The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.




After the Winter

After the Winters. See After the Winter

Agnes o’ de Village Lane

Alfonso, Dressing to Wait at Table

Alfonso, Dressing to Wait at Table, Sings. See Alfonso, Dressing to Wait at Table



America in Retrospect

[The American white man is so vastly vain], “Cycle” poem 46

[America said: Now, we’ve left Europe’s soil], “Cycle” poem 34

[And also Negro writers are being made], “Cycle” poem 53

[And no white liberal is the Negro’s friend], “Cycle” poem 49

[And thus, I may be reaching those who mourn], “Cycle” poem 20

The Apple-Woman’s Complaint



The Barrier


The Beast

Beneath the Yampy Shade

Bennie’s Departure


[Big, little white man had his mind made up], “Cycle” poem 30

Birds of Prey

The Biter Bit

Black Belt Slummers

[Black intellectuals deep dive for the bait], “Cycle” poem 22

The Bobby to the Sneering Lady


Bound fe Duty



A Capitalist at Dinner

The Castaways

The Catholic Church

The Choice. See The Wild Goat

Christ among the Dictators. See [When the dictators set them up as Gods], “Cycle” poem 51

Christmas in de Air

The Christmas Tree

The Church. See The Catholic Church


The City’s Love

Clarendon Hills, Farewell!


[The Communists know how Negro life’s restricted], “Cycle” poem 12


Comrades Four

The Conqueror



Cotch Donkey

A Country Girl


Cudjoe Fresh from de Lecture

The Cycle

The Daily Gleaner

Dat Dirty Rum

A Daughter of the American Revolution to Her Son

Dawn in New York


De Days Dat Are Gone

De Dog-Driver’s Frien’

De Dog-Rose

De Hailstorm

De Route March

Desolate. See The Desolate City.

The Desolate City


The Dominant White

A Dream


The Easter Flower



Ephebe. See Patient

Exhortation. See Exhortation: Summer

Exhortation: Summer


A Farewell to Morocco. See Morocco

Fe Me Sal

Fetchin’ Water


Fire Practice



Flat-Foot Drill


Flower of Love

Flowers of Passion

For a Leader

For Marguerite

For Peace

For Sale. See New York


Free! See Free

French Leave


George William Gordon to the Oppressed Natives

Gordon to the Oppressed Natives. See George William Gordon to the Oppressed Natives

Hard Times


The Harlem Dancer

Harlem Shadows

Harlem’s Voice. See [In “kingdom,” occult haunt and cabaret], “Cycle” poem 44

Heartless Rhoda

The Heart of a Constab



The Hermit

A Hero of the Wars

[Hollywood is our first and greatest source], “Cycle” poem 16

Home Song

Home Thoughts

Homing Swallows


Hopping Off the Tram

Hospital Patient. See The Void

[I could not hate the German or the Jews]

[I do not go to church in search of God]

[I feel quite proud of my black African face], “Cycle” poem 8

[If I were white I’d be in Hollywood], “Cycle” poem 17

If We Must Die

I Know My Soul

[I’m utterly entranced by Westbrook Pegler], “Cycle” poem 31

[In Black Harlem they held a little meeting], “Cycle” poem 39

In Bondage

[In Ethiopia there are black Jews], “Cycle” poem 52

[In “kingdom,” occult haunt and cabaret], “Cycle” poem 44

In Memoriam: Booker T. Washington

[In Southern states distinctions that they draw], “Cycle” poem 4

The International Soul. See The International Spirit

The International Spirit

In the Hospital. See Retreat



I Shall Return

Is It Worth While?

[It is the Negro’s tragedy I feel], “Cycle” poem 37

[I turn to God for greater strength to fight]

[It was the white man’s way to build together], “Cycle” poem 48

[I wonder who these wealthy whites are fooling], “Cycle” poem 5


Jasmine. See Jasmines


Jim at Sixteen

Joy in the Woods


Killin’ Nanny

King Banana


Knutsford Park Races

Labor’s Day

A Labourer’s Life Give Me

La Paloma in London

Last Words of the Dying Recruit

Lenox Avenue

Like a Strong Tree

Little Jim

The Little Peoples


Look Within. See [Lord, let me not be silent while we fight], “Cycle” poem 23

[Lord, let me not be silent while we fight], “Cycle” poem 23

Love Song

Lub o’ Mine

The Lynching

The Malingerer


Me Bannabees


A Memory of June

[Men always fight by nations, tribes or groups], “Cycle” poem 25

Me Whoppin’ Big-Tree Boy

The Middle Ages

A Midnight Woman to the Bobby

[The millionaire from Boston likes to write], “Cycle” poem 2

Moon Song

Morning Joy



Mother Dear

The Mulatto


My Ethiopian Maid

My Eucharis

My House

My Love. See To O. E. A.

