






what's the purpose of his poems

and for whom does he write

everyday he decides to stop writing

to publish a book immediately

to be in a literary clan and make contacts

so he can publish

and in spite of all he always writes

in incredible quantities

everyday he asks himself

about the purpose of the world

his purpose in the world

and everyday he changes his mind

a strange man, very strange in my eyes,

everyday he decides to leave the country

to divorce, to have another child,

to love another woman,

to relax, to change his work, to write a novel,

to write a poem, to speak with editors,

to travel abroad

to write to Marlene to talk to Beni,

to study medicine,

to leave medicine, to give a lecture

on vaccinations,

to attack vivisection, or against

the government, to make a revolution

in his life and his country, to do justice,

to be a criminal

to steal, to return what he stole

and what he didn't steal

to put the tefilinn starting tomorrow,

to keep the shabbatt,

to send his wife to the Mikveh,

to make love during menstruation,

to leave everything

sit down and write no matter what,

to publish in Hadarim

in Moznayim, to publish a literary review

how many decisions in one day,

a man of decisions

he can think

about seven things at the same time

and indeed his head works all the time

the fuses burn every seven days

he thought about moving, buying a car

having a license, closing his bank account

buying the Passion According To Matthew

selling the sound system

repent, become an atheist,

travel abroad, write a letter to the chief rabbi

and pray to God that the rabbinic court will fall

he cursed the rabbis but didn't hate them

they are not more idiots than the others

afraid to talk to literary editors

afraid of examinations, of being criticized

afraid of publishing wants to be famous

as the year passed he became a frustrated poet

but not frustrated enough to get a degree

he rather hates literature, especially prose

but poetry too,

poets and writers get on his nerves

leftists too,

he doesn't get along at all with Ashkenazis

they somehow

always seem to be strangers to him

was scared of the Russian immigrations,

but was happy they came

he never spoke with an Arab

more than ten minutes

he never had an Arab friend, once in France

almost became friends with an Arab

but of course no, as a matter of fact

he doesn't have many friends either

even with himself the situation is not that easy

he was dismissed from the army

because of his auditory problems, a week ago

he hears but only when he wants to

he hears Bach all the time

even when the system is off

he likes Torah classes, and Talmud too

but hates authority, any authority but God

hates politicians, rabbis, doctors, judges, editors

hates them but not really

hates them theoretically

when he meets them he pities them

for thinking they are important

because of their position

they look ridiculous to him, there are days

when all people seem ridiculous to him

a very strange guy this guy,

very strange in my eyes and yes,

why doesn't he learn from experience

they said you'll be thirty and you'll see

he didn't see anything and now

he doesn't hear, what's there to see

that you can be an idiot he always knew

honestly he would leave everything

and emigrate

leave his wife his children for two years

but return after two months, you can never know

he may do it, he is a psycho

but not enough to get a degree

he may divorce but he has no reason

beside the fact that he once decided

he will divorce

married as an experiment for six months

now he is already married six years

his wife is nice understands him

and puts pressure on him

loves his children but all this

just drives him crazy

he is a Sagittarius

more exactly a Libra ascendant

Sagittarius and the moon in the first house

looks for freedom, scared of limitations

once he thought he'd make a living

from literature

at the age of thirty

wrote seven novels (where are they now?)

once he wrote a novel in three weeks

but didn't find a publisher

wrote a thousand poems or more

but published thirty or less

and a poetry book that sold seven copies

some say he is talented

poets expecting him to say they are talented

talent for sale

he thinks he is a genius

of Bachian proportions

but he is not sure anymore, he thought once,

look it is years of frustration

without publishing almost

years of searching

he went to study natural medicine in France

he always has malaises

colds, asthma

less than once but not brilliant

the truth is I wouldn't befriend him so easily

he is strange, moody

sometimes unbearable, yawns

near people who bore him

he doesn't notice, his wife tells him

he likes to think about himself but also avoids it

he of course is not egoistic nor egocentric

no no, he is not like the other poets and artists,

he is different

he avoids them, most of them

they are only into themselves

when he is with people he seldom talks

he talks only of big subjects

philosophy, vaccines, death

and other depressing subjects

he interests his listeners

but gets bored quickly from his own subject

and changes to the next one

what's going to happen to him, seriously,

he asks himself, what can his life interest you

and really what do you care

and really it doesn't seem to, for the moment

who is this man I know and don't know

who is me but I am not him

who is this man

I criticize so much

this question is called positive schizophrenia.

