
GRE math goes beyond an understanding of the properties of integers (which include the counting numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, their negative counterparts, such as −1, −2, −3, and 0). The GRE also tests your ability to understand the numbers that fall in between the integers. Such numbers can be expressed as decimals. For example, the decimal 6.3 falls between the integers 6 and 7:

Some other examples of decimals include:

Decimals less than −1: −3.65, −12.01, −145.9
Decimals between −1 and 0: −0.65, −0.8912, −0.076
Decimals between 0 and 1: 0.65, 0.8912, 0.076
Decimals greater than 1: 3.65, 12.01, 145.9

Note that an integer can be expressed as a decimal by adding a decimal point and the digit 0. For example:

8 = 8.0 −123 =−123.0 400 = 400.0