Consecutive Integers

QC questions will sometimes ask you to compare the sum or product of sets of consecutive integers. The trick is to avoid finding the actual sums or products by eliminating overlap:

Quantity A Quantity B
The product of all the integers from 2 to 23, inclusive The product of all the integers from 5 to 24, inclusive

Both of these products are far too large to calculate in a reasonable amount of time, even with a calculator. Instead, you need to figure out which numbers appear in both products, and cancel those numbers.

In this problem, the numbers 5 through 23 appear in both sets. You can rewrite the products as:

Quantity A Quantity B
2 × 3 × 4 × (5 × 6 × … 22 × 23) (5 × 6 × … 22 × 23) × 24

The product of the numbers 5 through 23 is positive, and has the same value in each quantity. Therefore, because of the invisible inequality, you can divide out (5 × 6 × … 22 × 23), and focus on what is left:

Quantity A Quantity B
2 × 3 × 4 = 24 24

The values in the two quantities are equal. The correct answer is (C).