Cast of Main Characters in Order of First Mention

Colonel Paul de Saint-Martin a French nobleman, provost in the Royal Highway Patrol
Comtesse Marie de Beaumont Saint-Martin’s aunt
Baron Breteuil Minister for Paris, distant relative of Saint-Martin and his patron
Captain Maurice Fitzroy an Irishman, womanizer and rogue
Sylvie de Chanteclerc Baron Breteuil’s goddaughter, assaulted by Fritzroy
Anne Cartier English actress of French Huguenot descent; also teacher of the deaf
Madame Francine Gagnon a French milliner on Milsom Street, Bath. Spies for Baron Breteuil
Georges Charpentier resourceful assistant to Paul de Saint-Martin
André Cartier Anne’s paternal grandfather, a wealthy gunsmith
Thomas Braidwood educator of the deaf
Jack Roach a clever criminal; Anne Cartier’s particular enemy
Charlie Rogers 11-year-old deaf son of Lady Margaret and Sir Harry
Lady Margaret [née Pakenham] an Irish noble woman, married to Sir Harry Rogers
Mary Campbell young woman, Charlie’s first tutor, died of a fall
Sir Harry Rogers wealthy slave trader from Bristol, husband of Lady Margaret
Harriet Ware Anne Cartier’s best friend, a singer and dancer. Sir Harry is her patron
William Rogers Sir Harry’s nephew, a 15 year old cheat and bully
Edward Critchley William’s learned tutor
Jeffery also called Lord Jeff. A black slave, footman at Combe Park, and a boxer
Peter Hyde Sir Harry’s coachman and former boxer
Dick Burton Bow Street officer from London
Betty Murphy elderly Irish woman in Bristol, nurse to Lady Margaret and her son Charlie
David Woodhouse Quaker printer and abolitionist
Sarah Smith seamstress, free black woman and Jeffery’s friend