
Mumia Abu Jamal


SOME SAY WE ARE IN a time of law

some say our democratic countries

Have the best Juridical systems ever

but by the torah's law you couldn't be death sentenced

two witnesses have to see a man

and before he killed tell him that it is forbidden to kill

and that such crimes get a death sentence,

and the Talmud tells the story of a man with a knife

running after another man into a cave

then the man comes back with the knife full of blood 

and says that the one who was killed took his knife and killed himself

and that he took the knife back because it's his and it's expensive.

Tell me, is there judge that would send this man free

Where is the jury that would say “Not Guilty” 

but for all we know nobody saw him killing

and by Jewish law he is a free man 

and God may judge him if he wants,

or after all, if nobody's seen him killing

how do we know he did it?