you are stronger than mountains and seas

stronger than waves and winds.

We have seen bones walk again.

We have seen the dying bird fly

the poor become rich

the amputated hand grow again.

We have seen in the mirage of our imagination

the desert become a river and its water

was never enough for our thirst.

So, now come come again

your tears are sweet.

Time To Go



AND IF IT'S TIME TO go I'll go

but you rarely know when the time has come

to do the right thing

to leave the things that have perished

when they look as if

they were just born today.

It's a place that once was home

or a friend that was once best

or a woman you never loved

a street where cars are torn

or a book, a poem with too many lines

a line for years in my mind

If it's time to go I'll go if I ever know.

You never asked for anything




when I offered money you just smiled

you had nothing but nothing you wanted,

and then

you left twenty years ago, the smile on your face

the laughter melted to your skin

you didn't say why, you didn't say where

there was no one to ask you were

and you weren't as well.

Now here you send me this beautiful flower

so much like me so much like your memory

she says she's my daughter,

she says you said so

on your deathbed, you never said why you left

to France, you never said you'll be back

half you half me.

Like you, she doesn't ask for a thing.

She just smiles.

Nothing I'd rather do



THERE IS NOTHING I'd rather do

than lie with you in bed

this cold sunny winter day

without an erection.

Kiss your lips again and again

smell your skin and your hair's shampoo

not say a word for hours

just a smile from time to time.

Nothing I'd rather do than sit and talk with you

while only the streets remember there is a war.




I came all this way to ask for your hand

my camels need water

my hands, olive oil.

I came all this way to sit by this tree

your hands never smile

your breasts always do.

In my Ketubah I give you

100 poems people will dream about

and one day


100 camels for them.

I came all this way to ask for both hands

but more than that I came

to ask for your tears

those you cried before you knew me

before you dreamt me, I come for

those tears in the jar

to taste the saltiness of your love.

She writes a diary



SHE SUN ON HER FACE cafe Friday noon

writing her diary it's not the first time

I see her

we frequent the same cafes, she ignores me

how lovely, her face changes

from line to line

now she is almost crying

looks like she's writing in jail,

then it returns to normal

and then she smiles she is running

naked on the beach

the sun on her breast and face,

and then it's pain again.

Lady, I have seen you in your secrets

so many times

and wanted to write this poem in front of you

but I didn't have a pen,

no notebook like I used to

in those early days when words were waves

floating into my hands, then you go inside

the winter's sun is too hot to write

I still see you and can decipher

all your secrets

and I want to tell you,

I want to see you everyday

every day writing your diary, know you love you,

be afraid to say something

that might turn into words

but instead of that I am thinking

that the war is near

half of the people sitting in this cafe

will die, half, I mean it,

it's either you with your diary or me,

pure chance,

either me or my wife, my son or my daughter,

I wish I didn't believe my thoughts,

and all this time

you are still there writing,

turning the pages back and forth

writing such wonderful words,

tense and intense,

and your face changing from silver to blue

from gold to black, what's a young girl like you

writing such things, obscure and wonderful.

Sane at last



IT'S AS IF YOU ARE not here

you don't listen

and when you talk things don't make any sense

when did you disappear,

when gone away from the world,

years ago I did not notice,

or just an hour ago, have I changed

or have you,

or did our directions change,

I am not even asking you to come back,

there is no coming back,

no place in the past for both of us

we can now let ourselves distance

and hope to meet or try to force it,

but force is not love,

I am not even disappointed or crying

like I used to

it's like I am living in a cave full of light,

like a dream

where waking up is impossible,

I am not in despair, not in pain,

where am I, is this enlightenment or

dissociation from the world, am I

crazy or am I sane at last.

Speech of the man after the birth of his first son




while eating a croissant quickly

and drinking capuccino

she is so busy with the child

she doesn't even think of herself

her whole world is the boy

so so how is it possible

that she'll pay any attention to me

attention I need so badly.

don't misunderstand me

I love her

but also need some attention.

Speech of the man after the birth of his second daughter




after he finished his cafe au lait

I was always the one to concede

but one day I suddenly felt

I couldn't compromise anymore

I can't communicate with her anymore

and I don't hide our discussions anymore

and the tensions, I don't mind if

everybody knows

I try to survive day by day

somehow continue another day

but relationship,

there's no relationship anymore.

oh... I need some warmth

someone to give me some warmth,

he said while smiling to the girl

with the enormous earrings

sitting with her two friends

in the table near us,

how I need some warmth...

The Speech of Rabbi Akiva

how hard this separation

from this woman I love

or loved

how hard this departure

if there was no love in it

if there were only fights and anger

we could say

this separation is better than joining

but how difficult this separation

to set out for a new road

from this woman who bore my children

who gave me a home

who taught me to love

who saved me from the dark

who helped me study

how long and hard this separation.

The Body




and silence invaded our lives

sex improved

intercourse grew longer


and more


as we learned

each other's body

silence grew longer

conversations became


each one in his corner

quiet and shouting

roaring and still


the body

could express love

hope and frustration

all the possibilities

and the impossibility of being fulfilled.

Between me

Between me and the crown

she stood


stood between me and the crown

and I knew I should make peace with her

to reach the crown

but I fought

and fought her

till I reached the crown.




It's so good being alone

I write poems to you

I sing the trees

it's so good being alone

on my way to London

on my way to Paris

on my way to you

I sing the trees

the snow and the wing

I sing Europe

I sing you a love son.

It's so good being alone

wonderful loneliness

of coming back to you.