Check Your Skills Answer Key

  1. 12

    If you use slots and labels, 3 would go in the first slot (maybe labeled "A-B road"), and 4 would go in the second slot (maybe labeled "B-G road"). Now multiply the number of choices for each leg of the trip:
    3 × 4 = 12.

  2. 18

    Kyle has 3 choices of pants, 3 choices of shirts, and 2 choices involving a tie (yes or no). Label the first slot "P," the second slot "S," and the third slot "T." Put the numbers into the slots. Finally, 
    multiply: 3 × 3 × 2= 18.

  1. 120

    This question is asking for the number of ways to order 5 differently colored rings with no restrictions. So compute 5 factorial:

    5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1  = 120

  2. 5,040

    The 7 letters in a word with all distinct letters (such as DEPOSIT) are distinct objects. There are 7 slots they can go into: the first position in the word, the second position in the word, and so on. 

    So the letters can be arranged in 7! = 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 5,040 different ways. (These rearrangements are called anagrams.)

  1. 56

    Write down 5 slots for the 5 people Peggy chooses for her team. All 5 slots should be labeled the same:



    On Team
    On Team
    On Team

    On Team

    On Team

    Now fill in the slots. Peggy has 8 friends to choose from for the first slot, then 7 for the second, and on down the line.



    On Team
    On Team
    On Team

    On Team

    On Team

    Finally, you multiply those numbers together and divide by 5!, the factorial of the number of repeated labels:

  1. 700

    For the 7 men, you have 3 identical slots. Here's the computation:

    For the 6 women, you have a separate set of 3 identical slots:

    Finally, multiply the choices to get the total: 35 × 20 = 700 different ways to form the committee.

    By the way, this is considerably fewer than the number of ways to choose 6 out of 13 people without regard to gender.