My Mother

My Mountain Home

My Native Land, My Home

My Pretty Dan

My Soldier-Lad

My Werther Days

The Needle

[The Negro critic has his special way], “Cycle” poem 33

The Negro Dancers. See Harlem

The Negro’s Friend. See [And no white liberal is the Negro’s friend], “Cycle” poem 49

Negro Spiritual

The Negro’s Tragedy. See [It is the Negro’s tragedy I feel], “Cycle” poem 37

Nellie White

The New Day

The New Forces

New York

[The New York critics say, when Shakespeare wrote], “Cycle” poem 14

The Night Fire

[No lady of the land will praise my book], “Cycle” poem 41

North African Spring. See Two Songs of Morocco

North and South

Note of Harlem

[Now I should like to ask for illustration], “Cycle” poem 10

[Now, really I have never cared a damn], “Cycle” poem 1

[Of all the sects I hate the Communists], “Cycle” poem 26

[Of course, we have Democracy but it], “Cycle” poem 29

[Oh can a Negro chant a hymn], “Cycle” poem 40

[Oh filthily they run the tenements], “Cycle” poem 21

[Oh, how exasperating are the antics], “Cycle” poem 32

[Oh how they wrapped them in a maze of lies], “Cycle” poem 45

[Oh, let us have a real good time tonight!], “Cycle” poem 43

[Oh Marcus Garvey! They who hated you], “Cycle” poem 50

[Oh, science keeps marching on from Time to Time], “Cycle” poem 24

[Oh shall those Holy Ages come again]

Old England

On a Primitive Canoe

On Broadway

[One-tenth of India remains untouchable], “Cycle” poem 42

On the Road

One Year After

[Our boys and girls are taught in Negro schools], “Cycle” poem 6


Out of Debt

O Word I Love to Sing

The Pagan Isms


Papine Corner


The Park in Spring. See The Castaways

Passive Resistance



Peasants’ Ways o’ Thinkin’

Petrograd: May Day

The Plateau




Poppies and Poinsettias

A Prayer

Quashie to Buccra



A Recruit on the Corpy

A Red Flower



Rest in Peace



Reveille Soun’in’

Ribber Come-Do’n

Rise and Fall


A Roman Holiday

[The Russian advocates drive high-powered cars], “Cycle” poem 28

Russian Cathedral

Saint Meinrad


School-Teacher Nell’s Lub-Letter

Second-Class Constable Alston

The Shadow-Ring. See Patient

Skeleton. See Mummy


The Snow Fairy

[Some Negroes say that Jesus Christ was swart]

A Song of Birth

Song of New York

A Song of the Moon. See Moon Song

Song of the New Soldier and Worker

Soul and Body

The Spanish Needle

Spring in New Hampshire

St. Isaac’s Church, Petrograd. See Russian Cathedral

Strokes of the Tamarind Switch

Subway Wind

Sufi Abdul Hamid. See [Oh how they wrapped them in a maze of lies], “Cycle” poem 45

Sukee River: first version; second version

Summer Morn in New Hampshire

Sweet Times

Taken Aback


[Tell me not what love is because I know]


[There is a new thing, pretty and dime-bright], “Cycle” poem 9

[These intellectuals do not want to face], “Cycle” poem 27

[They hate me, black and white, for I am never], “Cycle” poem 47

[They have a colored actor in this land], “Cycle” poem 15

[They say in Harlem that I’m pretty washed up], “Cycle” poem 11


[This is the New World that we left the old], “Cycle” poem 35

Through Agony

[Thus I’m boycotted by the Communists], “Cycle” poem 13

Tiger. See [The white man is a tiger at my throat], “Cycle” poem 36

The Tired Worker

To a Comrade

To a Friend

To a Poet

To Bennie (In Answer to a Letter)

To Clarendon Hills and H. A. H.

To E. M. E.

To Ethiopia. See Exhortation: Summer

To “Holy” Russia

To Inspector W. E. Clark (On the Eve of His Departure for England)

To Inspector W. E. Clark (On His Return)

To O. E. A.

To One Coming North


To the Intrenched Classes

To the White Fiends

To W. G. G.

To Winter

To Work. See Dawn in New York

Transient. See Two Songs of Morocco



Tropical Rain

The Tropics in New York


[Tuskegee is disliked by Negro snobs], “Cycle” poem 7


Two Songs of Morocco

The Void

[We are out in the field, the vast wide-open field]

[Were I a poor white I would surely throw], “Cycle” poem 38

We Who Revolt

Whe’ fe Do?

When Dawn Comes to the City

[When I go out into the crowded street], “Cycle” poem 18

When I Have Passed Away

[When the dictators set them up as Gods], “Cycle” poem 51

When You Want a Bellyful

[Where the Bostonian lives, I’m not aware], “Cycle” poem 3

[Whichever way the whites may writhe and squirm], “Cycle” poem 19

The White City

The White House

The White Houses. See The White House

[The white man is a tiger at my throat], “Cycle” poem 36

[The whites admit the Negroes have religion]

The Wild Goat

Wild May

Winter in the Country

The Wise Men of the East

The Word

[The world was called forth by the word of God]


The Years Between