To find 10% of any number, just move the decimal point to the left one place:
10% of 500 is 50 | 10% of 34.99 = 3.499 | 10% of 0.978 is 0.0978 |
Once you know 10% of a number, it is easy to find 5% of that number, because 5% is half of 10%:
10% of 300 is 30 | 5% of 300 is 30 ÷ 2 = 15 |
These quick ways of calculating 10% and 5% of a number can be useful for more complicated percentages. For example:
What is 35% of 640?
Instead of multiplying 640 by 0.35, begin by finding 10% and 5% of 640:
10% of 640 is 64 | 5% of 640 is 64 ÷ 2 = 32 |
Note that 35% of a number is the same as (3 × 10% of a number) + (5% of a number):
3 × 64 + 32 = 192 + 32 = 224
You can also use the Benchmark Values to estimate percents. For example:
Karen bought a new television, originally priced at $690. However, she had a coupon that saved her $67. For what percent discount was Karen’s coupon?
You know that 10% of 690 would be 69. Therefore, 67 is slightly less than 10% of 690.
What is 10% of 145.028?
What is 20% of 73?