Problem Set

For problems #1–6, refer to the following number line. Decide whether each statement Must Be True, Could Be True, or will Never Be True.

    1. s + q > 0

    2. pq > t

    3. p2 > s4

    4. sp > rq

    5. tq = 2

    6. rs > 1

    7. If the tick marks on the number line above are evenly spaced, what is the distance between Y and Z?

    8. Point A, B, and C all lie on a line. Point D is the midpoint of and E is the midpoint of BC; and . Which of the following could be the length of ?

      1. 1
      2. 2
      3. 3
      4. 4
      5. 5
    9. Quantity A Quantity B
      (A)(B) −1
    10. s is the midpoint of
      r = −2q
      Quantity A
      Quantity B
    11. A, B, C, and D all lie on a number line. C is the midpoint of and D is the midpoint of .

      Quantity A
      The ratio of to
      Quantity B
      The ratio of to