He was a vegan for six months,

didn't really work out,

a vegetarian six years,

now he sometimes eats meat

the doctors proposed he have an operation

for his ears

he thinks doctors are priests,

medicine has become a dogma

they create feelings of guilt,

they cause the illnesses,

they create dependence

they left the angel of death unemployed,

their churches are full of expensive

and frightening machines

he talks a lot about medicine

once he talked a lot about Judaism

with him it is neurotic, the neuroses stay

the subject changes

he is egocentric but less than the average poet

which doesn't say anything

because the egocentricity of poets

is of leviathan proportions

he likes coffee, whole rice, and organic carrots

yes, he eats organic foods

yuppie without money

listens allot to Bach

and Schubert Beethoven Satie and others

for example now while writing he is listening

to Bach

not so long ago he was caught

by classical music

his neighbor Birman also listens

to classical music

they exchange cd's between them

but they have nothing to talk about, yes really

this long poem is starting to resemble

Ashberry's "self portrait in a convex mirror"

that was not the intention,

or maybe there is no resemblance at all

I read it a thousand years ago

he is very cultivated, can talk about any literature

and say interesting things,

he reads allot of poetry

or at least did, read thousands of books

in the four languages he knows

English French Spanish Hebrew

honestly he would stop

in the middle of this poem

take a plane and fly abroad

always dreaming of flights and journeys

dreams and accomplishes, in the last two years

he flew five times, to London and Paris.

He put his daughter to sleep to be able to write

he guards the children, he's had enough of it

would like to find a job

that keeps him away from home

for 20 hours a day

but he is lazy, he needs space

many sleeping hours

the son now asks "what are you writing?"

"I am writing a poem"

"what is a poem?"

and the irritating kid

with chewing-gum in his ears

he proposes to them that they play in their room

and let him write

"where?" really, where

how can you write a poem

in the middle of a family

really how, what does it matter

househusband half a week

I want out

now they climb the desk

both of them, that's enough

the kid got hurt, he cries

and this is no way to write,

he tries to raise his children healthy

granola kids, but the big one already got it

he wants chocolate, chewing-gums,

and everything with sugar

once a day he thinks of moving to another town

of leaving everything, in nature

this is also stupid bourgeoisie

he has a theory

about the strength of imagination

that can be resumed in one sentence

imagination is an industry

that produces reality all the time

he is convinced, like any other theory holder,

that reality proves it

the day after tomorrow he will give a lecture

on vaccinations

he didn't vaccinate his daughter,

but he did vaccinate his son

he didn't know at the time about the corruption,

and the lies behind vaccinations

he can't accuse himself all the time,

he will extinguish himself

but that's what he does

he has a strong Pluto he changes all the time

every time he questions everything

and starts again

this poem is probably a new start

he has changed his ars poetica

a thousand times

now he is thinking about printing this poem

in a hundred copies by himself,

he's had enough of sending to publishers

to literary prizes and foundations without guts

but tomorrow or the day after

he won't be able to read this

it will bore him, like most of what he wrote

he runs all the time, runs with no end

his head explodes from races, always forward

his wife is Leo with ascendant Leo

quite dominant in his eyes, but all women are

was a virgin when he got married,

impotent before that

impotent in his head

was in psychological treatment,

and it solved the problems

he never had intercourse

with any woman but his wife

it is a bit out of date, or maybe

a new avant-garde

for a long time he put the tefilinn every morning

then he stopped, this week he bought new ones

when he treats a patient he puts them and prays

so he won't forget there is no doctor but God

God is the doctor and the others

are his emissaries,

monotheist, but likes stereo

today is the fifth year of his father's death

he had a very nonexistent relationship with him

toward his death they started talking a bit

maybe now that he has a son

things could be different, they could talk

his father was a vegetarian at eighteen

and a communist

and the first one not to fast

on Yom Kippur in his town

he used to listen to the Russian radio,

but he was never a communist

a socialist maybe for six months,

he is for a free market

he was ounce in a demonstration of Peace Now.

