The Pagan Isms

Around me roar and crash the pagan isms

To which most of my life was consecrate,

Betrayed by evil men and torn by schisms

For they were built on nothing more than hate!

I cannot live my life without the faith

Where new sensations like a fawn will leap,

But old enthusiasms like a wraith,

Haunt me awake and haunt me when I sleep.

And so to God I go to make my peace,

Where black nor white can follow to betray.

My pent-up heart to Him I will release

And surely He will show the perfect way

Of life. For He will lead me and no man

Can violate or circumvent His plan.


[I turn to God for greater strength to fight]

I turn to God for greater strength to fight

The enemies of decency and truth,

Because he holds the Sacred Light

To lift me in His everlasting ruth.

Lord of the world, if I had only trod

In my youth’s prime the straiter way of life,

The joy that comes from having faith in God,

Would now exalt me in the thick of strife.

So help me then, that I may never quail

Before unrighteous men, though they’re equipped

With devastating weapons, clothed in mail

And arrogance and think they can’t be whipped!

Because they have bamboozled simple men

To think that all life lies within their ken.


The Wise Men of the East

Oh, one was black of the wise men of the East,

Who came with precious gifts to Jesus’ birth,

A symbol all men equal were at least,

When Godhead condescended to the earth.

The Ethiopian in Jerusalem

Was human to the preacher of our Lord,

Who drawn to him as to a precious gem,

Bestowed on him the message of the Word.

Yes, and a great Black Empire was the first,

To change itself into a Christian nation,

Long before Rome its pagan fetters burst

And purged itself for Jesus Christ’s oblation.

From the high place where erstwhile they grew drunk

With power, oh God, how gutter-low have black men sunk!



“The peace that passeth all understanding.”

Lord I seek not, I need only the voice

Of Thy true Faith authentic as I sing,

In my weak heart, so that I can rejoice

Within my soul. For if I can hold on

To Faith in Thee, no other things will count!

I know that I must face my God alone,

Though meddlers think their meddling plans amount

To aught in this new life to which I turn,

Scrambling like kids where angels fear to tread!

Oh Lord, there’s yet so vastly much to learn:

For Faith is Knowledge, Truth is just ahead,

And also right behind and present now!

Alive like flowers on the springtime bough.



Lord, shall I find it in Thy Holy Church,

Or must I give it up as something dead,

Forever lost, no matter where I search,

Like dinosaurs within their ancient bed?

I found it not in years of Unbelief

In science stirring life like budding trees,

In Revolution like a dazzling thief,

Oh, shall I find it on my bended knees?

Oh, what is Truth, so Pilate asked Thee, Lord,

Two thousand years when Thou wert manifest,

As the Eternal and Incarnate Word,

Chosen of God and by Him singly blest:

In this vast world of lies and hate and greed,

Upon my knees, Oh Lord, for Truth I plead.


The New Day

Thousands of years ago the Prophet said,

The lion and the lamb in peace will play,

And by a little child they shall be led,

When Jesse’s rod has flowered the New Day.

Because a golden Child to us is born,

Whose Light upon the earth shall never cease,

Whose Music rustles in each blade of corn—

The Wonderful, the Mighty Prince of Peace.

And shall not all men black and brown and white,

Together work and play in harmony,

In this grand age of universal Light,

The Christ Child gave to man to make him free?

His power through the world must penetrate,

Till it is cleansed of cruelty and hate.


The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages which they say were dark

Like me, were lit up with Thy grace, oh Lord!

And rare with music like a singing lark

Rising with notes of Thy divinest word!

Averrhoes, Aquinas and Maimonides,

Mohammedan and Christian and Jew,

Interpreted the richness of their creeds,

Thy Church brooding over all points of view,

Like a grand tree, rooted in faith supreme,

Its glory and its strength protecting all,

Illuminating Earth with Heaven’s beam

Of the Brotherhood of Man without the Fall!

Hermits and princes, men with wisdom’s rods

With which they walked abroad and talked to gods.


Saint Meinrad

How excellently there among the hills

Saint Meinrad sets her lovely self, and stands,

A wonder to the land on which she spills

The richness flowing from her active hands.

From far and near her children seek this place,

And humbly sit them at their elders’ feet,

To hear the story of Christ’s wondrous grace,

And learn God’s wisdom in this blest retreat.

Oh, there are lovely regions on the earth

God has provided for the good of man

To turn from mundane ways and seek new birth,

To live again as surely as man can!

Such is Saint Meinrad chosen by the Lord

To propagate His everlasting word.


The Word

The Word was God and God He was the Word!

How beautiful, majestic and sublime,

The Word of Man becomes the Sovereign Lord

Of Earth and Sea and Heaven for all time.

Lord of my word, inventor of all words,

Supreme Creator of the Word, Oh God

Who made our words to be as free as birds,

To sing and wing and ring when angels nod!

Thy Word, Thy lovely Music that should lift

Men up to know the grandly magnified,

Oh Lord, Thy wonderful and precious gift

We have betrayed, ignobly crucified.

Oh, spread Thy words like green fields, watered, fresh.

The Word is God and the Word is made flesh!


[Oh shall those Holy Ages come again]

Oh shall those Holy Ages come again

Wherein man’s spirit life was greater far

Than any else within the ken of men

And signaled him to glory like a star.

The glory is departed from this age

Each nation stirs and writhes with jealousy

The scientist informs us—not the sage,

And men imagine they are ever more “free.”

Because they are afraid of discipline,

The meaning of Responsibility

The price that must be paid by man to win

Control over his utter destiny.

