Chapter Thirty-Three

Beth lay in a warm post-coital glow, her head on Hibs’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. The past few weeks had been a rollercoaster. Now, suddenly, she was more in charge of her work and the rest of her world. She still found it hard to believe that she’d stood up to Gordon. She knew that the catalyst for all this change was the man who was currently tracing patterns on her shoulder with his finger.

She lifted her head to look at him. He smiled at her. ‘Hello.’

‘Hibs, I’ve decided that I don’t want to stay in academia. I’ve made an appointment to see a careers advisor.’

He stared at her, his face serious. The finger on her shoulder stopped moving. He didn’t say anything.

‘I’m going to finish my PhD first,’ she added.

He nodded, but still didn’t reply. She rested her chin on his chest. ‘Say something.’

Hibs looked away for a moment before he looked back into her eyes. ‘I’m just thinking that if having sex leads to this kind of announcement, you and I should never sleep together ever again.’

She poked him in the side. ‘Be serious. What do you think?’

‘Is it what you want to do?’


‘In that case, go for it.’ He reached across and stroked her cheek. ‘I’ll support you in whatever way I can.’

She laid her head back on his chest and let the feeling of contentment wrap around her. ‘Where have you been all my life, Dr Hibbotson?’

‘Right here,’ he said. ‘Just waiting for you to notice me.’

Somehow, it was the most perfect thing he could have said.