Now he can't stand them

but it is maybe a common feeling

for Peace Now peoplethey

can't stand anyone, nor themselves

but this is not engaged poetry,

so let's change the subject

a movement of Ashkenazim,

he gets along better with Sephardim

also with French Jews and gentiles

once a neighbor, a Goy from Australia,

who came to study Torah and Hassidism,

said to him-

"the Ashkenazim have a problem,

they are either religious or secular

the Sephardim don't have this problem,

but they will,

they become Ashkenazim in the middle east

he knows very well that the moment

he starts talking

about Morocco

about the cookies of aunt Sultana

or about couscous

there is a good chance that the poem

will be published

the Ashkenazim want action

they want tamed Sephardim full of longings

to the couscous, to the transit camp

but not Sephardim who will write

philosophical poems

no no no, we won't agree to this,

it is our territory,

what the hell

do they think, they should sit in the corner

we will choose a representative Moroccan poet

or writer that will be mediocre enough

not to put us in danger

or maybe he develops such a point of view

to feel Jew, persecuted, diasporical,

someone has to persecute him

everyone can make it here,

everyone can publish

if he has the right connections

the right group, like anywhere else

a Sephardi has chances to publish

if he is mediocre or worse

even if you are Ashkenazi it is not easy.

(you've had enough of this, haven't you?)

There are people who keep a low level

of literature

it is their main job

he really questions himself, really asks himself,

what's the use of all these words,

for what, for whom

not only you ask yourself

he really doesn't know why he writes

he doesn't think it is important or significant

he wants to be famous but is afraid of fame

he doesn't want to expose himself but he does

come on, really, what's going to happen to him,

he doesn't compromise at all

walks in the room, looks at the mirror

doesn't see himself, bald, glasses,

thinning hair, beard,

someone who missed the year,

comes from May ‘68

or from the October revolution,

or from the next revolution

he often changes his mind

but he has a strong base of ideas

you can't say he is unstable

he aims for the truth with all his heart

accepts the Torah but hates rabbis

the Torah is for him the only divine law

the children have brought down

all the books now

the house is a mess,

his wife will make a scene

when she comes back

he hates her scenes and faces

it reminds him of his mother

he cannot stand criticism but he is very critical

he swallows a lot of vitamin C

magnesium and plants

he passed his exams on naturopathy,

he succeeded,

couldn't believe it

he is afraid and he hates examinations,

in a pathological way

he doesn't have a driving license,

he sleeps allot, ten hours a day

like La Fontaine, always mentions him,

the sleeping genius

he is always looking for pens,

a poet out of his time

who doesn't find himself, who was knowledge

who knew but forgot, who was in Har Sinai

and forgot

that forgot and forgot until he forgot

that he forgot

wandered like the Jewish people

almost everywhere

and now can't find his place

even in his own country

and his feet are worn but his shoes are new,

his clothes clean

like he bought them yesterday, he wandered

in all the countries and his tunic isn't worn out,

and now he doesn't know Hebrew

but it is his upper tongue

with his lower tongue

he speaks three more languages

he doesn't know Hebrew

but knows it better than any other language

he studied English and Latin-American literature,

physics and mathematics, computers

natural medicine, and other stuff

he can't remember,

works as an accountant clerk,

was a cashier, bell boy, translator, librarian

in the national library,

was the manager of the Agnon house,

two months and they fired him,

made a mess

always making a mess everywhere,

now he has settled a bit

but only to make a bigger mess

now he has to feed a family

to go out of the house and chase the beast

he was a journalist for six months

wrote about pop music, worked two weeks

in the plaza hotel

he couldn't wake up in the morning,

six months in the Hilton

now an accountant

for the binational science foundation

and also treats one patient per week

he doesn't have the time to write prose,

that's why

he writes poetry

it asks for high concentration in a short time

prose asks for medium concentration

for a long time

he decided that he'd only write prose if

he is paid for it

at least a small advance,

he likes to think of himself

as a poet who will be discovered after his death,

but that won't happen either

he will be famous long before that,

he works on it with his imagination

and now it is just a matter of time,

a bit of luck, the right place, good relations

and money

but fame is not important

it is important to live well

yes fame is important to him, very important

he has to check all the time if others love him

when they do, he doesn't believe it,

he doesn't believe he will ever be loved

or that it is possible to love him

his head turns in all directions

and he doesn't have time for public relations,

and especially he doesn't have the strength,

he went a few time to the literary cafes,

and spoke to all the editors

in every literary review he was published once

they gave him a chance but he was

not consistent in his attempt to publish,

and the editors weren't consistent

in their will to publish him, all this has to change

all the foundations rejected him,

never won a prize

except for the Amos Foundation

that once gave him a hundred dollars

and with it he published The Suicide Of God

a book not understood,

so what, he is happy about that

and that it won't be understood so quickly,




he has time, everyday he has more time

and more patience

but the frustration accumulates

if it didn't he wouldn't have written this poem

if he was famous he wouldn't have written

this poem

everything has a sense and a direction

and every thing has its time

now he waits, it will come, tomorrow it will come

it will come

at its time.