“The Blood Sugar Solution changed my relationship with food…”

I’d battled my weight since high school, and I’d tried everything—all the usual weight loss programs, online chat boards, and liquid diets. Nothing ever worked… in fact, I rarely was successful at any diet. I was hungry all the time. I read Dr. Hyman’s book UltraMetabolism a few years back and decided to see him as a patient. I am convinced meeting him saved my life, my self-esteem, and my sanity.

We corrected several problems no one else had diagnosed, but my most difficult problem was metabolic syndrome, or pre-diabetes. I had been trying to eat a clean diet, detoxifying, and we had fixed my hypothyroidism. I’d lost some weight, but not enough. Dr. Hyman said we had to “re-set my insulin.” To accomplish this he had me adopt an advanced version of The Blood Sugar Solution for eight weeks. Knowing I could do anything for two months, I was determined to go the distance. In summer of 2011, eight weeks into the plan, I had lost 20 pounds, and as of this writing, I have lost a total of 60 pounds. The biggest miracle is that my cravings are gone! And they have remained gone.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I have a sane relationship with food. I think to myself, “So, this is what normal people feel like!” I honestly never believed I would experience this kind of peace in my lifetime.

—E., Wisconsin

“I owe my life to Dr. Hyman…”

I owe my health to Dr. Hyman. When I first saw Dr. Hyman, I was in the worst shape of my life—overweight, with high blood pressure; on the verge of being diabetic; and, most of all, feeling extremely miserable. With Dr. Hyman’s program, I dropped 75 pounds within a year and got off my blood pressure meds. I have changed my lifestyle and my eating and am more conscious of my health. Today, I am proud to say that I continue to live a healthier lifestyle and am off all of my prescription medications. I owe my life to Dr. Hyman.

—Jane Grimm

“Mark Hyman gave me hope. But he gave me more than that: he gave me results. Within four months, I had dropped 52 pounds, my blood work showed that I was no longer a diabetic…”

Before seeing Dr. Hyman, I had hit bottom. My weight was at an almost all-time high, my blood pressure and blood sugar were out of control, and medications were no longer handling the load. My endocrinologist suggested that I start taking insulin, since my fasting blood sugar had risen to 168 on oral medication. My cardiologist had added medications to the existing regimen to try to reduce my blood pressure to anything close to normal. And it was a challenge just getting out of bed in the morning—I suffered with unexplained stiffness, aches and pains, joint swelling, and headaches.

When I finally went to his office, I remember sitting across from him as he asked about my basic medical history. Then he looked up at me and asked, “What are you looking for?” I waited until my husband was out of the room to confide the question I most wanted to know the answer to: “I need to know how long….” I was prepared for death.

He looked down at the chart and said, “It depends. But I suspect about six months to a year.”

When he heard my breath intake, he looked up, startled. I was holding back my tears, planning how to tell my children how long I had to live. Immediately, his expression changed, and he gently asked, “Did you think you were dying?” I just nodded, as my husband walked back into the room.

“You’re not dying, Parry,” he smiled. “When I said six months to a year, I meant to bring you back to full health.”

Mark Hyman gave me hope. But he gave me more than that: he gave me results. Within four months, I had dropped 52 pounds, my blood work showed that I was no longer a diabetic, and my blood pressure was better than normal. I felt like a different person, and I was. Dr. Hyman gave me the support, understanding, and tools to bring myself back into balance and stay there.

—Parry Aftab

“Not only did this program help me lose 26 pounds (an average of 3 pounds a week) and drop 6 inches off my waist, it helped cure my chronic periodontal disease; got me back on my bicycle, which I love riding; and helped my knees stop aching.”

Seeing the scale climb back up to nearly 220 pounds was worrisome. I had seen that number come and go before, but I had promised myself I wouldn’t let it happen again. Life stressors and personal choices not only pushed my weight up again, but my cholesterol was high, and my doctor was insisting I take medication. I knew that taking medicine would be not only a personal defeat—it would also be the beginning of a cycle of treating the symptoms, not the problem, which would cause other symptoms, which would require other meds, ad nauseum. However, I had finally accepted the fact that I just didn’t have the willpower to figure it all out and do it on my own. I would promise myself that my eating habits were going to change, but I just couldn’t resist that ice cream or diet soda. I was depending on food for comfort, and it was killing me slowly, comfortably…

That’s when I had the opportunity to go on The Blood Sugar Solution. I was so hoping that this program would be different than many I’ve tried, and it really did meet my expectations. It gave me hope to try again, gave me tools and information to make me successful, and gave direction each step of the way. After eight weeks on the program, the quality of my life has unquestionably improved.

Not only did this program help me lose 26 pounds (an average of 3 pounds a week) and drop 6 inches off my waist, it helped cure my chronic periodontal disease; got me back on my bicycle, which I love riding; and helped my knees stop aching. I also feel much less self-conscious having lost the weight and inches. Imagine my surprise after wearing size 18 pants for seven years to finally be able to squeeze into a 12! How wonderful to hear from my family and friends, “You are looking WONDERFUL!” How wonderful to have the energy and agility to play hide-and-seek with my grandkids once again!

I am SO GLAD I chose to do this program!

—Joan Brinkley

“The Blood Sugar Solution has changed me so much, I can hardly express it.”

Brain fog is a disability. It inhibited me from keeping jobs and enjoying life. It hurts self-esteem and makes you question yourself. To be able to think clearly is a wonderful gift this program has given me. I now hold down two jobs. Both employers value me, and I have pride in doing a great job. This is something I haven’t had in 15 years. I’ve also lost 17 pounds, and friends have been noticing the difference.

My husband and I have enjoyed the changes we have made so much that we have decided to make this our lifestyle.

It’s hard to put into words how much difference The Blood Sugar Solution made for me. My boss recently said, “You must feel better after changing your diet.” This is an understatement. It has changed me so much I can hardly express it.

—Jill Allen