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between water and sand
my life is born
between salt and water
my eyes turn blue
between shore and sand
my skin glitters
I am the one coming
from the other side of the sea
the other shore
the one which people say it doesn't exist
at the end of the sea
I am the sun that awakens
the sun that sets
I am
the other.
Take me to lands of no cold
where the summer never ends
where clouds never show
where people never cry
Take me to the clouds of no tears
to people who never saw fear
to people who never had to decide
where to live or when to leave
Open your arms to me but do not kill me
I am tired of dying life after life
and coming back to die again
Open your heart to me and I will not eat it
I will caress its beats and bits
then through fire we will walk and kill the heat.
Human Sacrifice
I must ask how many people
are killed for CNN, the new god
the new Baal the new Ashtoret,
bring us your children to die
and we'll cover you, you will be right,
bring us your children
to the altar, we will have more ratings,
die for the sake of Pharaoh
for the afterlife of share-owners,
die and be right, kill and be cursed,
die and be blessed.
BEWARE OF MODERN GODS asking for your life,
hands and legs,
beware, they are everywhere.
I DEFINITELY WANT AN answer to this question...
Six Million
When we say 6 million
what do we mean?
We mean that six millions Jews
according to the Nazi's definition
were killed,
anyone who had a Jewish great grandfather
could either be killed for being a Jew
or be a Nazi if nobody knew.
Do we accept the definition of the Nazis
for people that didn't want to be Jew
and were they alive would be annoyed
if they were called Jews?
So, now, even dead, their race and entity
was defined by their killers.
What does all this mean?
It means that science invented the idea
that Races exist.
This was real Science in the nineteenth century.
What next? Genetic extermination?
Genetic races? Hears about it already
the Jews have a specific Gene.
Which means?
People from a religion that accepts everyone
and has mixed with every nation on earth
was killed for being a scientific race.
Which also means?
That the Germans exterminated not only Jews
but also their own people and race accusing
them of being Jews.
It means that scientific truth can lead to hell.
Strip poetry
POUR IT DOWN WORDS like tears words like waves
pour it down until it bleeds people love the blood
not the words not the world behind them
pour it down till there is no more coagulated
blood in your veins, poor it down until
there are no more sounds, no more throat,
poor it down like an orange juice,
like lemons from caves, like olives without oil,
poor it down until you have no more words,
poor it down, pour it until you have
nothing left, they want you naked,
naked not only from your clothes
naked from your skin, naked from your bones,
naked from your hormones,
they want you transparent, bleeding
and invisible, dead and nonexistent,
they want you all and nothing
you are never good enough for the fearful
frustrated you have never gone far enough
while they have never left their room
and you have traveled the moon, but no
it's not enough
castrate yourself, but it's not enough
cut your finger, your hand until you can't write
but you've not gone far enough
amputate your legs until you can't walk
but it's not far enough
this is the new circus of poetry we want you
famous and unknown, we want you killed
by a fascist, dying of cancer, dying in car
accidents, we will interview you
again and again
but we won't read your poems
until you are dead, we want to interview you
about your divorces, your terminal illness,
your mother and how she used to beat you
about your father who raped you,
poets do it, it's the striptease of poetry,
poetry of the striptease,
you want publicity don't you, you have to do it
and people will read you, get drunk, get beaten,
get busted, beat someone, get some news,
be a whore, be a pimp, fuck your own mother,
we love you but we won't read your poems,
be a killer, we will interview you, we will praise
you, be unknown and be famous,
you are selling out man, you are selling out
way before you can sell a book,
you are selling out and selling in, sailing out and
sailing away from