So science, not religion it comes from,

Which gives us cravens the Atomic Bomb.

circa 1945–47

[The whites admit the Negroes have religion]

The whites admit the Negroes have religion,

The stuff authentic, as it was conceived

By Jesus Christ, who gave the world his Vision

Which startled Mankind so that they believed!

But Negro religion to the whites is odd,

Because it’s a real part of Negro life—

While white folk have a special place for God

On Sunday when they cease from Satan’s strife,

And go to church—ostentatiously parade

To the grey-stoned, cold-white church—and for whites only 10

Where upon their knees they may command God’s aid,

Where Jesus Christ, our Lord, would be very lonely,

And desire to tumble down those soulless stones,

Useless and nude of life as piled-up bones.

circa mid-1940S

The Catholic Church

Thou art the issue of the Prince of Peace

Who from the Pagan moulded Christian man,

Who died that devastating wars should cease,

And life renewed according to His plan.

The baffled soldier and the lad at play,

They verily have one essential need:

They crave a world where they can breathe today

And live in simple faith and love and breed.

Oh Mother Church! Thou hast the only key,

The knowledge that can bring men back to God,

And help the sodden world again to see

The road to Calvary which Jesus trod!

The stars still lean out of the heaven aglow,

As the Star glowed a thousand years ago!

circa mid-1940S

[The world was called forth by the word of God]

The world was called forth by the word of God,

The thunder and the blackness and the rain

The universe, the heat, volcanoes, sod

And swimming, creeping things and man and pain.

A thousand years are like a day to Thee

Great God, who knows the mystery of Thy plan,

Absorbing all, what things men cannot see,

Thou art so far beyond the ken of man?

Our worshipping of Thee, oh God, even is blind!

How far to Thee our vanity can reach,

What glimpses have we of the eternal mind,

Who are so quick of Thee to rant and preach?

Oh Thou art manifested in all things,

Fixed, creeping, walking, those that fly with wings.

circa mid-1940S

[Some Negroes say that Jesus Christ was swart]

Some Negroes say that Jesus Christ was swart,

And that was why the Jews rejected him,

Just as when Moses for his better part

A Negro woman took, it was so grim

Unto his kin. They say the pictures of

Black Mother and the Child in monastery

And church in Europe are token of the proof

Of Jesus’ strange originality.

Well, Jesus’ color, black or brown or white

Pales into naught before the grand religion,

That He gave Mankind as the perfect Light

Of heaven to shine in Earth’s remotest region.

Yet imagine, if Africa did—wouldn’t it be strange?—

Give the whites a religion far beyond their range!

circa mid-1940S


The Japanese struck without declaring war,

And woke up the self-satisfied landlubber

To remind him that his lovely zephyr car

Could not continue running without rubber,

Which comes from labor of the backward races,

Where men like slaves are beaten to their knees

And paid a cent a day in many places,

To labor for the great democracies.

When Labor marches not with Capital,

In exploitation of its weaker brothers,

Then may we have that International

Of men who live by Truth and think of others,

Who also seek a better life and fight,

Under the banner of the Eternal Light!

circa mid-1940S

For Peace

Lord of the Infinite, proclaim the Peace,

The human heart needs more than anything,

Oh let Thy voice announce that wars must cease

With magic of the ancient thundering!

Thy Church, Thine instrument, shall lead the way,

And bring Thy lost ones in like scattered sheep,

And fold them at the passing of the day,

And give them warmth and love and soothing sleep!

Half of the precious earth is scorched and dreary,

The people stumble in the darkness, blind,

And theory-ridden men are weary, weary,

And in the night no ray of hope can find.

The eternal truths today as in the past,

Must save us yet, if human life must last.

circa mid-1940S

[I could not hate the German or the Jews]

I could not hate the German or the Jews,

Or Negroes love more than another race,

God did not make me thus to pick and choose—

Should Negroes help the whites to be more base?

I hate not white men, but I hate their greed,

Their lives like thousands of congested maggots,

Which in the honey vats of life must feed,

Which dark men to make sweet must burn like faggots.

Yet all of us are sinners in this world,

And, oh Lord, I have often wondered why,

I have been spared and not obscenely hurled

Down through hell’s shafts of splintered glass to die,

Like many dust-burned by war’s blasting wind!

Lord, I have sinned, a thousand times have sinned!

circa mid-1940S

[I do not go to church in search of God]

I do not go to church in search of God,

Nor to the priest for greater revelation,

I would as soon expect that Moses’ rod,

Today could strike and free man from damnation.

I go to church and priest for discipline,

There is no discipline of greater merit,

Than agitates precisely from within,

And makes the body subject to the spirit!

Oh God to me is Love, Eternal Love!

And not a purposeless amazing whim,

All life is breath of God, below above,

God is a spirit and they who worship him

Seeking his loving-kindness and his ruth,

Must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

circa mid-1940S

[Tell me not what love is because I know]

Tell me not what love is because I know,

And you do not, for you have never felt

The passion that is love, and which can grow

To madness, or like avalanches melt

And sweep all things before it into hell.

Preach not about the thing you’ve never known,

The tinkling, throbbing sound of Passion’s bell,

Its music ripe like fields of corn wind-blown.

Oh God, the terror, the consuming flame,

The sweat that oozes from the body of love,

The magic, gem-like in a simple name,

And luscious like the murmurs of a dove!

Oh love is God and God is love indeed,

And he alone its madness can control!

Oh burning bodies and oh hearts that bleed,

Of flesh exalted, duelling the soul!

circa mid-1940S